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[托福听力] 托福听力材料:美军对撤出伊拉克充满信心

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 美军驻伊拉克指挥官奥德耶诺(Ray Odierno)将军表示,距离美国在伊拉克作战任务结束还有几周时间,伊拉克仍然面临实际的安全挑战。   1.broad a.宽广的,辽阔的,广大的,显著的,主要的,大致的5 T) I1 W/ ~0 E+ q1 G9 F
  例句:Artificial light in an intensely bright and broad beam.) `, a) P. L% m+ _0 B3 Y
  泛光高亮度和宽度的人工光9 K' |) T' w( D$ D0 [
  2.conduct vt.引导,带领;处理,管理;指挥;传导
* ]5 l+ l9 V1 _  例句:They hired agents to conduct their company.
8 T8 M& |. C; b1 P# g2 W  他们雇请代理人来管理他们的公司。
7 g$ J" s( E# \) n9 n  He conducted the members of the audience to their seats./ d/ C3 B& H' m* k9 A
* L/ N9 A" j1 C6 H+ k/ V7 T  3.note v.记录,注解,注意,指出
& w. r/ U  X! @8 Z6 x9 i% f  4.capacity n.容量,能力,才能,资格
# ~' V4 s8 O5 C) M3 `! n  例句:Their reasoning capacity must be developed.
$ r) T% ~" b4 t. ~- W  他们的推理能力必须加以培养。2 `" T! g2 D3 I& f3 B# u& }* }! _
  5.sustain v.维持5 [+ x% [7 n+ k* y
  例句:During the war we had just enough food to sustain us.
* X! m# }! P: p5 w. N  战争期间, 我们的食物仅够维持生活。
8 Q: V) J, U9 k7 J; A; \2 n  6.stability n.稳定(性), 稳固
5 }% d; {- a. b5 F5 M" ~  例句:She lacks emotional stability.5 T$ s# S' b+ Y4 k9 h
  |; Y. P6 s( V  The stability of affairs is very serious.
+ N* L2 b. |5 H2 j  事态非常严重。
4 t8 k- g3 [4 ]1 H+ U  7.significant adj.重要的, 重大的, 可观的1 ]( y2 z6 ]  l  j3 K$ U2 N' z
  例句:This is a significant contribution to knowledge.7 `& q, D3 k1 S6 W( C) G' I8 _3 f
) s' E" ?" d1 r8 Z' Y; X% f  Your success today may be significant for your whole future.5 s; \( Y- Q, j6 {7 e" \6 [6 S: X
6 s! v5 A: _* Q( Y/ u  8.precipice n.悬崖,峭壁; L1 v, C. c4 }/ ^/ \3 L5 _
  例句:The climber fell down a precipice.- S/ G  S( D$ }% S8 d" }% c
: h* w, f+ x/ W: E8 R& U- T  The hut hung half over the edge of the precipice.
& K$ b& L2 y, r1 C1 X: K8 ?8 N  那间小屋有一半悬在峭壁边上。7 K/ `1 y* c8 n
  9.destabilized adj.非稳定的7 n4 m! }9 @, j+ X3 n# b
  [积少成多]  y' |. w+ K( Z0 u" r
  1.The commander of U.S. forces in Iraq, General Ray Odierno, says the country continues to face real security challenges weeks before the end of the U.S. combat mission in the country.
. E, S# d7 w' f: g2 W0 z  b; d  actual /genuine /original /real /practical4 B2 a4 U1 ^1 j! |
  c+ k8 O/ Z7 i' k  例:The actual cost of repairs was a lot less than we had expected.8 n9 @5 q3 Q6 ?6 T9 `
1 i: C$ K$ Z5 i2 i  U  This ring is genuine gold.
5 v" }( z/ l% ?; w$ v  这枚戒指是真金的。5 a* r0 Z9 d" d/ f+ }! D2 X- U; n
  This is an original play, not an adaptation.! Z2 a* W0 a: m% l2 S
  m3 |) x; _0 P' g: u1 [, @  He is just a recent graduate experiencing the real world for the first time.
