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[托福听力] 考生必看:新托福听力题型及评分标准

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
(一) 新托福听力评分标准/ F, [2 I/ l5 I4 o) x6 H& |2 a- K
  新托福听力评分标准是按正确题目个数给分的。新托福听力计分的一共是6篇文章,34道题,其中回答正确的题目数量加起来就是你的最后分数参考值。参考如下:正确题目个数9 y* _, A: a7 O
; y# s0 s9 W1 b1 \7 q: k9 C% w7 e / F' f- x: f( H' O) @
正确题目个数+ N' \- Z% w& R7 C
, O7 L- X; Z( _5 Q1 b0 c6 \
% e! H- r4 ]9 o" t( Q2 o5 B正确题目个数5 A2 x, \7 U! f& j
) A% ^9 N0 I/ x0 @0 B- x34
. n6 i) A% }$ R) U; a4 I1 a30, I7 y8 `7 z% ]. q
22* @/ V5 G. E5 p4 P; x6 K; n/ ]
  b9 w% h: f' t1 _3 j% O10) d9 v( S, P- P- a% q. u) W% ~/ c
  T& B8 L0 r3 w, f" E! T) V33
$ _5 T- o% Z3 [  Y& u* s9 k29* J% q# d% P- F1 [
+ f( E3 C( V6 f3 s7 {15
3 M# ^, L0 a% Y9) @8 D& k) s) K; ~- s  h) }: o
3, P  a5 A, `1 I/ N* e% X! ]: r. x
32" W. x+ p. }4 @- Q. P# K' M3 k/ N
+ t5 M  z& X/ U20
7 |) L! |  y0 c# v" |14/ O+ q4 M, d$ t' [
8. u% }" L6 P( c7 {1 Z# \/ O1 m
32 T9 K) B% C8 Q. b+ j! M
31* j' m2 `( H/ R# }, L
1 i' s! H: s* e% M$ x" a194 ^" w" J! z5 `1 x. u4 R4 K3 |
/ P+ L! l  ]+ t# u2 W( A7
; X3 H# r- @% X& m2
: X/ A5 A( K* x2 q  W2 H30
4 E, ?, w! {& f4 R2 o; E9 F1 A25
5 }4 H# v7 N. p' L! ^18
3 H; r" z3 R8 @6 ^11
6 Q. G, t: @* I* }5 y0 d5 O" Q6
- C( n( C/ ~4 V) p# o( W) Y2; ~  h+ v7 Z, R
299 E9 Z0 }8 n+ F' a
24( P9 h( a' T% r$ w# U5 B
17) Z: _- M8 x" c% L" o' k
& M% a& h) R5 v7 a& L2 F7 c6 [5
5 S5 g  @& q0 t& I3 U' V- t1 d1: W7 c3 {6 s: |  `6 A  E4 E& h
# H& u& c) r( G8 H% z23
$ H, N0 n- _0 w) ~: [% k16/ K7 G: E0 e/ m
; s7 t# d2 k4 o' `( u4
$ a+ k5 Z8 t6 ]/ [( X5 A0
. `) r  j7 J" A: Z) n  B* J$ Y27* H  T6 t9 H$ ^9 V3 a
5 A2 m7 x. O, B8 s15
; `/ g! |9 m$ \0 S& P4 n1 U82 R( F9 _' ]( ~
34 M) ]. Z8 s5 ~1 f! Z8 l- y
0; a6 t0 p% @- m! o; _
266 i+ u  J1 `4 t  L3 {( q# F
1 p' k3 a2 A0 q. o+ t148 ?3 u: I0 p3 h- x
+ N- `' f2 }2 U+ ]( ~, Q2, O, e  e( H. Y2 j
+ r7 w+ Y+ [* L6 @6 R7 s3 e25
$ [- G3 q2 i6 F8 s! |0 z* p* P19
( Q5 H1 j& ]& p- @, R" e138 A3 v8 T5 V' R
