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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:英国伊丽莎白女王将荣升曾祖母(双语)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
英国女王伊丽莎白女王二世目前是英国历史上在位时间第二长的君主,最近这位女王得知自己要当曾祖母的消息后开心不已。  0 `1 v- G' K- r! J7 }
  伊丽莎白女王即将荣升曾祖母,其外孙彼得·菲利普斯宣布妻子奥特姆已有身孕。5 R. F6 E2 M+ N; G. f% ^! r
  The Queen and Prince Philip are said to be delighted.
2 n7 R: |2 i; w7 H5 m
6 ^3 }) y, Z4 ~1 g6 u0 `% o3 _' p  One is delighted! Queen to become a great-grandmama as Peter Phillips announces wife Autumn's pregnancy.3 R4 _; L9 u; e7 H7 b2 W& J
) N3 O' v9 h  l. r) _+ Y' \, l # g2 P" ^$ O* h  L4 W: M* _8 Y
  The Queen is said to be overjoyed after learning that she is to become a great-grandmother for the first time.& }; c7 E/ X: i$ P& k
  据说,英女王在第一次得知自己要当曾祖母时欣喜若狂。' F" d3 |/ T/ M2 B" d

9 m& y4 b7 W2 J6 G0 ~' A; B  Expecting their first child: Peter Phillips and Autumn Kelly leave St George's Chapel in Windsor on their wedding day in May 2008$ p. Y; T4 z: W* x" z
  Princess Anne's son Peter Phillips and his wife Autumn are expecting their first child in December, Buckingham Palace confirmed yesterday.1 z6 p2 q; \# s3 F/ n' R0 H
  白金汉宫昨日已证实,安妮公主的儿子彼得·菲利普斯和其妻子奥特姆预计将于12月份喜迎他们第一个孩子的诞生。' {3 O" F6 e5 j  g2 q$ V$ S) [* f6 t
) N& u; X& l6 ?. b
  Although he is 11th in line to the throne, Mr Phillips does not have a royal title as his mother declined to give her children the HRH title at birth./ ~( K* g; o0 u. N7 Z
1 J" F; q0 M8 K$ O7 Q
; i' o0 @7 ]) H- a  Mrs Phillips was born and brought up a Roman Catholic but renounced her faith shortly before their wedding in May 2008 so her husband-to-be did not have to give up his claim to the throne.1 h) s" F- m2 z- U
  菲利普斯夫人出生并生长在一个罗马天主教的家庭,但在2008年5月份举行婚礼的前不久,她放弃了自己的信仰,以此来保住她未婚夫继承王位的权利。* Z9 `) v  n3 e- i7 H2 b* ~

$ s3 z# K' h& P  The couple are living in Hong Kong where Mr Phillips works in the sponsorship division of the Royal Bank of Scotland.: N& ^1 W( z* a5 k
) j( c. s. ]; _% u& J . X4 H  C. _7 z& ]" t" ^8 L
  It is not known if they will return to the UK for the birth.
% ?; \5 w* O, y0 {' M% m  现在还不知道他们是否会为了孩子的出生而回到英国。
/ X9 {7 `- H, n" E 5 f! a1 g& r; G+ v7 U$ i6 k" `/ A
  Their decision to accept 500,000 from Hello! magazine for exclusive use of photographs of their wedding ceremony - featuring the Queen, Prince Charles, Prince Harry and royal girlfriends Kate Middleton and Chelsy Davy - caused controversy two years ago." r8 ?2 w; I1 U) [, V7 V2 u

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