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[托福词汇] 词汇解析:关于disappointed的用法

发表于 2012-8-14 22:56:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. be disappointed 后接介词,情况比较,大致区别如下:
2 V. d( j/ v. g3 H(1) 表示对某人感到失望,通常用介词 with, in。如:7 M" U. F2 @/ ^) G* {
I’m disappointed in you! How could you have lied likethat? 你让我失望了,你怎么能像那样说谎呢?
- H3 L' W; a* L/ k1 WMy parents will be disappointed in [with] me if I failin the exam. 要是我考试不及格,我父母会对我感到失望的。
5 O/ @+ p$ K( n/ n1 W(2) 表示对某一行为(doing sth)感到失望,通常用介词 at, about等。如:' U  y$ |& C6 a7 e6 G4 Q( k- }
We are all disappointed at [about] his failure. 我们都为他的失败而感到失望。zn
  \( s7 _* V2 @) ]) }/ jHe was really disappointed about [at] not being able togo. 他未能去成实在感到失望。
+ L0 i" p# [) H(3) 表示对某一事实或情况感到失望,一般用介词 with, at, in 等。如:
: U, q2 \3 N4 D6 g( F; g* `He’s disappointed at [in] the result. 他对结果感到失望He must be very disappointed with [at, about] your examresults. 他对你的考试成绩一定非常失望。
7 g# l/ T% z% R. k" {  K(4) 表示因得不到某东西或实现不了某愿望而失望,通常用介词of。如:. _$ t6 u7 t6 Q
I was disappointed of the car. 没等到车子我感到很失望。% U7 X4 G4 [: j: |* I- s; P6 g6 Z8 I
He was disappointed of his ambition. 他因实现不了抱负而沮丧。# \  ^8 Z6 U& j* a
2. be disappointed 后接不定式。如:5 J1 c$ i3 |3 N2 u  f& a7 {
He was disappointed to hear the news. 听到这消息他很失望。. `0 q; Z5 M$ q; K6 O. f
I was disappointed not to be chosen. 我没被选中,感到很沮丧。( V) Z1 q, a/ q9 `" d* E
3. be disappointed 后接 that 从句。We were disappointed that you couldn’t come. 你不能来我们感到很失望。5 i2 P3 p" Z2 E% o$ R0 I7 c$ y
I’m rather disappointed that he should get the post. 他竟会得到这个职位,我感到很失望。' Q  ~* j  c+ ~. U
4. 比较 disappointing & disappointed:
7 T6 c7 k) }/ d(1) disappointing 表示“令人失望的”,通常用于事物给人的感觉。如:
$ A  V+ r4 Q+ @( R, j7 fWhat disappointing weather! 天气真叫人失望! www.examw.com) k! ~' _4 K. n/ r( |* f- f
Your work is really disappointing. 你的工作真是令人失望。
. W7 f; s& ^) [若用于“人”,则表示该人令别人失望。比较:  j( C. r2 z) Y1 S% N% V9 W
The boy was very disappointing. 这男孩很令人失望。
; w1 e0 n4 H# b4 F/ j0 J. k) m7 r(2) disappointed 表示“失望的”、“感到失望的”,通常用以说明“人”自己的感觉。如:$ [, S# O+ D( x2 U* X
She looks disappointed. 她看起来很失望# m! P1 a+ g- _/ ]6 c1 U* e
I am very disappointed with my new bike. 我对我的新自行车感到很失望。3 y9 p- E) X1 {5 p9 S
若用于修饰 voice, look, expression, appearance, manner等名词,则表示与之相关名词的逻辑主语感到失望。比较:
$ m2 B+ a0 n! C& |We noticed a disappointing look on his face. 我们注意到他脸上一种令人失望的表情。(“他”并不失望,但见了他表情的人会失望)! b# B4 z" L; ]/ ?/ P) D% a9 M5 h
We noticed a disappointed look on his face. 我们注意到他脸上有一种失望的表情。(感到失望的是“他”,不是别人)

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