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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读训练:Rarefossilisedflowerfound,relatedtosunflowers

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
! D: X) W: j& u  A fossilised flower found in Patagonia by an Argentinean team is shedding light on the origins of sunflowers.5 p: p) O$ ^% H8 V# Z' e) \6 D

! k8 ^; ]3 z- y3 e; v4 F% U& w0 R! o  The large flower is highly unusual because most plant fossils are just pollen grains.! x0 r0 t. `( L* N  s

- n/ K: ?! Z5 F  The fossil is from the Asteraceae family, the relatives of daisies, sunflowers, and dandelions.0 X$ _9 z% U- y

& h0 q! d; T0 l/ r( \  @5 ~  Until now, scientists have relied on genetic evidence to work out where this plant family originated.
8 V! d1 p, M/ G $ ]2 }% Q  c0 q
  Finding this very well-preserved flower confirms that the family came from the ancient southern landmass, Gondwana, about 50 million years ago.
+ Q0 R. m; T" o # k/ G! X+ t2 g) w4 w
  The researchers, headed by Dr Viviana Barreda from the Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales, published their results in Science magazine.* t8 V& F, e; s9 ~! `  w% B
5 ~& O9 a0 ~. _: F2 J2 U2 Q
  The region that is modern-day Patagonia was at that time sub-tropical, with temperatures around 19C (66F).9 d% Z  D4 K+ W" K- |6 F
2 k/ P1 h5 G  v  x6 L$ V; C' E$ D" G
  Dr Tod Steussy, of the University of Vienna, commented on the finding: "Members of the family are found in every continent except Antarctica," he said, adding that they are now normally found in temperate areas.
: X/ W8 w. e' J- [ 5 T" ~& n7 ^5 f4 f
  This plant family includes not just flowers but lettuces, chicory, and artichokes.

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