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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:芬兰领衔全球最好国家排行榜

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 According to the Newsweek of August 16, a rank of roughly 200 sovereign nations according to a clutch of parameters linked to health,education, quality of life, economic dynamism and political environment, showed Finland as number one. Right behind were Switzerland, Sweden,Australia, Luxembourg, Norway, Canada, The Netherlands, Japan, and Denmark, and China only secured the 59th position.  ! E2 u6 v* y  e" U: J
  美国某媒体8月16日对全球100个国家以健康、经济活力、教育、政治环境以及生活质量作为衡量指标进行排名。结果显示,芬兰位居第一。进入前十名的还包括瑞士、瑞典、澳大利亚、卢森堡、挪威、加拿大、荷兰、日本和丹麦,中国则位列第59位。8 a8 G( x3 a, c* n) d- d. M. e

  `5 y0 [, F3 W' e  In other words, the "small and rich" Scandinavian bloc once again showed its power, even if little Iceland got left off the list for some reason. More specifically, Finland won the education stakes outright, and was also voted"best small country" and "best high-income country".
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  换句话而言,“小而富”的斯堪德纳维亚半岛再次显示了它的实力,尽管冰岛这次不知是何原因没有出现在名单之列。如果更加细致的分的话,芬兰在教育这一栏中得分很高;同时,它还被评为“最佳小国”和“最高收入国家”。7 J& p  D0 a2 S2 f5 ]: u
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  The US ended up just outside the Top 10 in 11th, pulled down by low rankings for education and health. The Afghan and Iraq war's bad influence seemed to put the US in the doldrums.. u% F4 y0 D* _) _/ k3 Y
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