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[托福阅读] 托福极速英语:英文笑话及诗歌欣赏

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Part I:极速词法% Z9 @7 L. q! N& T3 h" g
  1、appreciation n. 欣赏; & c8 ?! E7 A) \/ [# V) c# {" c
  2、down the street沿街;3 D3 K2 R. ~9 ]9 _+ F6 m" T
  3、umbrella n. 雨伞;
  s+ V) `1 b5 ?# g  4、cow n. 奶牛;
7 U& h! v& x% @# V  5、catch a bad cold患了重感冒;
6 K3 [3 X( y- M' \5 z  6、instead of 而不是,替代;
: A9 ^* S! \  T$ o) f. b8 w7 u2 ^  7、lazy adj. 懒的; 1 e4 h. P( g( F( t- G( p& H3 k4 d
  8、sign vt. 签(名);
( g8 n5 |; Z7 I% V  9、poem n. 诗歌;
% [7 b4 y. B1 v% A0 g, V  10、daughter n. 女儿;
/ i) F9 }  ~. y# [; L  11、from the very start从一开始起;
* k: H% o3 {! p* g" s# y, I$ G# \4 b  12、You’re all I hoped a daughter would be.我想要的就是你这样的女儿,分毫不差;
3 J( g5 q# o: k; p7 ?/ y7 k  13、clear adj. 清楚的;
% e- h! f2 k  o6 O  A, y( i  14、goes by经过;
  Z0 K! ^4 F$ ^2 {/ m  15、set…aglow 映红了…;
+ D# k2 x% K7 q& h$ t  16、edelweiss n.(高山)雪绒草;
4 ^$ b0 X7 v8 m% X2 G  17、greet vt. 问候,迎候;
' R: H7 A3 F+ L2 K  18、blossom n.(尤指节果实的树或灌木所开的)花;
& _( @3 ]9 R8 _* v  19、bloom vi. 开花;   f9 h: G0 y0 o9 |& k% R
  20、forever adv. 永远;& K9 a4 _) y* E1 ]
  21、bless vt. 祝福,保佑;, r) w! `: `" m& ]% O
  22、homeland n. 祖国9 I8 B0 F. S5 q5 o( X
  Part II:极速句法1 s, W7 g: G# O& M6 o+ K
! r: R5 J; f( y5 C5 t* T) G& q  1.There’s a man down the street who has such big feet that when it rains, he lies down and uses them as umbrellas!
8 o$ m# }6 ~0 I9 [4 C  @  2.Last winter, the cow caught such a bad cold that she gave ice cream instead of milk.
* Q- v1 }- U+ n/ X  3.Have you heard about Will Knott? He’s so lazy that he sings his name Won’t.
% s6 ~, K2 r, {: `. l& v7 n  Poems# Q% U2 j* x" l- \( b( s2 N: J
  My Daughter
$ `; ]. o: E) a$ ^. `  Dear daughter,
  c! T! N3 ~  m' ]  I’ve loved you from the very start.
; ^" z1 ^; j# p3 S, y7 w. z$ R& b  You’re all I hoped a daughter would be,
4 R. B$ H4 _; U3 M  and I hope that my love for you is clear for you to see.% `- h7 V7 p7 z4 J: K/ Q$ _# {
  I try so hard to say the things that I know you need to hear,
2 a* y* ~6 m9 W, P  and not a day goes by! z: N1 Z, K. J( U3 l5 x
  when I don’t wish that you were here.
3 i0 N' h! n+ H) I3 \* v  And now I’m sending you this message  w2 x0 [, k2 q5 u$ x8 c$ K3 }
  because I want you to know, W# B2 J7 |, N8 m" F- z
  that you’re the bright star in my life—
+ S7 C* g  c9 Q9 q% S% w8 V2 B  you’ve set my whole world aglow.$ x& N+ F7 _& k) j) B
  An English Song
% T; z5 G# s0 c& S7 \1 M% D: O  Edelweiss
) Y2 `6 i" u+ d, [( ]  Edelweiss, edelweiss,3 {% f7 Q$ ^$ m! T. p
  every morning you greet me.
  n2 a3 K) `& _& ~) f2 ?  Small and white, clean and bright,
( ~% u8 H: h+ R  you look happy to meet me.
3 f+ A5 Q: a' k# S% W  Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow,
, w8 P" o0 Q/ _* h0 p4 ~  bloom and grow forever.7 K% ?- z1 |0 z& n$ [" Y  t$ p
  Edelweiss, edelweiss,. a1 F4 V# Z1 [# c  G
  bless my homeland forever.
- M7 i  C+ G* ^( s8 M' A  Edelweiss, edelweiss,
9 v' N+ J- q4 i8 l5 R. U+ T+ V  every morning you greet me.) t" F$ S) F. D' `  O7 d1 v
  Small and white, clean and bright,$ X$ j& \' I% n) P5 X4 ?" C
  you look happy to meet me.
" W, A) e9 S0 z# d3 A  Blossom of snow, may you bloom and grow,
6 H1 A) |' B2 D- U4 D/ J. V6 b  bloom and grow forever.& i( E2 i% H$ x, _" |
  Edelweiss, edelweiss,
1 F- N" c5 P" s# [  p" a2 J7 o  bless my homeland forever.

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