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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读材料:TigercubfoundamongstuffedtoysinBangkokluggage

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1 ~, l0 J/ q3 k4 _% K0 G5 R
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" \7 E) N( j" g  A two-month-old tiger cub has been found sedated and hidden among stuffed toy tigers in a woman's luggage at Bangkok's airport, the wildlife trade monitoring network Traffic has said.; D$ g% x: I/ J

+ v5 ?) k6 {4 ?7 D+ y1 C3 j  The Thai national was trying to board a flight to Iran but had difficulty with a large bag at check-in.
& D4 r+ A# ]1 t
0 g7 j# \1 P5 F  X-rays aroused suspicions among airport staff who believed they had seen an image resembling a real animal.
" v, K' B& j. J
: X: Y% b/ ]- O) M  Wildlife officers were then called in and discovered the tranquilised cub.& z* c8 V# p5 t# F

3 `5 q( Z. S- p  The tiger was found last Sunday and is now being cared for at the rescue centre of the department of national parks, wildlife and plant conservation.  ~7 C* S/ n& p/ j6 D  w: ]7 P

: {8 `5 j: o3 ?: r" T  Authorities are trying to determine if the cat is wild or captive-bred.% o1 l3 S0 R1 ^! n! ?
9 y( K8 T' r* T: ~: T/ Q0 M
  Chris Shepherd, South-East Asia deputy regional director for Traffic, said: "We applaud all the agencies that came together to uncover this brazen smuggling attempt."
& L& p# Y% Y, `+ s: j4 N
& m: l" h( D% o  But he also called for regular monitoring and harsher penalties.7 Q; w$ j: f  A
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  "If people are trying to smuggle live tigers in their check-in luggage, they obviously think wildlife smuggling is something easy to get away with and do not fear reprimand," he said.
" k' L* Z  C; J5 S 7 `/ O. ~2 {% S3 c1 l0 }& \* \- H
  "Only sustained pressure on wildlife traffickers and serious penalties can change that."

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