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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:七夕节期间,英仙座流星雨光临地球

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
4 K' s8 }! K# U+ N' k, ^7 X  Sky-watchers could be in for "fantastic views" over the next two days as the Perseid meteor shower reaches its peak.
: N1 E& T& q4 f( g  y6 B) ^7 d: x1 ]3 W
, e  A% l6 x9 v/ D- g( r' P3 \  According to Nasa, the shower could produce a display of up to 80 meteors per hour.5 R8 v6 e  s* Y) r3 H" a3 V

& Q( }4 A; j( N' e# @/ d  "A waxing crescent moon will set before the shower becomes active, setting a perfect stage for meteor watching," said the US space agency on its website.
+ Z/ T; \* V. `1 [. o4 a  G' @( Z   v& h6 t: Y! o+ C3 M) K2 @2 ]
  Experts are urging people to head away from city lights for the best views.7 X: L0 h$ F5 t" P4 C" [% W+ Y7 e
/ n, V6 O% P. ?: a2 g6 W
  John Mason from the British Astronomical Association (BAA) told BBC News: "Weather-permitting, we should be in for a very good show across the UK.
. g+ S- r) p# Q8 o+ m
2 o; |- j# s9 G4 S& X  "The shower has been ongoing for a week now and we have already seen some very bright meteors whizzing overhead."4 z- C% p( S" q# u5 P( U# K$ E

4 M% r0 L! C+ q: T. E  The Perseid meteor shower is caused by debris from the comet Swift-Tuttle.! C* A  n+ a. _- I1 ~

7 N$ h% h: i$ `  n$ d2 Z* L  Every 133 years, the huge comet swings through the inner part of our Solar System and leaves behind a trail of dust and gravel.
8 s5 W- R3 U+ i  z& k
, w2 M1 y! y2 m  When Earth passes through the debris, specks hit our atmosphere at 140,000mph and disintegrate in flashes of light.
6 b* z8 @+ M) r 0 c  A5 [: t7 E( k. x" K' i
  The Royal Astronomical Society (RAS) said the relatively warm summer nights would make this meteor shower one of the more comfortable to watch.* T! K5 |* L: `2 k1 U& N3 o
8 \1 Q9 ]* G% g4 N8 Q3 o
  ?$ t$ W9 ?5 L" u- P+ A9 X0 ?

2 x! h5 j0 o7 @$ q6 y3 ~/ Z" G$ {$ ^! TThe annual display is caused by debris from the comet Swift-Tuttle  
) ^( J: i+ f  E# r5 j( l! P
3 e% K" I' h* o/ Z$ P8 C
  U" g! v9 k- e6 |6 P8 m+ W; S+ X9 M
! O. g1 {$ W" W, E( R+ e
  * The meteors are called the Perseids because they appear to fly out of the constellation Perseus+ c% }8 m2 p- {( s: I
8 a# d% p- A$ x
  * The yellow dot marks the Perseid radiant. The meteors can appear in any part of the sky, but all of their tails will point back to there$ j3 E& @$ f) w' H  Q4 [- P0 n* u

) Y) s8 ~! u5 x7 ]( L2 z$ Y  * The best views of the meteor shower are likely to be in the Northern Hemisphere

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