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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:WhalefossilstuckinEgyptcustomswrangle

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
& _; x6 `* E1 o  l  Its name in Arabic is Wadi Hitan but it is known as the Valley of the Whales.5 b1 s2 p/ V$ _$ I& q7 Z3 o5 ]# p0 [
7 g3 }2 I6 D$ Y, @7 e2 H
  For years palaeontologists have been unearthing a remarkable collection of whale fossils, all the more surprising because the area is now inland desert in upper Egypt., M3 r# P8 P# \' N/ s( L" o. a
; U0 s1 i" I4 K5 E* J' B
  It is believed that about 40 million years ago the area was submerged in water, part of the Tethys Sea. As the sea retreated north to the Mediterranean it left a series of unique rock formations and also a cornucopia of fossils.& f' G; S9 }, _# s, f' H7 R5 l( [
8 M- t# d8 d* T! j
  One of the most exceptional finds was a 37 million-year-old whale from the species Basilosaurus isis, unearthed by a team led by Prof Philip Gingerich of the University of Michigan in the United States.5 Z: I; d, i7 a( c9 d' w
1 A. W! ?+ G9 o$ F
  But now it has become the subject of a bizarre customs wrangle at Cairo airport.
! k: p& }- m3 ~: U 6 o; u2 v  Z# O; c- H6 i+ @7 u
  Prof Gingerich explained that this was the only complete specimen from this species of whale.
1 b; Z9 w! S; f& h  Q 0 T; f9 S+ C2 u+ w1 c
  It provides evidence of how whales evolved from being land-based creatures to go back into the sea - a reverse of the usual evolutionary process.
2 s5 ?2 w$ b, o% ]  u 8 G0 I7 Q5 \. |- |% B9 c
  Basilosaurus isis retained tiny feet, a useless reminder of its evolution from land animal to sea-dweller.! c! ^* ^/ _6 p( c1 ?5 o# A
6 h# C& A- }! ^& }' I9 B
  The limbs are human sized, even though the creature is 15m-16m long., R/ S) B5 D- Y

5 r+ S* B# v1 d: I1 ^- U$ ~  For the past two years Prof Gingerich and his team have been painstakingly reassembling the skeleton back in Michigan. It is now being returned to Egypt for a new museum, planned for the Valley of the Whales.
6 a. b4 E7 p# A. i
2 h2 i3 a0 H6 A' V9 h: p  But according to the Egyptian media the whale skeleton is stuck at Cairo airport.
6 t; [. I$ v) ?+ N; `& r7 G
9 F, ?! u) U- w- H( }  Customs agents are demanding a $40,000 fee.
# c2 Z- D( Z9 B' ?: |# t4 F+ O# s8 q   X, [, }3 p+ @0 V. E! L! g! j/ o% a( e
  It is not clear how they came to that figure as prehistoric fossils have no agreed market value.
' V$ }" ?" o0 q9 ?8 i. p8 \
% s+ G3 b' j1 ~2 k  In any case the Egyptian authorities who are importing the fossil are refusing to pay.2 @- B9 a9 \: ~4 H5 u: `

, g& n0 o# c6 v9 J' M  A senior official from the ministry of tourism has warned that the issue needs to be resolved speedily, otherwise it could cause a "big scandal" for Egypt, he said.3 w3 c& h. d4 D+ Q9 ?
! Q" D6 J5 l" g& N+ L7 r# H: W- M0 Y! X# {
  Prof Gingerich joked that it had taken two-and-a-half years to be allowed to export the fossil to the United States, and it could take another two-and-a-half years to get it back.

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