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[托福阅读] 托福阅读近意词(5)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Underlying = inner (underlying adj.在下面的, 隐含的 ,implicit 如 underlying meaning) 6 ^5 ?+ V) A9 G/ o9 g3 p3 g3 m5 Y
underpinning (基础, 支柱, 支撑 a support or foundation) ! B* g; U3 s, Q; P1 N% J# t
Unqualified (不合格的,无限制的,绝对的) = complete 2 M; y- F# \0 g! R* K8 n, s$ i
utilitarian = functional (文中选) (utilitarian adj.功利的, 实利的, 功利主义的 n.功利论者 )
! t# B% W* }- f. o# Kunqualified =complete; 9 A% X4 L. }$ |2 |2 p
utilitarian =functional $ x9 \6 ?; h; z& N& L
universallywithout exception # x" g. v" f/ p
! ~) x$ m$ d) V8 o, V1 e1 nundergoneexperienced 6 S2 c) ?+ y# K  ]
3 t, K) f" m. L& P- zvigorous = strong ! U; Q  L% `4 a7 T( k2 Y! ]; d
vexing = difficult (not sure) (vex: 使恼怒,使痛苦, puzzle, annoy)
- X! [, i4 ?2 H9 xvolatile
) w& }6 U. }1 a  uvastimmense
2 E# |. F" H9 w& J8 [vastgreat
- ^3 C" p" l7 P" W  evehiclemeans
/ d5 |& q% f, T8 [variabilitytendency to change
$ I( H2 ^: r9 `: ]withstandpersist avoid/persist? 原文是:...brick withstood the weathering for a long time... " `3 R2 ]% S* Q4 G6 ?
! V( P2 S! k7 v$ d: Jwearuse
! e  C, t! z' R* k7 \whatever in any case/ at any rate/at all event
  F" N7 L* H# S) E1 U& Mwarycautious
, t) _, Y  Q! l: k$ _' Uway stationstop ?= yet 选项还有however / in addition. ) X/ _' R- j) F0 j" j# i6 s

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