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[托福阅读] 托福阅读近意词(3)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
mastery的形容词形式 -expert, - T9 u7 T- Y3 ]! ]4 y
; a: f2 L( G1 d( a! g  V' Gmoreover=in addition( 答案还有thus) # C+ z7 O( h2 }  Z4 c
5 \/ t* }2 w: |$ Q* ~2 j& _mask = disguise MASKED 伪装的,隐藏的,潜伏的 : E2 Y  ?5 B; N1 r) Y+ G  {
merit / ~4 E1 k/ m% T/ p6 Z
"milestone"-significant events ( in the context) . u3 k& N9 j7 b8 z& V$ M
Milestone = significant events (select in whole paragraph, spend much time for this one)
6 z( e# W0 `7 }  J% X, d# g2 cMoreover-additionally
& C+ D  [2 b  G6 W' p2 ~( @mean - signify (还有一选项intend)
* K8 I( m9 G7 J$ V- w* rmerit
% r+ L  {9 r9 _: n. D' Ymasked
) o: s$ n( x5 `) zmonopolize form dominate
" ~9 f# K. @, r* g: E! Hmotifpattern
$ C& s( c9 ]1 ]$ G8 m: m- g7 kmonitoredobserved - G  z; t4 e: ~( e
magnitudeextend " q1 X% i  w) Q6 I& T+ f
minutely adv.详细地, 精密地
! p- m' r0 Z, qminutelyfinely 8 }$ {& Y1 D  l3 C( D4 O
minute tiny
" _3 w6 e3 \- G2 \minusculetiny
. Z* N; F9 E. u, Z: amodificationalteration(另有clarification),
2 k+ D# o/ J8 l: Z* ?" qmilestonesignificant development 5 n0 s/ N2 \/ B
monotonousboring 1 E1 ^; v( ], o
Note = record
6 P9 n* c9 _$ O- f, Jnaturecharacter ! u3 p  I* b. M
notwithstanding despite
7 I  t+ |# Z  c! {+ Rnoterecord   a1 J+ r! L( s% A+ l# \. D
outbreak = sudden increase(improved, upsetted, 另两个我忘了) + R+ ~* m+ ]2 W; T
obscure=conceal 答案有干扰选项diminish 7 B! K- v* u. w& i
  N' f9 C' G8 r. ^+ ~outlet 出口,出路
3 j5 N6 g, ?0 l; |3 L  Coccasion-event 9 h0 b( S+ C1 `
obscured- conceal * M1 ~0 D1 v+ g& x# h# O
obtain acquire
1 W/ m% X* I* M* W"prosperous"wreathy,
7 `* w, v  `4 e5 {: p1 J* npremise = assumption
% B9 T$ o" A: m2 j1 f& g( [parcel out= distribute
( b$ y. K+ q0 H% I  e4 N& Jprocurement= obtain " g  \& t- }  O  ^. Z
practical/predictable/great-p*midable(practical, not very sure)? 8 K: e8 b* n# {  T5 j6 ^
came from a article: the American army in 1776, conquer pumidable 6 \# K. h  H4 A- T) F" _
" \9 A8 |. W! w' G. y, j. Nprohibited = extremely
2 ?# I) v9 ]% P( M0 `. U3 x' H3 kpare away - remove
8 z. N, W0 n( LPattern (n. 式样, 格调, 图案 vt. 根据图形模仿,仿造 = match, imitate) 6 F% R/ F7 Q" X. E
Pinnacle = high point + k  ~! q  D1 E0 ]$ @
Pledge (保证, 誓言) = Promise 5 A7 o, O; T; L
practically (几乎,差不多) = nearly ! c2 [/ ]) N6 R
Predicament 困境
7 ]- p! P0 h8 U+ SPremise 前提 v. 假设 =assume
+ X: E, g1 K9 b9 [& v: i6 JPrevious = Past

