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[托福阅读] 新托福阅读训练:APaininThirdClass

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
在工作和生活中我们很多人都会需要长时间坐着,但很少人知道这其中隐藏着致命的危险。今天托福阅读训练材料的主题就是关于一种久坐引起的可怕疾病——“经济舱综合症”。  # c) t, s0 L, \; p5 |3 G
7 L, d* S4 N4 G! A* s' [
  s. `( L  j3 \! I% c5 P) [  It seems the more (1)cramped(狭窄的,拥挤的) your airplane seat is, the longer the flight always takes. Some folks handle this situation by just sitting tight(绷紧的) for the entire duration(持续,期间), dreaming of the hour when the plane finally lands and they get to stretch.
3 A( q5 @; e- i7 q* e3 B/ r3 K
" q) ~& q9 ^/ ^# P; r. M; ^" V. }  That may be adding danger to discomfort, studies have found. The discomfort part you already know about. The danger is that when your body is left in a cramped position for too long, blood clots(血块) can form in your feet and legs. That’s dangerous, because a blood clot that (2)dislodges(移动,逐出) will travel in the blood stream. And that’s nothing to play around with. If it reaches your lungs, it could even kill you!
" q) p8 N- ^" `/ |: O . J* K" _6 A5 i+ \8 \  [$ o$ q" r" d, [
  Now, of course not every hurting leg is indication of a blood clot. For the most part it’s just cramped(抽筋的) muscle. But research conducted at Tripler Army Medical Center in Honolulu showed that a surprising one out of four patients in a study group being treated for blood clots in the lower legs had been on airplanes within the past month. And a (3)whopping(巨大的) eighty-two percent still had symptoms(症候,症状) two weeks after their flight!
5 `% r8 H0 ?8 E# E + S8 w/ m. {6 L" |* w* H' n
  The problem is that sitting for four hours or more reduces blood (4)circulation(循环) in the legs, especially if you are cramped up. So, to keep the old juices flowing, and to help lower the chance of blood clots forming during a long flight, get up and walk a little in the aisle(通道,走廊).
8 t. {3 D( t) _3 E
  @1 w$ m3 T0 W# F  注释:
- ^3 t4 h* D0 O" h, A' q3 z , A' c' v8 r2 t) Q3 e3 Z+ J' U
  (1)cramped['kræmpt]' }  Y4 j! U- T! Z7 }1 p- o/ ~
. `# v3 b- X4 ?3 ?9 N: R
  a.7 e9 _& |! M3 y8 b

2 K# H( K  k0 W+ [+ M8 n5 h  1.难认的;难懂的
. }9 v  d+ K/ M4 u6 B ; o1 n8 e* g$ [7 ^
1 g7 ]7 `( \& c. A5 |/ e9 S , g  o5 \' @% f8 j  w7 {! [
  3.狭窄的/ Q, g, g9 r& G
$ |5 ]6 w0 c; C7 r# R. k
  Our accommodation is rather cramped. 我们住的地方很挤。
! B2 `" U0 e; O, |. U$ t% M
: X! H& ^7 F! t) ?  (2)dislodge( f4 j. K; h& A% d9 C5 L

( x4 t- O2 `/ L6 ~3 v# `# a  vt.
3 V  _1 a7 E9 e; P ) i1 Q2 k$ F2 O' s
  1.用力(或设法)移动;逐出[(+from)], m. _6 ^7 I# I& e# i) l

0 t' c+ M: [. L' K6 s) c+ P  The doctor dislodged the fish bone from her throat.6 n+ Q# u& c" m+ V  K& S6 F

6 x% a1 Q" }6 a  医生取出哽在她喉中的鱼骨头。
3 O' W1 a! H& i. c" h " m) J. |/ X9 w5 t
9 G. u; O; ?( U" R" s, G9 m) L - {6 L! Q( P. I/ H
  1.离开住处/ v* D- O( v! T) o& R
( u) O0 z1 g# T' m# }% O& ^
) @) A, k. S  z; m6 k
6 a+ ?/ o0 i# Q6 i! O  a.
: H& m! W7 N4 v6 O3 l( g* @9 p
9 V" H  u1 {5 y" s6 c0 M( ~+ x  1.巨大的;异常的; u: ]! Q' X6 Q/ N3 @

- w& M. v8 i3 G2 m  ad.
  |) ^% a! J6 r , z+ H3 p7 I% c+ S  v, C

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:40 | 显示全部楼层


1 V, j9 o* s9 r: U 2 S  ]! L. ]6 }' s  C
  n.2 u" k) H$ O- F$ u

4 Q, t5 s0 e/ g+ u) j. u, M. |- |  1.循环,环流;运行[U][S1]
7 g& S* p$ V) J- ]/ k) R- E) y 2 G8 r' v$ a2 r
  We observed the circulation of blood in frogs.
6 I' U6 V3 z# T7 G / F% E# }& E& S7 K4 k" }, x. l# R
  我们观察了青蛙的血液循环。+ }, U+ `7 n8 b0 d6 K

: a. W+ f" G$ e7 P  2.(货币、消息等的)流通,传播[U]" o5 E0 G. o# e; y- H2 K( e& k7 J
) ?  N( r- D+ e3 A7 X5 R1 _/ q
  Many forged notes are in circulation.  _; s/ `5 T. w! Q! U- Z9 \
/ ]# @8 ?/ l& o
$ x5 B! W, U) v$ t! J) q
# G( f9 k( }0 \( k& ~3 t  3.(报刊等的)发行量,销售量[S]/ I' ~; n) y  B8 u8 S7 y! y

0 v8 |4 D2 e- D3 n  This paper has a circulation of more than a million.
6 Q6 m! D% z& Z6 F
  J4 B, J! F; g: E. C2 }& K  这一报纸的发行量达一百多万份。, @5 B* X8 ?" j
( O! S# T+ E# B+ O( F
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