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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:TigerconservationdiscussedinBali,Indonesia

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 老虎属于大型猫科动物,以凶猛著称,被誉为“百兽之王”。然而,在人类活动范围的日益扩大和生存环境的变化影响下,老虎已经逐渐成为稀有动物,面临数量急剧减少甚至灭亡的危险。今天我们就一起来探讨一下如何促进老虎的保护和繁育问题。  / O! [1 P  j, q4 \5 g
  Officials from 13 countries are meeting in Bali, Indonesia, to agree on ways to try to double the number of tigers in the world.
1 q, ]) Z7 c6 k : }5 S# s/ H# g' B3 x
  The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) conservation group has warned that a lack of global action could kill off the endangered species.
2 f, J9 F, q9 {' V* l1 S/ n6 h4 }
, |# \: V$ c4 e, T  Hunting and a loss of habitat had cut numbers to about 3,200 tigers - the lowest ever.6 G9 u5 f& d1 n# t+ R

& Y' i) y7 W3 V2 j  The Bali Tiger Forum is a precursor to a planned global summit in December.* N5 b4 X, K  ]! E2 K$ \# M3 J

! o2 L6 C) V4 K2 n  There is a particular focus on China, where a huge demand for tiger parts fopr consumption has fuelled a drop in numbers.) y: q0 K5 j4 b+ h% y) T

: v  U$ z( `; x% C& R: r  Tiger's year2 W) e. [0 m8 m! b* c& Q6 J( ^

: e  X- C7 c5 E- l  Conservationists are concerned about the proliferation of Chinese tiger farms, where 5,000 tigers are kept in captivity - they say this spurs the trade in tiger parts, and demand for illegally caught wild tigers.
8 E6 _0 M! B2 c9 N( } 5 z+ z: i1 j# p5 _* i8 ^7 i2 ]* i. E
  Representatives from China, India, Indonesia, Nepal, Russia and Thailand
5 w4 V  Z( l9 J& ?& ~/ L6 V
7 L( h; Q% O; ^% o" n! V  Dr Bivash Pandav, landscape co-ordinator for the WWF tiger network initiative in Nepal, said political action was needed to enforce laws against poaching, secure habitats, and help communities who come into contact with tigers.
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  "This year offers an unprecedented opportunity to put in place a co-ordinated, multi-state plan to save the tiger," said Diane Walkington, head of species at WWF-UK.: _% u" b+ P5 a1 w; p

$ f1 D& I, H0 h* ~' P4 V  "There has never before been this level of momentum for action on tigers and governments must take advantage of it.( m3 O& B/ k5 L! O9 Y# j9 K) ^0 `2 F
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  "If we lose the tiger, not only do we lose one of the world's top predators, we will lose so much more.
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& J8 N  J7 Q& x5 o5 r9 x  "By safeguarding their habitats , we will protect hundreds of other species in the process," she said.. O* H  f, v1 V( ?" U! n( B, q# p& Y

2 Q, ?! w, I! }& t) q" ^4 f! l0 \  The BBC's Indonesia correspondent, Karishma Vaswani, says Indonesia, the host nation, is home to around 400 Sumatran tigers.
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) n5 e, T3 R- X- B  It has come up with a proposal to boost its tiger population whereby rich Indonesia could adopt a pair of tigers for $100,000 (

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