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[托福听力] 新托福听力十大主题词汇分享:天文词汇

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  主题之一: 天文
8 \: z: n1 L3 l: A) u2 |1 u  Theme One: Astronomy
4 r# c( a8 V: [4 k+ y  astronomer astronomical astronaut7 J; s0 M( w9 `5 g1 ?: t
  astrology observatory telescope
; K2 t8 o& ]! j  solar system cosmic rays cosmos, ?; ]' O  ~- u
  interstellar intergalactic galaxy
) H& q3 U" ^" t" r  The Milky Way The Big Bang comet
3 w, ^; G. }4 y+ d  U  asteroid satellite meteor , T# i# X1 t  p! B+ W1 X1 l* T
  meteorite revolution rotation
6 R& I5 J' Z7 n  radiation constellation cluster0 X. t& M# t- N
  lunar eclipse velocity
  l& m) ~4 @# g0 g  corona terrestrial planetary/ P+ S0 a$ z! M$ z8 v7 ^, F
  exploration hypothesis assume* a9 G( X( m* r3 _/ `5 r4 J
  collision supernova nova
, E( l3 x2 i- s7 `  light year gravitation nebula
  E7 k* o; ~' ]( c4 Y  1 astronomern. 天文学家
  Y- p! Q7 E/ Q9 b  During his own tenure as astronomer royal, from 1720 to 1742, Halley studiously tracked the moon.4 [( K9 M5 k- h) i3 ]; K$ ~  M* K
  2 astronomicala. 天文学的, 天文数字的, 庞大的7 _% S2 f1 ]/ I2 Y: o
  A man-made clock would certainly prove a useful accessory to astronomical reckoning but could never stand in its stead.& L% G& H$ I; Q; s* ?2 `
  3 astronaut n. 太空人, 宇航员, 太空旅行者
* v; e7 @' f: T( j8 q5 s& e7 N  In their most visible work, astronauts will let loose a retrievable satellite carrying a coffin-sized inflatable antenna.8 ]9 E, `8 W9 I( t! h( H0 o
  4 astrologyn. 占星学, 占星术$ V: P3 j8 Q4 ]9 a% P& [+ L& M& T2 G
  Racing expert John Randall phoned a friend on the

