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[托福词汇] 托福词汇学习:通过阅读记单词五

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Words:+ |0 Z! ^" Q3 z% j# t
  adapt v. (使)适应,调整;改编
2 Q. n: ^1 m3 I# w  adaptable adj. 能适应的,适应性强的
. }8 Y2 c) M, B2 `  adaptation n. 改编,改写;适应环境- S" D0 y2 a+ p4 o7 W
  addict vt. 使沉溺,使上瘾9 }( x* f% |% b: w8 |$ \
  addictive adj. 加法的; n. 添加剂
: S7 d% @. ^6 c' k3 }  adept adj. 熟练的,擅长的,拿手的,有一手的5 {4 G' q( d/ b, U7 U- s
  adhere vi. 黏附,粘牢;追随,坚持,遵守/ n' l4 l0 [( F& J) W. e
  adhesive n. 粘着物; adj. 粘着的( |/ T: y% B; }. s% I
  adjacent adj. 接近的,毗连的,临近的! v; e) H) @  V2 n) C9 ]( o
  adjoin vt. 相邻,毗邻: C4 H5 j5 w2 q3 K$ ?" K- c! O: |
  adjourn v. 延期,休会2 H$ p( h" P3 n! }. `
  adjunct n. 附件,附属,附庸
$ ^, w2 R4 T6 M  adjust vt. 调整,使适应于
. B" {! z# {- L, e' U. q  administer vt. 管理
" ?2 a, ^2 u9 A' k4 B0 S/ ^  administration n. 管理,经营;当局,政府
  }0 M1 P* H, @2 J# Y: m  admirable adj. 值得称赞的,令人钦佩的
9 x9 J5 x, p' o: u) u2 ?+ i* d4 H  admire vt. 钦佩,崇拜;欣赏* r& z0 l9 |1 ]
  admit vt. 准许进入;承认
: {, F# ]/ H3 M$ {+ H* n: v0 ^  admittedly adv. 公认地;诚然地,无可否认地
0 ~" m! f5 w* c' u; t  adobe n. 泥砖,土坯房7 L8 {. |. ]( s5 ]# _3 y$ ?
  I must admit, I didn't like Tom in the begining. He live in the house that wasadjacent to mine, and I knew he was addicted to painkillers. He had injured his back while building adobe houses in the countryside for the local governmentadministration. The painkillers numbed his back pain and allowed him to continue performing his heavy construction work. However, it wasn't long before he got caught for failing to adhere to the drug laws.4 b5 R# u. \3 _6 J# I1 f; a! N
  I still recall what the judge told him shortly before he adjourned the court, "You'll either have to adapt to a life without drugs or adjust to living in the prison that adjoins this courthouse."
( I8 I. @5 n3 o& q  I was admittedly upset when the judge asked me to help administer Tom's probation. I felt that the judge was making me an unwilling and unnecessary adjunctto the court system. But I had no choice. I thought to myself, "Adaptation is the key." So I change attitude towards Tom and I soon learned that Tom wad just asadaptable.+ a/ ]; P) d8 S9 _! s9 g2 V* }' j
  Tom heeded the judge's warning. He quit his construction job and stopped using painkillers. He put all of his time and effort into inventing a new adhesive for constructing brick houses. His dedication was admirable. He became quite adept at chemisty and before long, he discovered a key additive that made his glue superior to all another adhesives.- h% o1 x$ j) E$ O
  Now, I greatly admire Tom and he was become a good friend. I guess adaptation really is the key!* P) T' g% R5 t
  我得承认,当初我并不喜欢汤姆。他住在我隔壁,而且我知道他吃止痛药成瘾。他在乡下给当地政府盖泥砖房时伤了后背。止痛药麻木了他的后背,这样他就能继续从事那些繁重的建筑工作。然而不久,他便因不遵守药品法而被捕。9 L. S' ~1 t3 v; W
3 r8 O. g" E6 E
  我还记得法官在休庭前对汤姆说的话:“你要么就要适应没有止痛药的生活,要么就得适应与法庭相邻的监狱生活。”2 i, k9 c" d" Y0 z
2 _8 {- x; v# K. n3 X  汤姆没把法官的警告当耳旁风。他辞掉了建筑工作,不再使用止痛药,并把全部时间和精力投入到发明盖砖瓦房所需的新型粘合剂中。他全身心的投入令人钦佩。他搞起化学来很有一手,不久他找到了关键的添加剂,加入它以后,他的胶水就成了最好的粘合剂。9 R! T  a5 j/ J

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