67 L6 i+ _, B, V6 y" ^$ T' u
4 A6 v7 ?# T; H2 W* {& j$ K0 g0, V+ e( |/ `+ }( h' g
24  K3 \. F8 B5 E( ~
# S6 t2 m' D: q; A128 q/ T  j. q- _$ n" Q
) J  W5 A# T- B7 D% R0
/ U/ D8 D$ T9 O) j; J  O0) r& K8 O3 p/ s  e
237 @8 z) I) S$ _$ L; \9 d" z) }9 z
, J( i4 H2 v/ d: a; C11
- H0 X+ I+ g7 n- {" o0 w1 O+ n1 S+ C44 H) a( {. F) h% `+ P1 K
/ G. L. @& \  m5 C: m
) z" n9 W* W9 _1 A7 E4 J
  在新托福听力部分,大部分正确答案的分值是1分,有些问题的分值可能是2分。$ S/ u- v  v! p; m$ X4 \
  朗阁海外考试研究中心提醒考生需要注意的是:/ c) Q& f) K# H2 {) F
  u 当问题的分值是1分时,所有的项目都要回答正确,这一题才算是拿到了全部分值。
5 B! z8 u/ m5 e# ~1 \% [  u 当问题的分值是2分时,比如,四选三的题目,必须全部答对才能得到所有分值;选对2个,可得到1个分值。9 S+ S+ V# M3 l
  u 新托福听力以单选题为主,复选题和表格题为辅。 . b; ?$ F% M0 E! x
  (二)新托福听力题型/ s2 a1 _7 W+ S1 N" K
  主旨题: . @$ t" y5 l$ y, e6 B4 |9 p
+ ^$ M4 _4 b# n( K0 S  主旨题特点:
; T% j% o1 \4 x8 k) ^. q1 D! S  u 通常是对一个谈话或演讲的主要内容的综合概括。
; E0 f3 \1 q  M" S, h( `  i  u 在一段长演讲中,通常会有两个或以上的主要表述内容,但这些内容往往是相互关联的,它们互相补充构成一个完整的主题。
& x! I4 F& o& D4 f3 g! v+ t) h8 K  典型提问形式: ) j( `% N5 H* M$ W8 `, p3 y
  新托福听力主旨题的问题常常以特殊疑问词开头, 例如: & q6 X' P3 u& K8 X, J# m) W+ F
  What is the subject of the conversation?
0 @1 A. w  x+ t* d  Why did the man go to see the professor?
. j( `2 q& g0 G3 ?' J/ X  What are the man and the woman discussing?
% }) E3 a4 ~$ h  What is the woman’s problem?$ }+ i- S" M2 E0 B( F
  What is the lecture mainly about?. V  j; P4 q+ t0 N/ P7 E, q$ {
  What is the professor mainly discussing?
3 {+ @4 b2 j: s  What aspect of …… does the instructor mainly discuss?
+ y- Q, k% N, ?3 d  细节题:5 @) Y# h# L6 D  n9 h' d
  新托福听力中的细节是指具体的信息,例如说话人提及的事实、描述、定义和例子等。  V! O# a7 Y; ?8 m
2 c( r# B# \1 Y* H; v" L' a( ]  u 细节题要求考生重现对话或讲座中的具体信息,不需要做过多的推测* h- m  H: i6 u2 v& b& x& I
  u 基于ETS考察内容是和主旨有关的重要细节。我们在听的过程中需要把握的往往是和考点相联系的重要信号词,比如说表示因果的so, thus等词对应于细节题中常考察的因果关系) _) r/ i( S* H# o3 m
  典型提问模式: 4 q( F& k. {) X. K2 i( x
  What does the woman suggest the man do?: r$ m: n7 c4 n, O: V* Z( U
  What help did the young man receive? Click on two answers.
