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[托福听力] 新托福听力词汇替换集合:实战篇(M)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  magnate // millionaire ----> wealthy developer
( b' I& M$ D4 y  mail ----> write
) N0 G+ \, B; M) I* l& I5 ^  mail carrier ----> deliver7 k) s$ z. [4 `0 Q& [8 K; A2 c
  main tool ----> strong effect
* ~# v, r( L, |' @2 V+ z  make a come back ----> win0 N. d2 A% g, s
  make a mess of ----> screw up7 i2 Q" [1 r3 e: B. A
  make a point of taking a close look ----> inspect sth. more carefully
+ |$ k! a! S! |6 i" a  make a profit ----> make any money4 V. M% q" X' g2 M: X
  make any difference to sb. ----> sb. probably won't do5 P5 d3 S/ t( V1 _( e- p- d
  make do with what sb. have got ----> do with the material available to sb。
# }! j# U8 J. D7 o3 G/ t/ A9 n, D6 F  make ends meet // live within one's income ----> low salary6 V2 {: h1 R( D2 \; c: n
  make friends ----> meet people! _+ D1 c) M: T6 ^
  make fun of ----> laugh at
4 z+ t# Y# ]0 P/ N' b, m3 c  make it ----> succeed, p- H. v. s0 m# K. |2 q
  make me promise ----> I had to promise! [8 d1 u( ]9 k3 S0 j! ?5 d
  make new friend in on time ----> adapt easily
4 a/ A: \" a) Q0 R8 E) [  make one's flight ----> catch one's flight
" S6 c. w2 |% R/ Z9 s* Q  make some sketches ----> do some artwork6 C9 P2 Y+ z! b9 W+ w& r
  make sure ----> confirm4 x7 t2 w- N% ?# e" i& P1 F
  make the wrong turn ----> go the wrong way
: Z9 b: y2 @- B/ R! r  make yourself at home ----> should get comfortable8 _! a) b. Q! ~% K' X7 t
  manage to do sth. after all ----> have difficulty5 l3 M# b7 Q/ D, O3 ?% u
  manage to handle all that ----> do so many things" p7 H9 N% U. Q' a
  many ----> most
! Z0 ~, z5 ?2 L  many ----> different
7 l3 d$ [# b% c  many miles away ----> far from
' @! b* r) k( [% l$ d! G8 h* \  many miles away ----> far

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


  mark ----> grade  v" Z/ F0 m8 w# j1 w
  meat each other half way ----> reach a compromise* n" n8 b  O+ q0 E) O+ j
  mess // worse ----> clean# q$ S. t1 @4 R. d
  might have found ----> missed
+ o& F. Y3 L& R" g( p  mild // different ----> cold
" f2 l" D# a% W$ q  mind ----> bother
# i0 {( `) W7 s/ K+ o  minority ----> few
) E. @+ e+ X2 {2 W6 q! [3 |  misread the price tag ----> not read the amount correctly
$ E, N0 O) A# j# _9 O$ N3 Y  miss coming to one of sth. // only once or twice at the most ----> come to most of sth。
5 |' k6 f3 \+ h  miss one's first class ----> oversleep# _- U, ~: n' ^  ?5 B9 M! V
  mix up ----> confuse
% V$ i' c9 f. U9 J  money seems to burn a whole in one's pocket ----> not have enough money
  g; u' L" z* P  more ----> additional
6 H# v( `, h2 N) `  more detailed explanation ----> addition information  K6 k  C. l3 ?% S+ K2 ^1 u- [: ^
  more expensive ----> cost mare than/ v7 V, P7 R& @
  more letters ----> has written a lot of letters recently
# ]+ Q' n* E& k' ]3 N5 r+ W0 I  more passive ----> less active( q/ a' N  ]# I1 U% `' ]' Q9 q
  more time ----> very time-consuming
/ Y! _/ a: S4 p, |  move off ----> not live in1 b: v! P9 Y+ f/ Z
  move to ----> location changes
9 X- z/ J$ o" p) J& b, W# g) F  mow the lawn ----> cut the grass
% z6 _) [& J$ X6 [& y  much the same as last ----> change little
$ Z, u9 X3 s7 Z; H7 ]  mugs, bowls, and ladles ----> storage7 s5 h! p* B  d6 K6 J7 m( M7 X! e
  must ----> necessary& {1 [! T+ ]- \. p8 Q4 \' _
  must have been sleeping ----> was probably asleep8 f$ x5 \( h, @" K
  My goodness! ----> be amazed at1 P3 X9 Y6 r( M: C4 G
  My legs have fallen asleep. ----> My legs are numb。
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