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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:AstronautscompleteSpaceStationextension

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Nasa astronauts have attached a Russian docking and research module onto the International Space Station, bringing the $100 billion complex to near completion.  9 ?6 r" H- R7 I
  The compartment, known as Rassvet - Russian for "dawn" - was delivered aboard the shuttle Atlantis, which is making the third-to-last flight of the shuttle programme.
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  Russia plans to launch its prime research laboratory in 2012, which will complete the $100 billion orbital outpost, a project of 16 nations that has been under construction 220 miles above Earth since 1998.
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) S/ S3 G2 B: d+ @  y5 }$ d  Nasa has two shuttle missions remaining. Discovery is due to fly in September with a final load of spare parts and a storage pod that will be left at the station.! }1 {! n8 a. b- y

4 Y! [: Z% [: I( ]& C, p/ ?, t  Endeavour, on Nasa's 134th shuttle flight, will mark the programme's finale with the delivery of the $2 billion Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer particle detector. The physics experiment will be mounted outside the station.
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' x3 S* C* g2 }  O' [  With Rassvet, the station now has 13 rooms, including two core Russian modules (Zarya and Zvezda) and three major laboratories.

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