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:40 | 显示全部楼层


) }* z$ q9 s6 l6 JPrimitive (原始的,早期的,朴实无华的) = early , }! R  n3 @3 K/ R1 r
Principal = dominant 2 v- I/ f8 A. o* O0 J, d7 Z
Principle = rule & @+ R) U, Q; Y1 [6 R& w5 @
procure ( 获得,取得 acquire, obtain/ 实现,完成 = bring about, effect, procure a solution) # \5 C; S5 R4 H4 D% J& L# G
primitive: early
, D8 j$ `* u( M3 Lpurchasegrip vt.买, 购买 n.买, 购买 6 J, F! Z  }& q. x' J
当时选了 benifit,认为是好处之意,现在想来,还是grip(抓住)更好
& U' }- z) B8 m+ n9 G! ^: `principle (two times) 1 noun form i guess means rule ( S, f6 w& n9 G- b& E
/ J8 {) V1 w9 mproximitycloseness 4 \5 E. e( k% X4 {2 l' n0 S1 d
$ |! D8 D, q- Q8 zProcure=obtain ) z; K1 H, E7 L) b
" z. P$ ?+ p5 x* X! s6 d* m2 hprior - past 0 R9 g$ h" L0 P% B& s8 q% ], w
predicament: difficult situation   U" a! `: u# Z( I& Q5 S+ A
predicamentserious situation
* Y- F% f- O, W' B: Q$ x( C) Qperspective, n.透视画法, 透视图, 远景, 前途, 观点, 看法, 观点, 观察
, z; ~" ~  p5 B0 sprotrudingprojecting
5 C3 d7 R& c' z. k9 c' S  K& Lpunctual
4 r5 P1 b, v: q+ f5 [Punctual没有直接对应选项(carefully(my key 表示时间精确 not sure)
& Z* ^8 a2 O) \' mpotentialpossible 0 P( i  P2 x, U2 a) z
, X& _. f2 M% x3 j; {$ i; m0 |  J* Qprimarydominant 0 ~0 j+ [/ E" u) C8 X2 @/ g
previouslybefore 1 V' n$ l' r/ {$ n
pronouncedstrong 5 j5 q" e1 \7 r% }* |
, ~8 n7 e. }2 A2 veservesave
9 Z/ M% b& C2 B) [" LRadical (基础的,根本的) = fundamental (radical = drastic)
) N' C3 {  T6 t( m$ o9 VRather than = instead of
6 e! \1 e" Q/ X+ g+ Urefine
: x% E% L9 z4 n; SRemedy (治疗)= cure,   n* i& O7 F. R1 [$ P4 L
rigorous schedule = demanding
7 l; T. K7 A' S& b: ~5 t(rigorous 严格的,严厉的 demanding 要求高的,苛求的 如 :a demanding job )
$ F2 m1 T" F& c: vRival = competitor . |9 g' e# U4 X6 \" E7 c) U
"ramification"consequence; 3 g4 [# w9 m0 u2 C# j& g
; {& D' C9 X4 A$ i2 vredundancy # e- q+ ]# \9 X, J* k% @
remarkableincredible / h$ X) I' o2 [/ L
revolutionousquick discarding
4 C5 h2 ~# S+ X3 r- \4 @revolutional quick discarding/(我选了change,回来查字典发现我错了) 1 `2 l7 _2 s# c6 M( v+ f
revolutiondramatical change
0 m% `8 B9 D8 }6 w3 H+ m" @6 {0 Crigorousdemanding. $ i0 I" r" U" J: B/ I% R: N7 {7 _
# g4 n& U+ J& o: q$ \* hrelevant adj.有关的, 相应的 ; b+ o9 t! U! J9 L6 p% T! c, E$ x4 K
ritual n.典礼, (宗教)仪式, 礼节 adj.典礼的, (宗教)仪式的
( H  Y  j% v9 ?. o% f! `; _# o5 Wruptureburst
$ r2 ~- s# ~' G( d8 z1 ]' o) tradicalextreme remotefar away
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