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[托福词汇] 第16期托福英语学习:托福词汇16

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Lesson 16 The World of Teacher 教师的世界: |) @5 Q/ @: ]
9 m& P' w2 R' ~6 T+ j! p, w  associate v. 交往(with); 关联,联合;n. 伙伴;adj. 准的(比正式的低一级). Y8 {' ^% i3 ]. b% u& U0 v
  association n. 关联,联合;协会
, m6 G& n6 h. v; X- P. [9 O  assorted adj. 各式各样的,多样混合的; A  g2 _9 N; w  k. _0 C
  assuage v. 缓和,减轻(痛苦等)
0 E/ _  F- s$ S6 x7 g  assume vt. 假定,设想,(想当然地)认为;承担(责任);采用(....的形式或姿势)! H; i: L$ V8 \6 [
  assumption n. 假设;就职3 q) M. h5 h+ n% B& c& g
  assure vt. 巩固,确保;想...保证,使确信  v+ }/ g1 a6 c; w* c
  assuredly adv. 确实地,确信地;自信地,有把握地
8 t% H# }  x! q& ^5 M4 f  astonish vt. 使惊讶7 O; ]; q6 {7 R2 k7 E$ z; A+ U
  astound vt. 使惊异
$ I! g, ]$ B) ]0 N- m  astronomical adj. 天文学的9 E8 D. I! z, `; X2 z5 D
  astute adj. 机敏的,精明的
7 c5 z" ]+ m- H' g9 j" |; `* E  asymmetrical adj. 不均匀的,不对称的
. e! b2 M! U1 R9 @, U, s& M  atheist n. 无神论者
2 `- c/ Q6 I+ l6 `% j  athlete n. 运动员
1 H) c6 z' e4 f6 S  atmosphere n. 大气,大气层;(某一地的)空气
1 l. [. Y, \" G/ ?! s, P  atom n. 原子" Z; J+ n& a, P- o
  atomic adj. 原子的;微子的: H3 K0 ~" L- S- h: v7 B: |& J
  atomization n. 原子化;雾化8 }3 C$ Z+ }9 Q7 w
% C) d" W/ Y" c' r
  atone v. 赎罪,补偿

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  I love to associate with my fellow teachers. We meet at least twice each week at the Faculty association meetings. At these meetings, we ofter talk about our classes over a wonderful snack of assorted fruits. We're a close-knit group, although we're quite different in character.
3 }# k' o+ Z' R% p% Y7 e) [1 k  Jane is one of my most astute coleagues. She teaches a course in astronomical phenomenon. Her students are often astonished when she talks about "black holes" and her theory of the shrinking universe. But she is careful to assuage their concerns. She assures them that her theory is based on a number of assumptions that my turn out to be unture.. X% G' F) k4 ~+ \9 Q8 n! `$ J0 z
  My friend Bob teaches nuclear physics. He says it's all about atoms, atomic particles and atomization. I assume he knows what he's talking about. He must know, given how assuredly he speaks about the subject.
' \% y6 W2 K# Y% z/ k  Mary teaches religion. However, she is an atheist. She has an excellent sense of humor. She often jokes about how she may end up having ti atone for not believing in God.9 }2 }* J4 ^# n
  Jim is our school's physical education teacher. He's natural athlete and he loves basketball. He never fails to astound us with his ability to dunk a basketball backwards without looking.6 K+ J; J4 G7 O6 t
  Lastly, there's Sally, our teacher of geometry. She likes to talk about symmetrical and asymmetrical triangles. Frankly, it drives me crazy to think about those things. But I like her stimulating personality. She probably knows how to turn a boring subject into a fascinating one.
' M, o7 j: M( d4 Q( ^  As for me, I teach art. It brings out my creative side.4 ^% }# M) C  U
+ Y$ B* B4 a1 ^9 {+ T# x  简是我认识的最机敏的老师之一,她教授关于天文现象的课程。每当她谈起“黑洞”和她的宇宙缩小论,学生们都惊讶不已。但她又会体贴的消除他们的忧虑。她向学生们保证,她的理论是建立在若干假设基础之上的,这些假设将可能被证明是错误的。: b" X+ B& [0 A  ~7 z. n/ d
7 O# [8 P% o0 K  玛丽教宗教,但她自己却是个无神论者。她及其幽默,常常开玩笑说她最终可能要为不信仰上帝而赎罪。
; l* R1 G& D  g4 P" k& d  吉姆是我们学校的体育老师。他是名天生的运动员,热爱篮球。我们总是惊讶于她不回头看就能背投中的扣篮技术。' _9 f. {9 s1 K! c5 C
3 N) N9 b* u2 [6 P' Y* m  至于我自己,我教艺术。艺术能发挥出我富有创造性的一面。
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