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[托福词汇] 第21期托福英语学习:托福词汇21

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Lesson 21 Escape 逃避 5 u6 v) Y1 d- k; N* v
, ~9 ?9 |( @( }4 l; x/ ]  barbarian n. 野蛮人
2 [- Z8 }7 H/ L; S( T  barbecue n. 吃烤肉的野餐;烧烤
2 w. B7 f$ T6 O" ~4 ~  barber n. 理发师+ H# L7 \& ]  C* W/ z
  bare adj. 无遮蔽的,赤裸的,光(秃)的;仅有的,勉强的- ?+ t/ q( Q8 a
  barely adv. 仅仅,几乎不能  m3 p% h5 f' I* |: V
  barge n. 驳船
& z' c* u) }, ?" W) ~2 P  bark n. 树皮;vi./n. 狗叫,咆哮, c) `% l+ M2 X$ b1 A# h: c
  barn n. 谷仓;牲口棚. v: ~- M7 g. G2 x, e" `
  baroque adj. (艺术、建筑等)高度装饰的,过分雕琢的
! }2 P, \  g; W  barrage n. 火力网,弹幕;(言语等)猛烈攻击% U; Y- B% q! H1 H: x" D" h
  barrel n. 桶7 B- B" `0 ~6 D; a9 I" e
  barren adj. 贫瘠的(不结果实的);荒凉的(无人烟的)- s; R' D# S9 F/ |( V9 s
  barricade v. 设栅栏挡;使躲在路障(或挡墙)后面;n. 栅栏,障碍物
& G- e. y" \- Q! n* a9 j  barrier n. 屏障,障碍;栅栏& k" w& ^9 U+ ]* q" }* g
  barter n. 物品交换,易货贸易;vt. 物品交换,交换
+ v. P3 x4 f. s# n; Y2 M7 l) L  basement n. 地下室0 u  {! f( C! G1 ]) G0 C
  bashful adj. 害羞的,难为情的
% p4 @% }2 U5 J0 k3 ~/ h, b  basin n. 盆地
1 |3 k3 z* E6 |  baste vt. (烤肉时)涂油,把油涂在(肉上);殴打,公开责骂
" u: K5 Z/ ^, e2 H9 U# U  z- l0 `8 V3 _' `8 l* z0 Y
  batter v. 打坏,猛击;n. 击球手

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  I live an isolated life in a small basin between two mountain ridges at the edge of an ocean. Due to the bad soil, the land is barren. However, I have a barn full of animals that supply me with all the food I need. There’s nothing more satisfying than basting pig meat over a barbecue. The weather is pretty good. There is always enough rain to fill my water barrel. But sometimes, a fierce storm will batter the barn all right.
. h8 D  a. {% e, E& w* F% P5 X  The rough life I lead has made me look and feel like a barbarian. The heat from the sun has baked my bare skin brown. I haven’t been to the barber for two years. As a result, I think I would be bashful if anyone found me. I don’t have any money but I don’t need it. You can’t buy anything here. You can’t even barter. However, I’m not completely out of touch with civilization. Every few months, I can hear the sound of an ocean barge passing in the distance. I always run to the ocean side to see it. It reminds me that I’m still human.
  Q7 ?8 M, h9 I. O5 t0 j, A  J  You might think that I’m barely surviving but the opposite is true. This is the only place where I can escape the horrible war in the city. In my mind, I can still hear the barrage of gunfire smashing through our wooden barriers. I can still remember spending months, helplessly barricaded in the basement of one of our many, once beautiful, baroque style buildings. My life is more peaceful now. Perhaps after the war, I’ll find my way back home.) J- F; N0 z% O% y# C
  What’s that I hear? It’s the bark of my dog. I’ve got to run. Another barge is passing by
) T  Q! |& u# m5 i% A& T# L7 R. A  在海边的两座山脊间不大的盆地上,我过着远离尘嚣的生活。由于土质太差,这里可谓是不毛之地。但我得谷仓里注满了动物,让我吃喝不用愁。天下之乐事莫过于野餐时往烤猪肉上抹油了。天气还不错,我的水桶总能装满雨水。但有时,一场狂暴的大雨能把谷仓嘭嘭拍上一整夜。: {# p+ @. U" C3 Z# L
# H& s; H5 C% V% L* A  你也许会认为我几乎无法生存,但事实恰恰相反。只有在这里,我才能远离城中可怕的战争。我的脑海里依然回荡着枪林弹雨轰然粉碎木质障碍物的声音。我依然记得那几个月躲在一幢曾因其式样美观而风光一时的巴罗克式建筑的地下室时的无助场面。现在我的生活平静多了。也许战争结束后,我会踏上回家的路。" j4 s' K& y* N1 _) I  e
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