) Y7 |2 u+ j7 {( u' J6 k# t$ E1 B  Select the diagram that represents ………?  `7 z8 |6 D; k: k5 h5 t
  According to the instructor, what characteristic should ….... have?6 [# Z: [8 \. v7 O! c
  How did the professor introduce …….. ?8 O2 W9 C& o& a8 G1 M
  According to the speaker, what does ……… mean?
* Z6 ^! U7 l" F/ J* O/ O. P  According to the prof essor, why is A superior to B?
+ x7 }& Q$ R5 \! q9 d/ A1 R3 k! B  部分目的题:4 @" z  L! A9 A
  朗阁海外考试研究中心分析发现,目的题有两种:一种是与主旨相关的,例如what is the purpose of the talk?这种形式已经在主旨题中有所列举;另外,有些目的题只与部分对话或讲座的内容相关此,类题目主要考察考生对语言交流的实际掌握能力,听出讲话者所呈现的目的。
* v# T3 ?$ }* z: c& {" Y8 ~8 f, X& }  部分目的题特点:+ X0 [1 C, L, f6 R+ z7 E) T
  u 这类目的题的问题通常问的是某个短语或句子的作用
+ f! x, P& u- k, W. k% T3 U. m3 ~  u 有些题目需要考生再听一次部分对话或讲座的内容
, E! i# q! d7 ~$ o8 j) U* s. u  u 说话人通常不会直接说出自己的目的,而是用间接的表达
. j, _! n+ V( H2 `  典型提问模式: * b1 }* t: o8 }9 n  i  r% k
  Why does the student say this?, i2 g5 Y3 c9 [$ v7 w% ^
  Why does the student say ……?
2 c- \7 M  P# M$ y# l; l  Why does the student mention ……?& G; n$ f+ h5 l3 A
  Why does the professor talk about ……?) h; z$ n3 W, u% n, w  m4 [9 U: `
  Why does the instructor ask the class about ……?
1 r$ L6 a: j0 R' I5 C: h) z2 \6 p  态度题:
$ ~4 D% s5 I+ s8 `  w0 F, G9 @  考生需要判断出说话人对讨论过的人或事的看法或感觉,主要考察考生对语言交流的实际掌握能力,听出讲话者所呈现的态度。2 Q. H# P4 ]' J$ S
$ @' O! [+ R4 J) o  u 有些题目需要考生再听一次部分对话或讲座的内容
; a- }8 h* e- |# q  u 正确答案往往不是文中的直接表述4 p; r  }- P" m; d8 M
  u 说话人的态度通常是影响深刻、高兴、感兴趣、惊讶、焦虑等' p) G1 M! D/ {  i& @3 n; p
' w" k) _7 r/ n( h, A
典型提问模式: 5 X, t* L$ i+ A
  Select the sentence that best expresses how the student probably feels?- K7 r3 Q9 P: o6 @
  What is the student’s attitude toward ……?9 y. ?. d' D- a7 C9 b7 i
  What is the speaker’s opinion of ……?1 B& b+ {  M; C% K
  What does the professor think of ……?
( _0 b3 {  U- X9 t8 [" z3 P  What is the professor’s point of view concerning ……?
: |1 C" m2 X8 k4 h: |( o( E  推断题:( _0 A, r% U- W) w+ u6 P
5 v; C  R+ A( T; o( w) u% V  推断题特点:9 l! `8 l) e9 n) g
  u 有些题目需要考生再听一次部分对话或讲座的内容

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


  u 文中一般没有直接提及的信息* o( M, u0 L; [: B
  典型提问模式: 3 U7 e& U' f1 ~/ |1 A* Z
  What does the speaker imply about ……?+ N: W  i: w7 z
  What can be inferred about ……?
* n- h2 w5 M, T+ U- I2 g  What is probably true about ……?' m, x! H( {( d. C- w% y7 H0 ^
  What can be inferred from the talk?7 _9 L6 X) n5 k5 g, K
  What will the woman probably do next?
( Z6 N9 O8 y, }9 z  What will the students probably do next?
