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[托福阅读] 托福雅思极速英语:你是否还记得这首歌

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Part I:极速词法   1、familiar adj. 熟悉的; 2、call vt. 叫作;/ L" n2 P3 G( s
  3、hum vt. 哼哼,吟唱; 4、headache n. 头痛;9 U$ o- w/ I& R; _2 L6 Q" `; b
  5、be caught in a traffic jam遇上交通堵塞了,堵车了;
. N( ?- M  d1 l' M  6、sneeze vi. 打喷嚏; 7、bless you(上帝)保佑你;9 U0 G3 |: b# g* P9 E
  8、lie down 躺下来; 9、aspirin n. 阿司匹林;4 [$ g% U3 K$ ]0 C
  10、tune n. 曲子; 11、melody n. (悦耳的)旋律;
" @8 }: e# z1 P# K7 O$ l  12、wet all over浑身上下都湿透了; 13、be caught in the rain淋雨了;
; A& p) `) Y7 N1 ?8 l  14、backache n. 背痛; 15、take some aspirin吃点阿司匹林;, S1 m/ ~3 K- W! d
  16、pills for cold感冒药; 17、on the shelf在架子上;
; a6 x( S4 L* u" [  18、run out of sth.用完了,耗光了* X/ a4 R. e/ I6 K% W
  Part II:极速句法
3 k' h4 R# I! V  对话1' u4 o" N+ L7 e
  Clare:Listen to that song! Do you know what it is?1 C: H- y# K, T: S, _
  Edward:Hmm, it sounds so familiar, but I don’t remember what it’s called.6 h. l" l/ ^1 J
  Clare:Oh, yes! Now I remember. It’s “No More”.
1 A6 I( s2 f/ ~5 I  Edward:Yes, it is! Can you sing it?# n" t8 u- Z5 P% J# T
  Clare:No, I can’t. Can you?
/ L. m) m3 Z# b: P: H. s" G( x6 B  Edward:Neither can I. But I can hum it.
# \$ p: g& g) |+ m6 U+ A  Clare:Who can’t do that!? That’s easy.$ l0 A# Z5 H  g1 K- r1 i
  Edward:Easy? Well, you know, the easiest thing is often the most difficult thing in the world., Z: T) D6 I, O3 Z" ^) Q& ^+ E
  Clare:Oh, come on, Ed. You aren’t my father, are you?
$ X- B! {8 X/ r$ `  j( C  对话2* q+ k9 q- R  u0 }1 Q
  Steven:Sorry, I’m late. I was caught in a traffic jam.+ Z" b# ]8 l" L" }
  Boss:I just got in myself. There were so many cars.
" H5 j4 w3 D% z. A  Steven:Yes, you can say that again. Say, you don’t look very good, Boss.
) }) i1 h+ u8 }+ {  Boss:I must be getting a cold. I’ve had this terrible headache since I got up, and I’ve been sneezing all morning. A-A-ATCHOO!- M* N. R; k5 V' N4 k, j
  Steven:Bless you.4 K' _) y3 |5 B. Y
  Boss:Thank you.
1 V& d% _$ r9 _( s" z. j: ^/ ?2 B  Steven:Look, why don’t you go upstairs and lie down for an hour? I’ll go get some aspirin for you.
: O3 q9 [8 I( ?% b/ g  Boss:Thanks so much. I really appreciate it, Steve.; O5 e3 z  h; e' X9 x6 x
1 P. R8 g3 W; W! i/ z' ]- n9 g  1.Listen to that tune! It sounds so familiar. What’s it called?
, @( y# E0 W. N2 J+ |* Z. Y8 X+ _  2.That music sounds so nice! Can you hum it?, f+ E8 S, w/ f6 K
  3.Do you like the song “My Heart Will Go On”? –Well, to tell you the truth, I like the melody, but I don’t like the words very much.
6 q7 C% Q; e- X" o  4.The most difficult thing is very often the most interesting to do in the world.
$ J! x, }+ p( D9 x  5.Come on, man. You aren’t my father, are you?; D! b% N/ k+ b1 T* r- X2 L& J
  6.Look, Tim! You’re wet all over!—Yes. I was caught in the rain.
% r# ~' d6 m8 M1 F( E  ?  7.Oh, my Dear! We’re caught in a traffic jam again!
& {1 E# y7 q# E  8.When did you get in, Steve?—Well, I just got in and sat down.
* I2 Z) u. e" ^# S8 ^7 {  9.You look great today, Julia.—Thanks. I slept very well last night.& m$ I1 V2 c$ T$ h: k
  10.I’m not feeling very well. I must be getting a cold.
; ~6 I; E3 H. B# Q  11.I’ve had this terrible backache since I got up this morning.' }3 |& e3 {) q2 V2 G6 u
  12.I’ve been sneezing all day! A-A-ATCHOO!
; G( \3 D: z* _% r  ]+ N  13.God bless you.
$ m. }2 {: Z# x7 e5 W; n$ Q  14.Look, why don’t you just go home and have a good rest. I can do the work for you.
6 F5 g. n# p- j/ J; j  N  15.When you have a headache, you can take some aspirin. It really works.# @. d: e. |2 L' }2 X
  16.Do we still have any pills for cold?—We may not have any more. If there are any left, they’re there on the shelf.
) S2 n! n8 k% h% r  17.I’ve already looked there but couldn’t find any. We must run out of them.

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