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[托福词汇] 2012年新托福词汇记忆:aggressive

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年新托福词汇记忆:aggressive" \/ u3 c2 H1 C- c
 aggressive  / əˈgresɪv; əˋɡrɛsɪv/ adj中华考试网
1 z+ J( E  A9 c7 S' D8 t" B  (a) (of people or animals) apt or ready to attack; offensive; quarrelsome (指人或动物)侵略的, 好攻击的, 好寻衅的, 好争吵的: dogs trained to be aggressive 训练成攻击型的狗 * Aggressive nations threaten world peace. 侵略成性的国家威胁世界和平. (b) (of things or actions) for or of an attack; offensive (指事物或行动)攻击性的: aggressive weapons 攻击性的武器.% h  c8 Y/ N# h
  (often approv 常作褒义) forceful; self-assertive 强有力的; 坚持己见的: A good salesman must be aggressive if he wants to succeed. 要做个好推销员一定要有闯劲才能成功. > aggressively adv. aggressiveness n [U].

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