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[托福阅读] 托福阅读近意词(6)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
pp中的单词替换 8 P" J$ f. f( d8 b5 n) o+ Q- \
gameanimals teemed withwere full of
$ @, x+ S% L2 b) ?, Apronouncedstrong fragmentbreak up 1 K, C5 Q4 G0 {+ G
establishmentformation consequentlytherefore
# R- F) ?6 b6 {# i3 z& x' n4 Lheightenincrease previouslybefore eraperiod
/ \8 Y0 M: y) `1 {drivenpushed posespresents
8 x* c+ i. b5 U. Qvariabilitytendency to change ' B; P1 y4 `' _
substantiallysignificantly monitoredobserved
" O1 |8 a6 e2 D8 Kcapable of usingable to use shiftchange
# S4 H" e2 P  n! i2 z8 y2 ^forsookleft
( w. |$ z0 C7 Usignatureidentifying characteristics
; v3 }- n5 p! y  X  I+ S2 _/ Astandardizeduniform
* z: v& {% t5 e: Aorientationarrangement terrainground delineateoutline & U* P* o+ g& ~$ ~! d
prescribingassigning promotescontributes to ) U( C6 W8 x' I& u" d- o
indicatorssigns obviouslyclearly componentselements
$ @& Q' K* I: X$ D: k$ y6 S$ kcommonshared broadgeneral overlappingsharing characteristics 1 P  G$ C0 w9 W3 |% [
compelledforced stumbled uponaccidental adaptedmodified
7 _6 [# y! D( Y$ u  m9 Stedioustiresome facilitatingeasing freezinghalting ' s' f! i1 o* G+ d% y' u
contextssettings accommodateallow for poundinghitting ( N( G. `+ a. t  z' v6 A% @
conspicuousnoticeable assessevaluate " {  N" Y$ Y' J+ I+ c6 w. x. o
toxinpoison divergemove apart depictedpresented
3 {, t) K8 T. O4 pprecisionaccuracy obviousclear feedsatisfy . I  `5 {* N- l) Q
sourcessupplies meansmethods flourishingthriving
" `7 J) W- I5 b+ h" vuniverisallywithout exception anxiouseager ) K4 s5 @4 g3 g! V# x2 A
at bayunder control soaked upabsorded splitdivided
0 L7 y% G$ o6 g( t9 V- gscorchingexceedingly hot attributedcredited   l# ]) e3 e# w5 y1 w
successivesubsequent stimulatescauses scarcityshortage 6 `  \+ t* j- n3 ^
encourageedpromoted vastgreat affordsprovides ' M, @; w; [6 \( s
remotefar away availableobtainable vehiclemeans
5 U8 z) T9 U" Z! S$ L- i. Y! zin essencebasically constitutesconsists of
& C) }% S( t# O8 ygraduallylittle by little diminishedreduced
! N0 R* b, I2 H1 j8 jdiversityvariety expansesareas priorpast
$ i+ T, j! G! ^0 q& E# maccelerationspeeding up essentialfundamental
: k+ Z: ]) y# e& c$ _$ \3 Coutgroethresult incentivemotive impedeobstruct
3 A( O; r& p8 o8 N3 R" F; nseverelarge converttransform magnitudeextent
: `  @) T0 v+ t+ jbeneficialadvantageous envisionedconceived of
  j: d9 `1 {& S9 h1 K: A! Zscanexamine orbitingrevoling powerstrength 3 F) [2 K: ^1 h* e! j; b
casessituations exhibitshow unusualuncommon   B' q0 K7 a8 o( c1 Y! q
thusconsequently constantcontinued sequencesuccession
/ d# g( u) ?6 @' Nattainreach on the other handhowever solitarylone
1 _+ b' k# b% e: H/ ~, T6 Rrotatesturns allocatesdesignates spoken forclaimed
" a, x) C3 o, pstatusposition in its own rightindependent 7 D/ t' q2 z& Z9 o
conceivingimagining supportsustain alternativeoption
" T1 L7 s& K! h, `5 I4 n, Msequenceorder periodicregular elsewherein other places
6 P4 z8 b. [6 `3 R6 Jhamperingrestricting acceleratedspeeded up
' a" |6 h  E3 S/ O7 r. Hsubjected toplaced under adjacentnearby account forexplains
9 _7 I. P* u9 J5 O* b. b% m3 B5 Wroughlyapproximately puzzlequestion converttransform * \/ I4 r9 k6 f( U/ Z/ M
spenduse practicalrealistic criticalimportant ! ]+ b) c' K0 V
tracingfollowing vitalimportant componentsparts
* A, J: k; Q+ \- I8 D; l2 Eoccasionallysometimes aquaticmarine apparentlyseemingly
8 m! G- _5 ^9 O# wconveyscommunicatates reactingresponding repelward off
7 e1 `3 a: ~% X. [# m" swavesgroups rockedmoved capitalmoney prevailingdominant
( _% w/ m, I$ b/ m* f0 G1 D# e  q2 W2 tladenfilled splitdivided anticipatedexpected
' p, N/ L9 G5 S8 B* F' Aliabilitieslimitations compellingpowerful naturequality , ~$ V# X5 J$ Z  C$ x
reinforcedstrengthened discoverslearns resultconsequence * p, q' a9 l. J0 S& @
dislodgeremove tasksresponsibilities forage forhunt for % q$ N" r7 J# O
disseminationspread advocatingrecommending
/ s; i" J$ ]/ Klittle more thansimply mereinsignificant flavoressence
5 o# d5 ~) V1 W  X0 vdispersaldistribution segmentpart complexelaborate
! Y  m# Y& I. Y/ T; a( Kproposedhypothesized variationchange subsequentlyafterward
% e* @' E+ k/ j2 y+ @% ainquiringcurious alternativedifferent reproducecopy
; c3 }4 B8 D8 X$ z/ x) t% }  Iadorndecorate suggestsindicates refinedperfected 8 d: k2 |+ l$ V+ r2 g$ W& w9 z
pinnaclehigh point recurredreappeared ratherinstead at leastat the minimum accompanyjoin

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