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[托福阅读] 新托福考试阅读练习:如何让出游更健康

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
来自学习和工作的压力让很多人都希望有机会出外旅游放松,但是怎样在旅行时过得更健康更愉快呢?今天的托福考试阅读材料就来给大家介绍一下。  " m2 x% f3 N: U0 O
  When many of us take a vacation, more than anything, we seek to relax. We spend long, lazy days on a beach chair or in a hammock and socialize the night away with rum drinks, fancy martinis, and indulgent desserts. Too often, we return home heavier and flabbier than we've been since, well, our last vacation.# Q, t& }7 H  ?: Q/ {0 C6 a5 T
  很多人去度假最主要目的是想放松。长时间,慵懒的待在沙滩长椅或吊床上,晚上就去喝朗姆酒。吃点心什么的。很多时候,我们度完假回到家会觉得很累。. X6 Y& I+ o( G! M6 ~

! Z3 T" N+ X) C" y1 F. u  It doesn't have to be this way.5 g1 M" B: T  n' x5 m
  我们不一定要这样度过假期。! [4 g) g7 I5 D9 d- N2 T8 ^
+ a4 a  s0 Z! M+ S* F5 D/ V& p, w% H
  Here are some fresh ideas to make your vacations as pleasurable as they are active and healthy.( }! E) h2 m3 G* ^1 [
) v- a, X) j* x5 {
' S1 T( N4 W) i' ?& ?6 O1 \. A  1. Make morning time your activity time. Most likely the weather will be friendlier, your energy level higher, and your agenda emptier than later in the day.$ O" N" I# D7 _, k- E
2 l5 T+ r* f' O0 G& U- h " W# }" z4 @, X
  2. Reacquaint yourself with sunrises and sunsets. A walk at dawn or dusk is rejuvenation defined. Try to make this a daily ritual of life away from home, and you will guarantee yourself both physical and spiritual replenishment.
2 B1 Y5 ]! E- I; e. O! x( z2 Q  看日出日落。清晨或傍晚散步被重新定义。这天像平常一样离开家,而且让自己心里和生理上都重装上阵。" U4 p0 c/ t8 {

) U2 q/ j5 h# F+ Z& O/ v0 a. S: p  3. Get into the water as much as you can. Don't allow yourself to spend all your time sitting in front of the water. Whether it is the ocean, a swimming pool, or a tree-lined lake, make sure you get into the water for swimming or games or even walking. Heck, merely standing in waist-high water is a good workout, thanks to the action of the water. And you'll feel so much more alive!4 k+ @1 a$ E: O6 C, Y
7 A& X' u; @9 k- }7 ` * e6 {, W0 x! {5 o1 F
  4. Get out of the car every two hours. Many of us spend a large chunk of our vacations on the road, either getting to and from our destinations, or using the car for sightseeing. But no matter how beautiful the scenery is, great, memorable vacations don't happen in a car seat. Don't wait for exhaustion or nature's call to get you to pull over. Frequently get out and stretch, walk, picnic, shop, visit, and have fun. It's important for your health and energy, and it makes traveling a lot more active and interesting.
7 {% I" A" Q5 b$ c$ E0 q% `  每两个小时下车透透气。许多人花大量的时间在车上,到达目的地和返程,或者在车里观光。但是不管景色多好多美,令人难忘的旅行都不会只是待在车里。不要只是累了才停车。经常下车伸展身体,走走,野餐,买东西,做坐游戏。这对你的身体和能量很重要,并且会让旅行更活跃更有趣。2 s& w9 v7 ~* y% ?' k
+ Q2 i* m5 r. q
  5. Play miniature golf. You burn more calories sitting than lying, standing than sitting, and walking than standing. Although miniature golf won't incinerate fat, it will burn more calories than lying in a hammock. Plus, your kids will have a great time. You probably will too.# ]1 t0 M% C2 e) c6 X
  打迷你高尔夫。坐着消耗的热量比躺着要多,站着比坐着多,而且走动比站着多。尽管迷你高尔夫不会燃烧脂肪,但会消耗比躺在吊床上更多的热量。另外,你的小孩会玩得很开心,可能你也会很开心。6 h! _; [5 [' t2 J% q

2 e/ k0 ?% X- A  6. Explore on foot. Yes, you can use the concierge, the travel guides, the map, or the bus tours to get acquainted with a new location. But only by getting out and walking can you truly get the feel of a village, city, resort, or wilderness. We recommend that you plan to spend the first several hours at your vacation destination walking the area. If you are in a city, pick a few restaurants to try while you are walking and make your reservations in person. Be sure to locate the parks, museums, and shopping areas.
% ?/ Z/ ?& c3 o' o- c* }6 _# f/ `' R

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