: Y/ v. Z! h1 f" H) x, w5 C  What will the professor probably discuss next?" P. {9 I- L( t8 y
; O2 Z# L! i# m* [  IBT听力归纳题是考查考生对听力段落中涉及事物进行分门别类的能力。一般是将文章所探讨的观点或事物等按照某种规律分组。
' J* Q+ x% J1 C; x3 e  分类题特点:
  Y# ]! V$ r9 U+ U8 r  u 分类题一般只出现在演讲部分7 f% [; l6 z# [& X* K
  u 分类题很多采用表格的形式,让考生将正确选项拖到表格中正确的位置;或对正确的分类内容进行勾选。) J& u* t7 X- Y. M
; p+ H5 b: s0 l& b% ]& {/ G/ N  1) Match each term with the correct definition.6 E/ r( p5 V9 m) l' z$ B! |: W
  2) Which creatures have lived in each cave zone?
- u: e7 `9 ~: G% r/ n  Drag each answer choice to the correct box.
0 H: Z0 |+ v4 V* v6 ?/ J/ R  A. Shrimp B. Bats C. Early humans
7 {; T# t! @. e' Y
9 \" r; Z' g+ g7 }. k0 I; bEntrance Zone; l( m( u3 s7 K: P7 l/ V
Twilight Zone3 i/ F) n% ^. h
Dark Zone
3 ^/ |  J* G" |( v( p* r  3)Based on the information in the talk, indicate whether each characteristic below more accurately describes a specialist or a generalist.! V/ g2 W6 D0 ]
  For each phrase, click in the correct box.
( y- |* |+ M/ B* ~7 {, h3 ?Specialist# {* p1 N! S  y, `. d$ a( ?
GeneralistSkilled in directing other people- a  c& a+ I) ^
Concerned with tools and techniques( {6 G; H% k- r8 |" ?/ D
Trained in a technical or professional field+ i7 u4 H$ E7 }( ^9 c7 e7 d- u
Must be able to make overall judgments
/ d9 @% N6 {& l, t% E" S   归纳题5 [9 G9 l. O; B. x3 A
  新托福听力归纳题是考查考生对听力段落中涉及事或物进行归纳总结的能力。 4 v1 u, c: f  i, x, V( f
" Q) P" y2 x" [' I  u 归纳题一般只出现在演讲部分. R+ j9 K- t( {
  u 归纳题大多采用表格的形式,让考生将正确选项拖到相应位置;或对正确的归类进行勾选。% W1 X1 w1 w: j) ?- U
  典型提问模式: , o+ g% ~3 A( Q% I/ H
  1)The professor explains how psychologists develop laws. Summarize the process by putting the steps in the correct order.& `' O. H/ B9 C) s3 `' }
  Drag each sentence to the space where it belongs.# Z: W! Y; |- T/ q; I2 C
  A) State the law2 A  |& X6 c% D, [! v
  B) Conduct an experiment
) o; x7 F! ^" W" e( g! B' y  C) Make a hypothesis
3 w5 O# W, e2 H' [4 \; J2 l  D) Repeat the experiment5 D* z4 r5 f, _6 A
11 P( g# x' \2 ?: w$ i: s
$ ^5 A& W, Z# Y; l6 i: @* ^34 i% O# u! h8 B. `' m* v
" a7 Q. ~8 j2 b. E: X  2)The instructor briefly explains how to draw the subject. Indicate whether each sentence below is a step in the process.7 r5 l" d$ b( p& |! b' l
  For each sentence, click in the correct box. </p>
7 C# [/ D$ B3 U/ ]$ o' d; dYes
, _6 N2 c3 O/ f+ B6 U( N6 YNoDraw the outline of the violin.) b* ~6 a% Y# o( h" N" M1 S
Take a photograph of the subject.
, A" J: c, I6 I3 B Study the subject for a few minutes.
! f) Q6 v5 n# B% L Rub the violin strings with the bow.
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