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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:WorldCup2010:Yourstories

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 关于世界杯,各国球迷都有自己不得不说的故事,今天我们就来看看新西兰球迷对于世界杯有什么看法吧。  : }4 }- W: I; L% R  m
  Ed Strafford, Wellington, New Zealand2 O4 e, S5 ?0 W7 a
7 |1 c* x) t! n2 `/ O% D
  New Zealand is a wealthy Pacific nation, with agriculture as its main industry. The 'All Whites' will be competing in the finals for the first time in 28 years.
$ [  I/ e$ C5 D2 T! ^6 A% R
6 J& N- {8 M6 ]0 x9 ^2 g4 I# U  New Zealand's national sport is known to be rugby, but the World Cup has provided the opportunity to push and grow the game and have conversations about football.
; E5 a) P6 v: `5 ?( g
) o9 T2 {/ ~7 g8 \( L! I  l! e6 w2 q  A few years ago, local businessman Terry Serepisos invested millions of New Zealand dollars into the game, and in Wellington, you'll see more football shirts worn than rugby shirts.; o, j4 ^- o% x4 E6 x5 ?( ]
. ]9 ?/ ]# L, O- W; ~
  New Zealand is changing culturally. There are more migrants from Africa and Asia who are not rugby fans but football fans, so that has also boosted the sport here.
3 r0 p* O- a( q) R3 X1 j : o' P& p  Q5 L; g+ w8 y+ r1 q/ {" n
  Despite the time difference, I'll be watching the All Whites ' games live at around 2am, and I will try to fit in as many 6.30am games as possible into my pre-work routines and be tactical in attending early meetings.6 B( I! U0 I7 W6 B* ^
& z- e# X5 ?$ \1 y( @
  Other games will be recorded and highlights shows will be watched. I may take some annual leave, either for sleep recovery or to indulge and celebrate football!' i# P* T, [: Y0 ?& I

3 F; ^& M% n7 u; e  If we can get a point in the tournament, it would be a major achievement for the country.

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