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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:SatellitespiesvastalgalbloominBalticSea

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
. @) m) c8 _) n* J# { # F. k8 h  J7 B7 l+ j$ e
  A satellite image has revealed the scale of a vast algal bloom spreading in the Baltic Sea./ q5 K. r3 W8 Z: _  @: B2 e' L
. r$ t" e& ~3 M
  The potentially toxic bloom, covering 377,000 sq km, could pose a risk to marine life in the region, warn scientists.  f7 O% q2 U/ n' {2 @

% h* ]9 z8 J7 s7 |, q! F3 G; y  They added that a lack of wind and prolonged high temperatures had triggered the largest bloom since 2005.1 q$ x2 @2 C3 l+ a2 q! c- S

0 \3 Z& z! t% O  j  The affected area stretches from Finland in the north to parts of Germany and Poland in the south.
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  The image, captured earlier this month, was recorded by a camera on the European Space Agency's Envisat satellite.& N" j0 f7 e) T1 w  {

- _+ W1 o/ g! i; P/ ]  J3 ]  Researchers monitoring the spread of the blue-green algae said such blooms had spread over the Baltic Sea each summer for decades.% P2 s2 Z. {# }# _3 W
3 W- m' j4 Z) W9 q1 n2 m; r
  They added that fertilizers from surrounding agricultural land were being washed into the sea and exacerbating the problem.' I( k2 e7 w# X3 c
! A# p, ]# L6 d. A) V! y( t
  This has led to a process called eutrophication, in which the additional nutrients stimulate rapid growth of phytoplankton - microscopic free-floating marine plants.$ ^2 |* ], G5 U! l, l6 b, x
9 p2 U( d+ \/ e* I9 |% k& q
  This accelerated growth also reduces the amount of oxygen available to other plant and animal species in the affected area; raising fears that it could destabilise fragile marine ecosystems.
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9 ]" Z" K, h0 f  h/ u7 e  As well threatening certain species, blue-green algae can also pose a risk to human health, and officials are advising people not to bathe in areas where the algae is visible.
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  However, researchers said the current bloom would quickly break up with the arrival of strong winds, as the resulting waves would disperse the algae.

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