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[托福阅读] 新托福考试阅读练习:SwimmingWithGerms

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 夏天去游泳池避暑,冬天泡温泉是很多人的爱好,但是水里的细菌也常让人染上各种疾病。  * u; \! ^# K6 P. H9 H+ \8 ^$ E
  How clean is the average backyard pool is? Find out on this Moment of Science.: m! @- f" W/ J* S$ X

# `& P& J5 t+ K3 Q! p; S  Everybody loves the swimming pool. But how clean is the water in the average backyard or public pool? If you trust (1)chlorine to take care of germs, you’re in for a surprise.
4 _0 Y9 C: m0 H8 v7 t2 G8 m& p/ z7 E 2 \0 V" h9 h0 u, a6 p
  Chlorine and other (2)disinfectants do indeed help to clean the water, but some germs can survive in even the best-kept pool. For example, (3)cryptosporidium may live in pool water for several days. Crypto causes a (4)diarrheal illness and may (5)rinse off the bodies of infected people or (6)diapered children into the pool. If you swallow infected pool water, you may become sick.1 _" X4 t, }' T/ N6 Z* D. f

& t. k& M9 g7 ~+ c! P6 A  Other germs may live for a few minutes or a few hours in a chlorinated pool: Giardia(鞭毛虫), Shigella(志贺氏菌), and E. Coli(大肠杆菌) may cause diarrheal illnesses. Pseudomonas Aeruginosa(绿脓杆菌) may cause an ear infection called swimmer’s ear and also a skin infection called “hot tub rash(热浴池皮疹),” that is usually associated with very warm pools and spas.: P4 F+ j  y7 K" [* m; t" p1 N
+ Z3 B+ Z  N( p, }- }  e# U
  While keeping the correct chlorine and ph levels will minimize (7)water-borne illness, prevention is also a good idea. Keep diapered children in the water for only brief periods and keep sick people out of the water altogether. And, don’t ever swallow pool water.% G& G, S2 L! i4 q/ K

! u# W  E( p9 c2 a, T  译文:
0 `2 g3 \. }+ M1 @1 F8 s$ B- q+ z2 p
! d7 @  u- y- f5 v* x' V  和细菌游泳
. E% q; i8 f# O( G6 o7 D5 k9 R 7 K: ~' G% B% v4 z2 }/ d* b" Z! l0 d
  每个人都喜欢游泳池。但是在一般的后院和游泳池的水有多清洁呢?如果你相信氯可以制服细菌,那么接下来的就会让你惊奇。, L" h8 y+ ~) n, j: S4 Q+ p6 j
. v+ I! j; Q8 k1 R6 C# b( m
0 e7 J8 a) M" S4 L$ f ; J) O$ h% Y6 T7 s0 p9 Z
8 o0 E# R+ p3 m" |) E
: x( @( ]; C7 T  K  尽管保持正确的氯和pH值能够减少通过水传播的疾病,可是预防也是一个好主意。保持仍带尿布的孩子在水中只停留短暂的时间,使病人远离水。并且永远不要吞下池水。) R( I! R* X5 ^, b

/ D6 j) e' I5 c5 Y' a3 U  Notes:4 P4 l& ]) k' m
" P$ \. P" }' M+ W/ U  f
  (1)chlorine ['klɔ:ri:n] n.氯
7 X# \- _0 G1 o6 b- J- e
+ s" Z+ w0 x/ O  (2)disinfectants n.消毒剂;消毒水;消毒乐

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:40 | 显示全部楼层


 (3)cryptosporidium [,kriptəu'spɔridiəm] n.隐孢子虫  
% u% b3 P; j; y) q* l  (4)diarrheal [,daiə'ri:ik] adj.腹泻的
: m; G. C& \7 }! g7 A
8 o6 r1 y, T1 |# q/ Y  An increase in diarrheal illness in New York City followed a massive power outage in 2003.% H/ B' c0 T% V5 z. D

5 \, M9 g+ ?. [  2003年纽约市大规模供电中断,造成了当地腹泻病症的大量增加。
5 C2 z. `/ p$ i+ G  T! ?& P9 n8 e
% ~$ x3 Y3 z" G; d; @! s  (5)rinse [rins] vt.漱;冲洗掉;漂净 n.冲洗;漂洗;染发剂;染发 vi.冲洗掉;漂净; W7 O8 d# j- B$ m& L
: f) _: d- B: z  `4 z  N( Z
  She rinsed her hands quickly before eating.
/ J# D3 y& n& x7 n8 e
+ C, A+ `! h- M5 v+ }! d, I! H  她吃东西以前很快洗了一下手。
; h  F+ i/ e2 Z8 r # Q' H( R' `: \9 G& {! f# U
  (6)diaper ['daiəpə] n.尿布 vt.给孩子换尿布
9 R) m2 ^$ e5 `* T* U0 V1 f& ]" H % {' D  w& v- v; g+ |
  cloth diapered two kids and LOVED every minute of it.. m0 @$ a$ K+ U' ~. j" V5 q
- {' P$ L5 ^: }/ c
1 G5 ^, \+ l7 m+ c" u1 j- C 0 x6 j5 ]6 F% r# e- A% n6 F0 \
  (7)water-borne adj.水传播的;由水浮起的;水运的;饮水传染的
$ q! G% d% o/ C* z4 M
  C7 z8 P, s; D* C% j" _  It tells the research and use of water-borne alkyd resin coatings and points out its prospects in vehicle and architecture fields.
) q. \- L) \$ c0 _- Z( s$ m9 n+ _
! q' V4 f. z( E7 ?5 U3 e. X' x# q  醇酸树脂水性化的研究及在车辆建筑领域中的应用,指出水性醇酸树脂涂料的发展前景。
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