测试三: 现在试想,你即将听到以下这段文字5倍长的一片同难度艺术类文章,会是什么感觉?4 j" _% T4 l4 P: D) R" W: G8 c
Drawing is a very basic art form. It's appealing because it can be used to make a very quick record of the ideas that an artist may be envisioning, so, a drawing can serve as a visual aid for the artist to remember a certain moment of inspiration and maybe use it for a more detailed work later on. Okay, usually such sketches allow the artist to visualize the proportions and the shapes without much attention to details so these images can be used by painters, architects, sculptors? Any artist really. And large renderings, sketches of parts of the whole . . . these can be helpful in the creative process when a . . . a huge image might be more difficult to conceive of in its entirety. Or, a sketch of just one face in a crowd can allow the artist to . . . focus on creating just that part of the image. So, in many artists' studios, countless drawings are strewn about as the final painting or sculpture takes form. And this gives us insight into the creative process, as well the opportunity to see changes from the images at the beginning in the images of the finished work. It's rare, in fact, for an artist to use permanent materials to begin a piece of art. And some painters, for example, even sketch onto the surface of the canvas before applying the pigments.& L; A/ C y; b0 T+ }$ d; Y" x
Now, architects are especially prone to sketches because, of course, their buildings are so large that an image in smaller scale is necessary to the imagination and implementation of such projects. So, uh, these studies become the basis for future works. And again, this is very interesting as a record of the creative process. Okay so far?
4 r$ ]6 D; ^, ^ 除了声音,单词,语法的障碍,还会产生什么新的障碍吗? 对, 是记忆的障碍。以上单词数量约293个,它的五倍就是1400多个。这么长的听力文章听下来,要记住它的每一个细节去答细节题,难度可想而知。有很多同学听完长篇演讲的反应都是能记住一些词,但句子意思忘了,这种反应其实就是记忆模糊细节题没答好的表现。那么,如何解决记忆模糊的问题呢?你需要掌握"速记"的技巧。也就是说,知道一句话里哪些词需要记下来,又怎么记下来才能不耽误听后面的内容。通常,一个词能被称为速记,就是要在它被读完后1秒内将它记录完毕。这样算来,大家1秒能写的字母数就是你该把它速记成的长度,通常是三个字母左右。比如,sleep可以根据音节速记成"slp"。速记的方法在网络上和书店大家可以找到很多资源来参考,但最重要是熟能生巧地练习。方法再好,也只能通过反复的练习才能快速反应,否则要考虑用哪一种方法就要几秒钟的话,同样达不到速记的理想效果。$ c' ?: Z+ H- p- q% K# g8 G7 |! P$ @, m
值得一提的是:练习速记,应该在一片文章的声音,单词,语法都没有大问题的基础上来做。所以建议大家在准备托福的前2个月先以背单词和练习发音,以及复习语法为主。后两个月左右再把前面练习过的文章重新听记。最后再用半个月左右的时间做托福真题来模拟测试自己的真实水平。' h6 P; t/ P# t
托福听力备战第二步:试题还原。" V0 v y' B- A+ z) F
众所周知,托福的考试题目会出现重复的现象。于是,很多同学都会在考试前大量阅读试题,希望考试时遇到熟题。可是,这些试题存在一个共同的问题:准确性无法保证。换句话来说,写试题的同学自己听得对不对我们不能确定。如果就这样背下来他写的答案,考试时的准确率是不能保证的。那么,我们应该如何利用试题这一宝贵资源呢?在这里,我推荐大家使用"试题还原"的方法。6 A1 J2 z2 H9 ]0 n0 y
所谓"试题还原",就是指把一篇试题中的专有名词在网络上进行英英查找,并将其在维基百科上的英英解释复制,粘贴到一个word文档上,查找生词将其翻译成中文。同时对英文部分能够熟练朗读。( p/ L' |+ h) z# k, ~
比如:网络上关于维多利亚时代绘画发展的一篇试题如下:# v5 g; p0 Z( W
Art。Victoria时代艺术的painting的发展。没听清。听到一个copy,大概出现了很多的copy,使艺术 industrialize,让更多的平民亲近艺术。题目中考了一个有关18XX年的展览,问是什么目的,没听清,乱选的。提到了两个人,其中一个好像比较穷,作品反应的普通人和乡村景色landscape。另一个人是因为什么,现在记不起了。
9 {) M2 z9 T6 @ 这篇半英半中的试题回忆得很模糊,貌似没有什么价值,其实不然。我们只需把"维多利亚时代的绘画"翻译成英文输入网络查找,就能查到它的英英解释:
0 T6 F0 s, K I Victorian Art:
6 p" a# E0 m3 U The second half of the 19th century has been called the positivist age and one of the most fascinating periods in our history. It has been an age of faith in the positive consequences of what can be achieved through the close observation of the natural and human realms.
2 h* A" u) G5 M% \ …
7 n `4 t9 X% t9 O 十九世纪下半叶被称为活跃时代,同时也是历史上最有魅力的时期之一。这是一个充满了因对自然与人的观察的积极结果而产生信仰的一个年代……% ^( S. A' A( g1 H4 Z
3 U9 L2 b: q& l3 q9 \( A& f 这样的试题还原工作可以在考试冲刺阶段做,也可以在平时做,主要以背单词和了解背景为主。试题查找科目应放在近两年常考的生物类和艺术类,天文类等上。* a: @( h+ I7 U; F7 m
6 n" O2 ]7 P( k( [% S2 K 考试时间有限,合理利用时间是很重要的。新托福考试听力部分的时间是60-90分钟,大家要在冲刺阶段注意自己平时的做题时间是否符合考试时间的要求,千万不要超时,也不要把难题用很短的时间仓促做完。建议大家测出自己做完一套听力题的平均时间,再与考试标准时间做对比,并找出最费时间的题型进行集中练习,以提高做题效率。# t/ K& @ o* R/ k
总之,知己知彼,百战百胜。预祝大家在TOEFLIBT考试中战胜听力,获得佳绩! |