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[托福词汇] 2012年托福词汇:光电英语词汇(8)

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2012年托福词汇:光电英语词汇(8)( |# r8 t6 d5 _. V6 m
indictrix of diffusion 漫射指示量
) q: O+ m1 k5 A0 P% H2 A) c" Qindifferent equilibrium 随遇平衡) N  E  G5 a. W1 f5 m$ X
indifferent gas 惰性气$ d- R' c/ X4 K- O# H
indiffused crystal waveguide 非漫射晶体波导! M; i( A6 s4 @' c: T7 _; K4 D% L
indigo 靛青6 h; M$ Z' `& s
indine absorption 碘吸收: {- c" E6 o- r$ \5 r( w
indirect action receiver 间动式受话器# O: L1 W& A- k( I
indirect address 间接位址
9 v( |4 F% _. H: C, @* X7 O) @$ aindirect emission 间接发射indicating micrometer 指示测微计,指示干分尺: H6 a# X3 H# l# V1 H
indicating range 指示范围,显示范围
! ]$ _! L- ^& M/ @indication error 示值误差
% n3 ~7 ^: G1 Eindication lag 指示滞差
! N1 ~1 e$ c1 a. [indication of measuring instrument 测量器示值
% u6 R6 D6 ~# [* }5 |) Mindication ragne 指示范围9 y: T/ C+ L! |
indicator (1)指示器(2)指示剂(3)示功器! w  [0 c& D4 i1 O/ X1 @; W. x% g) f
indicator tube 指示管
; U$ o: H  Y% H* i% n: L( |indicatrix (1)指示量(2)指标(3)折射率椭球(4)特性曲线9 [* I8 T3 h/ L* y
indirect glare 间接眩光; k4 O/ ?% ?$ Q7 B. [# A
indirect lighting 间接照明
0 h* M; p& T0 ^9 E! |* aindirect measurement 间接测量外语学习网
9 s. q. w# X& ?; S, ^7 u: Mindirect observation 间接观测: y7 e* g2 D% y; w
indirect radiative transition 间接辐射转变
  D4 p3 q9 E# P1 q: zindirect reflection 间接反射
/ _4 ]0 V! I2 f" E7 l3 _indirect scanning 间接扫描
5 J  R& a( R; R  \/ r: Lindirect transition 间接跃迁
1 `9 a6 b4 B, R* J% W! X- Zindirectly excited antena 间接激发天线
$ @$ Z5 ]2 T/ Y( Vindirectly heated cathode 间热式阴极
1 z3 P! Q5 Y8 L3 T' N7 ~  z9 `indistinctenss 不清晰度$ {5 r# N+ F2 E
indistinguishability 不可分辨性

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