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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:Treescan’tliveforeverwithoutsex,studyshows

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 g8 y2 Z# F4 {5 y  Certain trees are able to clone themselves, which raises the tantalising possibility that they could effectively "live forever".* q) Y# Y& u: \
4 ^* Q7 Y$ u9 b* ]7 J2 [5 |
  But a study published in the journal PLoS Biology has dashed that hope.$ o8 x8 @# X) F* r9 ?$ y

- P3 m1 v& c1 r" T  Dr Dilara Ally and her team at the University of British Columbia, Canada, found that the fertility of clones declines with age.6 K- D0 J& l* ~, K! h% _$ N9 l2 L
+ j, r# S8 p3 H; X- }
  This means that a tree cannot clone itself indefinitely; it must eventually sexually reproduce, or it will die.4 \1 y- E$ _: Y& Q0 k  Z( x; ^
9 L. S0 U- r2 E" |: L
  The secret of eternal life has been sought by human alchemists for centuries, but certain trees were thought to have evolved the knack, through cloning.
+ \, j& `9 ?' O6 V9 @8 b
) V# k! {+ o# A: A2 k1 q  As all keen gardeners know, many trees have the ability to clone themselves. Transplant a "leaf cutting" and up pops a genetically identical plant without the need for sexual reproduction.! i9 Q, y+ J4 s4 d- c' k1 q
. l, ~6 X* q; ?" i+ F
  In the wild, trees resort to cloning when there are no members of the same species nearby with which to sexually reproduce. It is a strategy that has helped them avoid extinction.
& @% [8 j1 D" U + _& _+ v$ T1 b7 L6 ^* x* K
  In the new study, Dr Ally and her team studied populations of trembling aspen to investigate the effects of cloning on tree fertility.  X; N4 {9 f" i1 N
5 d8 N) x/ @( p" A; y4 l' w
  The aspen is particularly renowned for its ability to clone itself. Clones sprout from the roots and each is considered part of the same parent tree.
) t# l2 {4 S, z' {+ Y . ^4 {5 O  L" J7 G
  The single largest aspen clone - named Pando meaning "I spread" - is believed to be 80,000 years old and weighs 6,000 tonnes, which if confirmed would make it the world's oldest and heaviest organism.+ \) V/ w) j" [. P+ m7 S& v

9 x! @; T: I* F, ?$ G  Sex or Death# G# x8 }8 M9 v$ A; l

8 s( |' W, ^5 k  Dr Ally's team found that genetic mutations gradually build up with each subsequent generation of clone, resulting in a decline in fertility. This means that the aspen cannot clone itself indefinitely, but eventually must reproduce sexually or die.
5 y. D7 q- E  z" r& F 0 w( X6 E# a% D3 V1 U! `0 U* s' A. w
  The researchers used a novel "molecular clock technique" to work out the age of individual clones before measuring fertility./ w+ l3 {$ y! L8 u; Q; N
7 Z' R, Z- E2 P2 i( S! Z  O8 r
  This meant comparing the DNA of the clones to that of the parent to calculate the time since the clones first sprouted.
, q, n& A" e( _9 r, F3 k
$ a0 P; q- R. z9 M  D  i. q  Prior to the advent of this method, clone age had to be determined by observing populations over long periods. With the aspen this would have been impractical.: j2 w# ^; k+ \# D3 y

5 V0 \  d, A9 y, y  "Imagine trying to follow cohorts of plants that live on average 100 years of age and don't start reproducing until they are 25; it's impossible within the timeframe of a PhD or even over an entire career," said Dr Ally.

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