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[托福阅读] 托福阅读:他一定被事情绊住了

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Part I:极速词法 3 B' m- U# _( O; u* }% s
  1、keep绊住,耽搁; 2、to be here来到这儿;0 x. g3 N) o* a# |  h
  3、an important appointment一个重要的约会; 4、be late for迟到;
) f4 J% j& V3 z# a7 Z0 W- j  5、at 2:00 sharp 在两点整; 6、possible adj. 可能的;
4 c" ^7 Q: _! Z2 b  K  7、get lost走失了,迷路了; 8、know the way very well路很熟悉;
6 y6 t2 k" T7 [8 b4 Z7 j. P8 F  9、be not like someone to do sth.不像某人(的一贯做法);& j+ s' a& P' G% }3 s& y# }3 c
  10、sth. come up冒出了某事,某事发生了;11、not any longer不能再;& v, ]6 ^0 W* O$ ?$ r, P& j
  12、get something to eat吃点东西; 13、stay here留在这儿;' d; w  x; {% q$ Z
  14、There you are!你可来了; 15、can’t catch one’s breath 喘不过气来;
/ W3 N6 e3 ]) \5 G; v6 s* @) R  16、break down(机器、车等)出故障,抛锚;
, d* i2 s* c& Q  17、walk all the way here一路走来; 18、apologize vi. 道歉;
/ X) R! H! z$ g8 F3 V  D9 o  19、do the cleaning打扫; 20、at the entrance 在入口处;) U/ a( y8 Q/ x7 f/ D8 w3 x# H& E& T
  21、attend vt. 参加
+ ^% o7 u' Y) t. x0 [  Part II:极速句法
3 J- i9 y. n" f/ K1 ~$ v  对话1$ x! ^' w" Y- T4 m
  Helen:I wonder what’s keeping Jack. He was supposed to be here at two.' ^3 D* z8 B" K% Z7 i8 y
  Bob:Did you tell him I had to leave by 3:30?0 K! a  u+ N; ~
  Helen:Yes, I told him that you had an important appointment that you couldn’t be late for. He said he would be here at 2:00 sharp." I! F# @" t. ~6 b0 v9 O- \. e
  Bob:It’s already 2:30, but he still hasn’t arrived.
! ]* Q# a$ C/ P* k' O  Helen:I know. But let’s sit down and wait.4 B  b2 T# B+ z9 U2 F3 C" T
  Bob:Is it possible that he has got lost?
+ \( X* f3 X- m) R, D/ r  U  Helen:I don’t think so. He said he knew the way very well.9 {% X0 ^( i0 U- _. q3 m3 I* m
  Bob:It isn’t like him to be late.
' [4 [. m7 o) S" U# d  Helen:No. Something must have come up.
1 F8 C9 }* a6 u+ T" D* _2 m: P  Bob:Well, Helen, I really can’t wait any longer. The appointment is really important for me.
! M+ Y0 ?2 q+ S" s9 N  h8 a2 K% H  Helen:OK. You get something to eat quickly, and I’ll stay here and wait for him.! P( ~" n8 k# v1 O+ t
  对话2  H( _, r. q, l. N
  Helen:There you are!It’s ten minutes past three! What happened?
0 T) O# p7 |4 t  Jack:Hi! I’m sorry I’m late. Look, I can’t catch my breath. The bus broke down, and I couldn’t get another one or a taxi, so I had to walk all the way here!
8 h5 o5 h) Y4 V' e  Helen:You walked all the way here?
  v2 E. W5 H! f, D" r) w8 |  Jack:Yes, I did. Where is Bob?4 U( ?" F4 `4 G
  Helen:He has left. He had an important appointment at 3:00.
2 }( ~1 t+ P! r0 @' g6 a. b  Jack:I’m really sorry. I’ll have to apologize to him when I see him next time.$ Z+ X3 e* w: M; u& X% j& S, C6 f
  Helen:I think so. He didn’t have anything to eat for lunch.
+ k$ M: U# H( B: W0 f0 S, V  Jack:I wish he hadn’t been late for his appointment.: [4 j, C+ {% @+ [( R2 P
  Helen:Me too.5 d( g4 L8 T# J9 ~- P$ N) G
  精美语句( }) }- U$ z2 E5 Q: j5 s
  1.I’m sure something is keeping Jack.9 X; D$ G3 q; e% @
  2.Something must have kept Jack.
' i8 g" N$ e+ ]! E8 `  3.Jack was supposed to arrive at 2:00.$ @+ e+ z  D) T7 H4 h; k' i% ^4 x) V
  4.Helen was supposed to do the cleaning this morning.- h4 c) s6 I# I, V, R3 e, g# g
  5.Did you tell him to wait for me at the entrance?8 x( L0 k  r$ h7 @' N6 T; d8 c
  6.I told him that you had a meeting to attend.2 @" G4 C# C  J; G8 b; y; q
  7.Is it possible that he has left?  c0 R* V1 W2 T
  8.I got lost on my way from Shanghai to Suzhou.
- V3 d4 c7 X* X/ x$ A( b2 z  9.It’s just like him to be late for an appointment.9 T5 N$ r) g4 e9 Y2 M+ [: y% N% _! Y- k4 W0 P
  10.It is clear that something has come up.8 T. C  O& e5 r. m
  11.I can’t stand him any longer.
. h  m3 q% w+ }: j  12.There you are! We’ve been waiting for you all morning!, g2 q2 e/ B1 G: c; K7 p
  13.When I got to the top of the hill, I couldn’t catch my breath.
9 y9 f+ I. o1 d& M/ L  14.I’ll apologize to Jack for being late.

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