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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:UKbutterflypopulationtrackedinBigButterflyCount

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
" D+ y" p* _5 A( z  The public is being asked to help track the UK's butterfly populations as conservationists warn many native species are in serious decline.9 a# y) ~6 C+ s0 L5 `4 I4 M* n. d+ U

& e6 q  g: {+ y( X' B* q  The online Big Butterfly Count survey aims to get a better understanding of which species are in need of most help.+ y) a: x. `; z+ @: V

  ?7 ]' y2 H' _2 C  Butterflies are sensitive to changes in environment and have seen a collapse in numbers in the past three decades.' {5 X( B% v2 D3 n2 H
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  More than three-quarters of the 59 species found in the British Isles are in decline, including the meadow brown.
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, I, S3 Z: h- I- O- K  The holly blue and gatekeeper are among the other butterflies once recently regarded as common species which are now believed to be joining the list in need of protection.
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; I, [5 C' n5 n7 a$ `$ O  The survey is being run by the charity Butterfly Conservation and retailer Marks & Spencer as part of its environment commitment.. |1 I8 p: t5 x- K  u

' }. A/ A' J/ |0 P1 R8 B  Adults and children are being invited to spend 15 minutes in gardens, woodlands, fields or parks between 24 July and 1 August and make a record of the butterflies and day-flying moths that they see./ A4 |8 ^: l7 R
3 H( q) c0 A6 x$ \. p  i
  The organisers hope the survey will help build up a better picture of the fortunes of the country's butterflies, and give an indication of the wider health of countryside and nature.

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