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[托福听力] 托福听力备考:托福考试听力疑难词组整理(9)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  1,try out for - 为了什么参加竞争$ ^6 v4 K+ V! l6 m, f8 Y, B
  -Did you get the part you tried out for in the play?' m; z( C" j7 a& Z3 b
  That role was given to someone else, but I got the better part
- Q8 ?6 f9 A2 L3 L  2,tune in -调频道,收听收看
  D' D" o  T8 b# a9 j( A  -Thank you for tuning in today
/ i' D+ V7 e! O! @: E  3,turn down -使减少音量高度或力度2 b% x& K( c9 S' o4 F4 E
  -Look, I am sorry to bother you about this, but could you turn that music down
7 [& Z* d0 t+ Y! k; v! d9 g' G  Sorry, I didn't realize you could hear it
$ @- Y3 w' T  \5 E7 r' w  -I have trouble concentrating when my roommate plays loud music' V. n, x: _* F* a' Y* @, Z
  Why don't you just ask him to turn down the volume herry?
* J% T- M7 T* @. C  -拒绝接收,驳回# h) A! r8 J6 N1 q8 j% R+ M
  -He was approached by three companies with job offers, but he turns them all down
4 F/ j& Q! j4 T2 W( C# ]0 G  -I heard John was turned down for the graduate fellowship, she must be upset
/ ]) H9 U/ n* Y/ O7 f  She was that, but you know John, she got over it pretty quickly
# {" ^4 [0 T. O9 e  -Did you hear that Michel turn down that job
/ L, b& x! C$ P" e" c# s  Yeah the hours were convinient convenient but she would have been able to make ends meet  t* K8 I- x; i" A
  4,turn in 交给某人,递给某人
) b( H0 y; W- e- T/ Y  -Gerry ,did you turn in your locker(有锁的储物柜或有锁的其他东西) key, J! m' I  ]( L$ d2 D
  No I got Sam to do it$ T8 x  c1 ]( d4 d! Z3 n
  -Now that I finally turned in my thesis, I plan to take it easy for a while
3 a& s$ A7 H1 ^% W8 }: r  5 turn off 关掉
* U' `" i6 E- k! A3 D  -I turn off the lights all ready for bed; R) G$ X. d. H+ G& ?; a
  -I missed the bus again today, because I turned the alarm clock off in my sleep, I don't know what to do( ?" N; B, w' C( H& D6 R% Y- I
  Try putting it far enough away from your bed then you'll have to get up to turn it off
& q9 Q/ M) J7 p" q& Y! \  6,turn one's back on 不愿帮助2 k3 X9 a9 G& n+ C# x* S
  -He’ll turn his back on me if I ask for money, X8 A4 V$ m' ?  B
  7,turn out 结果是,发现是5 o( L4 H0 y- q# {5 m* z. I
  -This course wasn't supposed to be hardwarranty?
5 ?' N. _5 k" ~) v  It should be, I bought it only six weeks ago
+ }4 a* n/ {& m  10,up to -该由什么决定, 视为什么责任" W7 A2 B* D% v% _: L! z  f! U
  -Do you think we should urge Bob to study Spanish?
4 L2 i  O! F' s) y  We’ll have to leave that decision up to him/ W9 z' p6 Z# @' w
  -Should we call Marcia and tell her about the meeting
' `. ~- m$ v9 I3 }+ @' g+ K7 I; f  I am not sure; it’s up to you; t; U. ^3 ^+ q8 F$ d" B
5 W7 S; P* s& d. a9 }' H: j  -I am afraid that Alan is not up to such a difficult task

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:06:25 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  11,up to one's neck -非常繁忙
% m5 l7 O( Y4 m9 ?6 F9 \; N1 V1 N  -Come swimming with me
4 q, ^  X9 X4 c* ^  Sorry, but I am up to my neck in work# d4 c8 K2 f, _; I! C; X
  12,upside down -上下颠倒
; K# A  I, [. Z  -This calculator isn't working right( l3 i- O! k4 o7 M' a, j8 s" V) u
  I think you've got the battery in upside down
# r% k& Q; U! {4 y; m( B  13,wait until the last minute -等到最后一刻
% X) D% i) y& n0 y4 e3 m* [  -I can't remember the due day for a final paper* T& z" I1 Y, v' k: D6 s7 Y
  I think it is the last day of class, but professor Murdock said not to wait until last minute to hand it in
( F0 p7 I, \+ t: m  14,warm up -热身活动或练习4 z( K' `3 c+ A7 j  L9 `  f0 b
  -Are you ready to go jogging?中华考试网
: }5 }/ Y, U, g, y  Almost, I have to warm up first
2 }$ ?- f( t5 G  15,wear away -消耗,磨损
: X$ V4 C0 v1 f5 S* g3 C) h  -It's highly abrasive abrasive and quickly wear away the out wax layer protecting inside bodies
% _( B& N1 A) T& F. f  -over the years, rains have worn away the rocky mantle(地幔) of the continent8 _+ l' ?% y! V5 w, N$ c
  16,wear out -用坏,穿破,穿坏" W: ~% R6 O# k" v" ~9 w( A
  -and rail road in railroading(铁道运输) doesn't wear out highway as tracks do9 t. W' A: z. x2 D* [
  17,what if -做什么怎么样,表示建议7 W# J2 t& k6 M) a
  -There are some interesting shows shells on the beach today* D/ U+ p) H& K2 E* M
  What if we collect some after lunch?
& Y9 l* b) Z6 A/ Z2 S7 t* Z7 N  18,what's this I hear about -是怎么回事
, H5 R4 L/ k2 X, z7 e: a: x) Q  -What’s this I hear about you are appearing on the six o'clock news) ^. j* p; Y) N+ i* G' H* @
  Oh, that, some people were filming something on campus and I just happen to pass them in front of the camera3 @/ S( s. F! X/ j$ u! i3 g
  19,wind up 安排,处理,以...为结束
4 }* g/ M* \7 y2 s6 ?  -That’s a long line, do you think there will be any tickets left
) a2 g! z6 S1 b6 k( x. k$ l; ~  I doubt it; guess we'll wind up going to the second show
9 m& M2 `6 ?6 \0 }1 P/ n  20,work out 锻炼练习5 _6 B7 k4 F2 ]  ?
  -For the next half hour we will work out in the jam- F: F5 Z3 U. U7 l: L9 o
0 r  x0 [6 Z9 F6 [  -I am having a problem getting the classes I want
2 y/ \# X. @9 d. \  That's too bad, but I am sure you'll be able to work everything out before the semester. k9 D$ _9 ~* `! E
4 P9 g3 Z4 L8 I. A" E% [) h  有效,有效果
) c3 P! ~0 d% [  a6 D' K3 ]  -I hope this works out
1 O' U' R- V' g9 S: `! _9 X  21,wrap up 完成
; M  C4 `* g9 M+ e  |  -Do you think we can wrap up this report by five?
& V; F  f  P: y9 a8 t) d& w  Have you looked the clock recently?* N( P0 K3 H/ r( K
  -we've been working on this proposal for so long that my eyes are starting to blur(弄得模糊了)! M8 M8 T! H! b4 U  y6 Z  Y; X0 z5 S
  Why don't we get out of here, we can wrap it up later
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