! m, H( @1 t$ e& @- |/ p4 R  他只是一个刚毕业首次体验现实世界的毕业生。
0 V% ~. L: i/ I$ q  This kind of product is worthless for all practical purposes.
' M9 R! e) Z& U" c  这种产品毫无实用价值。: _. l" ?( Z$ u1 n7 J" ]/ p! _
  2.We have and downs here. As I step back, having been here since the dark days of 2006 and 2007, to where we are today, what I see is a broad change in the security environment here in Iraq.5 n4 ~2 m; ~  u1 N0 J% \: ~- [
  and downs高低起落,坎坷不平,盛衰沉浮,有苦亦有乐
' A; h& J+ e* L, F; U( Z  p0 X  例句:It described the and downs of life.
0 c0 o% W4 S: h% q+ |  它描写了人生的沉浮。+ t6 w$ o% p" o9 z* [
  step back后退; 退居不重要的部位9 ?  _7 w3 ^, E! Y5 I
  例句:He stepped back to admire the painting.$ @* [( ?( }1 e+ r6 j! A5 ]
  他后退几步欣赏这幅画。+ h6 Y2 F6 ]6 U5 W$ s" p2 L
  He doesn't want to step back from the center of things.
, A0 i6 a7 K6 M, S4 e  他不想退居无足轻重的地位。
# c  y2 O! d& a8 t( [  3.Odierno noted that Iraq has yet to form a government months after hotly-contested national elections, but insisted that Iraq's political process has not failed.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


 insist的用法   I. 表示“坚持说;坚决认为(多与别人的观点不同)”,接that从句(从句的动作多为已发生之事),从句使用陈述语气。如:
9 V; s$ H/ ]+ i) G1 E  She insisted that he was wrong.
/ e1 S! ?6 c$ u0 _  她坚持认为他错了。. P: }# [/ n7 N( c3 O1 J+ z
  II. 表示“坚决主张;坚持要求”,接that从句(从句的动作为将要发生之事),谓语多为 should型的虚拟语气,即:主语 should(可省略) 动词原形。如:
3 k/ J- K2 i$ y5 @! X9 g  He insisted that we (should) accept these gifts.
9 a3 X4 T+ J! E# }  他一定要我们收下这些礼物。
5 ?9 y" ~6 m0 n) M, P( G& z$ P  Jane insisted that he be present.3 J5 v" T' U/ v" Y# w/ n  |
  简坚持要他出席。% o- I/ {" I' z% v2 ~# N
  还可用于“insist on / upon 名词或代词或 动词-ing形式”结构中。如:- j6 U3 z5 ?; |, c/ |3 e
  He insisted on / upon my going with him.
4 F# W- F- \4 }; ?4 ~0 T& j  他坚持要我跟他一起去。(= He insisted that I [should] go with him.); ]- Z( i# p; q
  I insist on seeing it. 我一定要见到它。(= I insist that I see it.)) C1 ?) o: C4 j# ]0 P( q; v
  Ⅲ. if you insist 常用于口语中,表示勉强同意。如:. H, O; q" ^/ W: V3 t
  All right, I’ll do it, if you insist.
- W2 W; @1 }: J. c2 Q  好吧,如果你一定要我干这事,我就去干。
$ H: s3 o0 @( N4 J# @8 Q1 R2 b  4.Some analysts fear the country's internal divisions could worsen again, leaving Iraq destabilized and threatening the gains of recent years., M& n/ b7 _3 A) z7 ~
  leaving现在分词作结果状语,leave宾语补足语/ E2 f/ E) b4 X8 _% P
4 ]# T4 z9 t3 @  比如:9 k+ `: ]8 d! t1 S
  I find learning English difficult.(difficult是形容词做宾补)7 y) P1 }" m& H/ J4 B' P$ A( p
  I saw the kite up and down. (up and down是副词做宾补)$ G/ ?6 _8 P/ f* h" C
  Tom made the girl cry. (cry是省略不定式符号to的动词不定式)
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