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


: E9 \) v8 d  I  T  Z   13 The Milky Wayn. 银河系3 e" z" T9 V4 \1 r' ]
  One reason to think that the Milky Way had such a meal several billion years ago is its structure.0 f( i/ t( F& e  `6 }7 `
  14 The Big Bang n. 宇宙大爆炸  w2 I4 r* O4 ]7 @- Z9 S
  The Big Bang theory is the belief that the universe originated as the result of a large explosion of a single mass of matter.
& x; B+ o3 T1 a% v  15cometn. 彗星; t; S! Y6 ]" v; ?5 B- W
  Astronomers had accidentally caught a comet in the act of turning into an asteroid.
& |2 Z2 ~) ~3 a, D" N: U7 A  16 asteroid n. 小行星) G4 i* B1 x. e4 Z1 X# J
  Extraction of helium-3 from the surfaces of asteroids is not likely to compare with that from the Moon.
8 N3 ?/ g7 ]* L  17satelliten.卫星, 人造卫星
8 S1 o7 `& u; K& q. R% }  ?  One month later a second satellite was launched into a somewhat higher orbit, of between 234 and 244 miles.
+ S, R! A" d' J& E& D  18 meteorn.流星: m, U& A+ ^7 ?
  From time to time Earth suffers bombardment from meteors and comets, and meteoritic impact has been a major planet-shaper and climate-modeler.
( Q2 p' ]; M8 ]8 G/ V% k  19 meteoriten.陨石2 [0 ?! {2 p4 i, m/ N6 \! O
  Some people believe that dinosaurs were destroyed because of the effects of a gigantic meteorite.
( P" o% L4 R9 C& I; O5 g& @/ A  20 revolutionn. 旋转, 转数6 [: l! X! r  w# Y  R: F
  The planet rotates in the same direction as its revolution around the sun.
9 N( L) J! d, b+ @  21 rotationn. 旋转, 转动    It takes 243 Earth days for Venus to complete one rotation.
/ |2 k3 M8 x; w0 K0 w" Y- J& H* q  22 radiationn. 放射, 发光, 辐射
- S4 \/ g1 F, D' c  N  Sensors detected a dangerous level of radiation.8 `$ T& s' ~/ U0 o" h, ~
  23 constellationn. 星座, 星群: `" R3 o+ C' n1 I( e, G
  Scientists have discovered a new a star in the constellation of Orion.
  `) o: z" d. W7 l) ]# B5 ^  24 clustern. 串, 束, 群 v. 使成群, 聚集
2 @6 E. z6 G4 W1 R/ P2 U  Most galaxies are found in clusters rather than in isolation.
9 o* U6 d8 N: j3 }% I) E0 {+ l/ H  25 lunara. 月球的, 有关月球的
* Z6 T1 G1 D( K; M( c& F9 U  The first lunar module is now on display at the Smithsonian Air and Space museum in Washington.
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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:26 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  26 eclipsen. (日,月)蚀  R+ \/ _& T3 x9 U' z. |3 T
  No solar eclipses will be visible from the United States in 1996, and only two will be visible from Earth.
. G3 l) M% @1 Z" r2 ^  27 velocityn. 速度, 迅速, 速率
3 t" b3 d+ d- K2 ~' v2 V5 ^  In addition, there is no difference in velocity between movements which are long and those which are short.4 g/ q. N" B7 _  {. ^: U4 ]
  28 coronan. 日冕, 冠状物 3 ?$ q5 Q( u' S' A% ]- \; I
  Corona is a circle of coloured light that can sometimes be seen around the moon at night.. \" w5 L* M/ y/ R: N( q2 V3 {8 U
  29 terrestriala. 地球的, 陆地的, 地球上的
" v2 w4 Y) V2 d2 ?  A statistical analysis based on this data suggests that well over half the stars are being orbited by rocky terrestrial material.
8 d" Z0 Z$ x. J) k  30 planetarya. 行星的6 D8 }, i7 C( {: C) g( I" o1 G' ?
  The book lists all predictable astronomical phenomena for the coming year, such as planetary, lunar, and eclipse data.1 s+ d) d2 i7 ]; V* L+ v
  31 explorationn.考察, 勘探, 探查, {/ u% O3 ?; e  I# N
  Further exploration and appraisal drilling will be necessary to confirm the commercial potential for this discovery.
- W$ N& D* u6 T' c% v) ]: F. Q  32 hypothesisn. 假说, 假设, 前提, 猜测8 @% ]' D# y: T+ w. o
  Our hypothesis is that the dolphins ate contaminated fish, and this affected the dolphins’ immune system.5 q' e* `- ?% f) U
  33 assumev. 假定, 假设  
2 }$ D9 G8 k- y: C1 V  We cannot assume the suspects to be guilty simply because they have decided to remain silent.
1 w6 M' A, u: O# H4 }, `  34 collisionn. 碰撞, 冲突
7 x, [2 U& `4 N7 o  These airbags are designed to protect car drivers in head-on collisions.
" w- z" ]9 q8 r* F1 Z, h3 u  35 supernovan.超新星
' B- Q7 @+ A7 @+ O' w6 N  Another theory suggests that a supernova explosion occurred, destroying the companion sun and scattering its material toward our Sun.& D, t' T0 A' E$ Q$ M3 Y& Z
  36 nova n. 新星7 |) U! x( g) U% E' y% ~
  Apparently a nova is a close binary system, made up of a cool, normal star and a White Dwarf.
' E2 L- N9 U0 S* i- z" k  37 light year n. 光年
+ C2 F) {: f; T) G" T% A, j  The Japanese company is light years ahead of its European competitors.
3 G# k# e- T2 e9 e  38 gravitationn. 万有引力
9 z% H* V& k  ?4 ^% G5 |  Newton worried about that when his theory of gravitation required apparently instantaneous interaction between two distant objects.+ l0 O, Q9 s0 A+ i- B  R0 Y
  39 nebula n. 星云6 l5 \9 L! G5 w' p5 }1 n0 f( ^
  According to present-day ideas, a star begins its career by condensing out of a cloud of dust and gas known as a nebula.
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