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[托福词汇] 托福词汇学习:通过阅读记单词四

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Words:" w" v8 [; i! [3 J7 n
   accusation n. 谴责,控告  D: a; J  Z" W' l% h
   accuse vt. 指责,归咎% q7 P# N3 d  G/ H
   accustomed adj. 习惯了的* F$ y) D& O/ w( g
   achieve vt. 完成,实现;赢得
: M8 z/ t  y( b0 U7 y   achievement n. 成就,功绩; U2 C1 U$ v( G+ C
   acid n. 酸 adj. 尖酸的,刻薄的
, D* @2 J- F7 q  `) m  u  f   acquaintance n. 熟人
5 U0 d9 b- J6 Y+ O9 H( F+ ]   acquire vt. 获得,学到
* d2 d  V# k& \- P) I/ z/ |* O  Y   acquisition n. 获得;收购;接受, d: J1 [- d* x! i+ C
   acquisitive adj. 想获得的,贪得无厌的
& h, a1 M' {5 P8 z% j+ W7 r$ B7 X   acquit v. 宣告无罪$ e8 L, U: e  E6 [6 T) h' B6 C) \
   acquittal n. 宣判无罪1 d: v7 P* ]7 E7 A! }
   acronym n. 用大写字母表示的缩写词
9 G* b1 }6 z* x; g   activate vt. 刺激,使激活; ]( H* a# v+ e
   actual adj. 实际的,现行的5 f1 t! E* `0 H" G. w# ^% J0 u6 {+ y+ e, }
   actuate vt. 开动,促使
" U/ X" S: N% @# \9 m8 s& Q   acumen n. 敏锐,聪明,才智; j& j' \" @6 V1 H2 F/ Q& E
   acute adj. 灵敏的,敏锐的;(事情)剧烈的,严重的. H  f/ l/ v8 e% B  _# D0 k. `
   adage n. 格言,谚语
+ M$ a3 a/ |9 n  d7 D
0 x! r9 D( J& L! c. D& u5 [  

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06 | 显示全部楼层


adament adj. 固执的,坚定不移的</p>   Bob is an excellent trial lawyer with a superior legal acumen. Unlike many other lawyers that need to use acronym to remember certain legal principles, Bob simply used his photographic memory. What makes Bob even more special is his acute sense of reading people's emotions, especially those of jurors.
; e# d5 g% R9 m# F1 ~   Due to his reputation, he is able to acquire the most interesting cases. His jealous competitors often accuse him of being too acquisitive and of taking away their business. But I respect Bob for his many achievements. I remember the first trial he ever did.
: C& H" U  u  {- E$ J% J   Bob was hired by an acquaintance named Jim to defend him against a criminal charge. Jim was accused of intentionally throwing acid on another man's arm in a laboratory where they were both activating chemicals. Jim was adament that the accusation was false. He claimed it was an accident that occurred during an argument. Being a contract lawyer, Bob was not accustomed handling trials in front of a jury. However, he agreed to the acquisition of Jim's case because he strongly believed in Jim's innocence. The thought of an innocent man being convicted of a crime he didn't commit actuated Bob's hidden trial skills.
% A& p# h1 g5 P$ c  g   At the trial, Bob proved that the other man caused his own arm injury by pushing Jim while Jim was working with dangerous chemicals. Bob also proved that the man claimed of an acute injury was false. The actual injury was minor. Bob asked the jury to acquit Jim of all criminal charges. Amazingly, Bob achieved an acquittal for him.; Y) L8 L& @, {
   I'll never forget what Bob did for Jim, because I was there. I am Jim. In fact, I still remember the adage Bob used to explain why he took my case for free. He said, "In doing, we learn."
3 W6 o0 c- i* {( k" g: a  鲍勃是一名出色的辩护律师,他拥有超群的法律才智。许多律师需要用首字母缩写词才能记住某些法律准则,鲍勃则不然,他只需用他那照相机般的记忆就足矣。鲍勃还有更特别的地方,他能敏锐的把握人们的思想感情,尤其是陪审员的思想感情。
% O7 h7 W1 a! Q$ e' s# G( Z
! {( L. ?! C' K3 B8 K1 ^) v  他名声大噪,因此总能获得最有意思的案子。那些嫉妒的对手常常指责他贪得无厌的抢走他们的生意。但是我为鲍勃取得的众多成就尊重他。我还记得他出庭参加的第一个审判。  z% ^0 R% I* e5 v1 a3 I- R
% @% \' ^, u( F9 D( b3 c  法庭上,鲍勃证实了那个人是在jim正在试验危险化学物时推搡了Jim才弄伤自己的。他还证实那个人所谓的重伤是假的,实际上只是轻伤,鲍勃要求陪审团宣告Jim无罪。令人惊讶的是,鲍勃果真为Jim赢得了无罪释放的判决。* t/ H: `3 D6 Q( f( i
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