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[托福词汇] 托福词汇学习:通过阅读记单词八

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 alignment n. 成一条直线;直线排列;队列;联合,联盟  A' |; r! x2 G( G, t( I
  alike adj. 相同的,相似的9 |0 I; l8 f. j  a
  allege v. 宣称,主张,断言
  x, [& s) ?) E# x. d  c2 ~! F8 y$ I  allegory n. 寓言
9 K+ p# M$ ~3 L5 _- s& ~  alleviate v. 缓和,减轻
/ E0 \  {" i5 I3 [# Q  alliteration n. 头韵" _, q) G) J) V
  alloy n. 合金;vt. 使成合金2 |% M& c$ u7 O" W  r$ c6 m( _! L
  allude v. 间接提到,暗指3 k$ ]- T7 Z* X8 M# O4 v' t8 q
  allure v. 引诱 n. 诱惑,吸引
, X; V- `; {) t8 W  ally n. 联盟,同盟者
8 b& o$ K$ P& }, H) C2 |2 O+ O  aloft adv. 在高处;在空中
1 E% V. t- |) R7 U% g  aloof adj. 远离的,冷淡的,漠不关心的* `6 b& u, `* l. ^# S% ]+ `
  alter vt. 改变,修改7 r0 t5 M. j5 X: m
  alteration n. 变更,改造
  H5 M2 O/ ^% @0 d9 N  alternate adj. 交替的,轮流的;替代的,另选的;vi. 轮流,交替9 A' X/ r& q' [. A
  alternative adj. (两种或以上的东西中)另一可选的,另外的;n. 可选事物,另一选择- P' \1 x3 O& b8 D- G- a
  altitude n. (海拔)高度" T' T2 B/ j% P. f  b1 t3 ~
  altruism n. 利他主义' N2 l0 ^7 z- T& _2 G
  altruistic adj. 利他的,无私的
% Z" K! c# a0 e8 x: F5 O& H. p) X  alumnus n. 男校友

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:06 | 显示全部楼层


  Yesterday, I decided to get my pants altered. I had $200 in my wallet, which was more than enough for the alteration. Foolishly however, I got lost taking analternate route to the tailor shop. Fortunately, I had aspirin to alleviate my headache.</p>  Walking further, I noticed a red balloon aloft, rising to the higher altitude. It distracted me, causing me to bump into two young brothers. They look alike but seemed opposite in personality. One was clearly aloof but the other appeared to be an altruistic individual. He could sense I was lost and happily gave me directions. Such altruism is so rare there days. What an ally he can be to a lost person! The contrast in their personalities reminded me of the biblical allegory of Cain and Abel. But it would be too hasty to allege such a contrast given that I didn't really know them.
2 @$ }  S; ?0 w# `( q5 m  I continued on my way but was allured into a bike shop by a windown photo of a lovely girl on a mountain bike. Below the photo, it said, "ride rough, ride real," a clever alliteration. I felt there was no alternative but to enter the shop.! a# L; z- ]- T
  The ower was an alumnus from my university. He alluded that the best bike for me would be the $200 bike that was displayed in the window photo. It was made out of a special lightweight alloy. He also offered to adjust my tire alignment for free.
, H% G7 N$ s8 j  Well, I didn't make it to the tailor that day. But I did ride home on a new bike. As for my pants? Well, the bike shop owner cut the pant legs off for free. Now I have a cool pair of shorts for riding.
! Y, _- p4 p: b4 K# w: z. {+ I  昨天,我决定去裁缝店改裤子。我钱包里有200美金,改条裤子是绰绰有余了。但我在另选路线去裁缝铺时竟傻巴拉叽的迷路了。幸好我带着阿司匹林,头痛才得以减轻。) o3 G$ `' O9 \7 r
& j/ H/ l4 m9 I$ I, }( ]  我继续往前走,不一会儿,我在一家自行车商店的橱窗里看见一张骑山地车的美女照片。在照片的诱惑下,我走进了这家商店。照片下有一行字:“骑山地才是真我体验。”很聪明的押头韵嘛。我觉得除了走进商店外无别的选择。
# e5 w' e+ P2 e; B# t. I! x# |  店主是我所在大学的校友。他暗示到,最适合我的自行车就是橱窗照片上价值200美元的那辆。它用一种特殊的轻型合金制成。他还提出为我免费调整轮胎,使之成直线排列。% Y- z+ P( j- \, T" k$ O
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