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[托福阅读] 托福阅读:New lizard species discovered

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
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- l; u  g: A0 d) i, p. U/ O     A new giant species of monitor lizard has been discovered in the forests of the Northern Philippines, scientists have said.
; ]; _: L* i$ Q" X) v/ M+ n: n" tThe two-metre (6ft 6in) brightly coloured lizard is a secretive, fruit-eating species which was found in the forests of the heavily populated and largely deforested Luzon Island. " r5 m: B2 \: ^, a
    The discovery of the monitor lizard was described as an "unprecedented surprise" by scientists documenting the find in the Royal Society Biology Letters journal. 6 g( F7 k8 g0 e+ \7 X
    It has become rare to discover previously unknown species of larger animals, they said.
; i% U7 c2 ?8 y    The species (Varanus bitatawa) is restricted to the forests of the central and northern Sierra Madre range, where biologists have conducted relatively few surveys of reptiles and amphibians. ! Y  q7 q- O1 S% a7 ]% u
    Genetic tests revealed it was a different species from a closely related monitor lizard, from which it is geographically separated by three non-forested river valleys on the island. 6 D2 d+ v- B) Z
    The researchers suggested it was a highly secretive species which never left forests to cross open areas.
! `; U! O) W: x# }- F/ G    The scientists said the monitor lizards, which highlighted the "unexplored nature of the Philippines", could become a flagship species for conservation efforts to preserve the remaining forests of the region.

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