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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:“vuvuzela”入选牛津词典新词

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 b2 O9 S$ w6 W0 _( J; y0 @  牛津词典详细追溯了每个英语词的历史沿变(对其最早的出现年代有明确的标注),释义和引证繁富,因而是英语词汇的最高权威。今年,有很多别具特殊的词被牛津词典收录。2 M( `1 S- I! G  e1 H% T9 O
' w# C5 h3 G% k
  The vuvuzela, the horn instrument which provided the soundtrack to this summer's football extravaganzain South Africa, is one new entry in the Oxford Dictionary of English, which is based on how language is really used.
, C  V( }( h& U 3 C9 ?% S- ^& l& D. @' I5 G
% h8 u+ b7 `# J( d
) _/ Q6 U8 a9 \# x: q  The battle to deal with climate change has given us carbon capture and storage - the process of trapping and storing carbon dioxide produced by burning fossil fuels - and geo-engineering - manipulation of environmental processes in an attempt to counteract the effects of global warming.
* E$ ?' ]3 d' S& _; O
) E. E% j# Q! c9 n; U5 j  应对气候变化行动催生出了“碳捕获和存储”(捕获和存储矿物燃料燃烧所产生的二氧化碳的过程)和“地球工程”(操控环境过程以抵消全球变暖的影响)等新词。
9 }( j+ Y9 W- R( r; ?! D
" k$ k- a( l4 O3 K  The credit crunch has introduced toxic debt to the language - debt with a high risk of default - and quantitative easing- the pumping of new money into the national supply by a central bank.6 i4 h* n; o* A( ~# @8 ^: W
- |6 |! J$ |" m% \( ?) @
5 e- o/ ^+ y7 \: G' Y+ J8 d* X , R7 J" N8 n: c& S. J
  Cyberspace produces a constant supply of words and phrases. The dictionary now offers social media - websites and applications used for social networking - and microblogging, or posting short entries on a blog., @. Y  F6 _* z5 ?
' @0 O- m& Y/ ~! l* D. {, E: L
  互联网领域也不断涌现出新的词汇和短语。新版《牛津英语词典》收录了“社交媒体”(用于社交的网站和应用程序)和“微博”(撰写篇幅短小的博客)等该领域的词汇。& w: }/ E$ C# q, B% S

7 Q! V  q& H9 l7 `  ~) @  In all there are more than 2,000 new items in the third edition of the dictionary, which was originally published in 1998.
  p: D% A) b, ]' x' u
5 J% I  m- e, Q, _- G" m/ x  《牛津英语大词典》第三版共收录了两千多个新词。该词典于1998年首版。3 i/ L) \& v, }( W2 ^6 ^- M
. T4 ]9 e3 M6 o" \2 u
  Other new entries are :2 O9 _3 ?2 `# U$ g& U9 `  C  k

( V4 w* H; h, k# M* k  W  其它入选的新词包括:
. g% J9 c+ V& t
- L8 [4 E$ y3 s" n5 U4 ~0 n: p  * wardrobe malfunction: when someone exposes an intimate part of their body after clothing slips;
8 C: P/ S. H5 ]% S4 N! g6 j4 T 2 W) _9 M3 w5 L8 {9 u3 D) j9 ]
  走光:衣服滑落导致身体私密部位外露。2 ~' b  o8 L" [7 }# u+ s- l& B

% d/ w9 d$ J0 p" x- ?! M  * chill pill: a notional pill to make someone calm;
/ m, ]* J0 A$ o- ^8 p9 t
. |, }) F! a% s: e$ e  冷药丸:引申为“让人镇静下来”。1 e4 a9 \, c6 j- X

9 `4 i0 `5 J! q& s+ W* F  * bromance: a close but non-sexual relationship between two men;6 \/ ?% f7 |6 P; d" V! V. F+ B; p) @
& q: U$ R# K) U3 C
  兄弟情:两个男性之间非性爱的亲密关系。7 l9 W, A6 |4 }* w/ e0 c

( e0 i: O1 h8 D( s0 w  * LBD (little black dress): This refers to the simple evening or cocktail dress that, it is claimed, should be part of every womans wardrobe;
. q1 z! D9 S  c8 [4 e: @ , p. g0 M* n' {5 b7 G5 }6 b9 \
7 E! A% ]9 i$ a$ G ; g5 X) l* l  d. B
  * frenemy: a person that one is friendly with despite a fundamental dislike.! I3 H' {! X+ n+ ^

, i) S! y7 r: N3 K. v4 H8 t+ @  “友敌”:尽管不喜欢,但表面上仍表现得很友好的一种关系。

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