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[托福阅读] 新托福考试阅读练习:DeadZonesintheOcean

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 海洋环境是否健康与众多地球生灵的繁衍生息密切相关,近来由于各种原因,海洋中的“死区”越来越多,这样的趋势如果继续下去,海洋生灵甚至我们人类的未来都将面临灾难。  4 @6 u7 v$ c- Z. y
  Are there dead zones in the ocean? Find out on this Moment of Science.
9 E1 E3 E/ l$ N 2 f; A, n" R. n* ]) c
  Well, as if we needed one more reason to get our environmental act together, a recent U.N. report warns that the number and size of dead zones in the ocean is increasing.
3 m7 C6 p. a% M2 Y, Q2 I. n6 R
3 U( C$ l9 c3 V6 y. T2 |  Dead zones are regions of oxygen-deprived water, where nothing can live. They’re caused by an excess of nutrients–usually nitrogen(氮)–released into the water. When sewage, farm fertilizers, and emissions from vehicles and factories get washed into the ocean, you get what experts call a “nitrogen cascade(氮容器)”. Tiny free- floating organisms known as plankton(浮游生物) feed on all that untreated nitrogen, and multiply to such an extent that they (1)deplete the oxygen supply in the water.
& h# _* B" ~1 n. v 9 S  j, C; w/ q) E1 N$ c6 x
  While fish may be able to swim away and avoid (2)suffocation, slower-moving and (3)bottom-dwelling creatures like lobsters(龙虾), clams(蛤蚌), and oysters(牡蛎) often can’t. Also, the ocean might be a large place, but right now there are 146 known dead zones, some of which span tens of thousands of square miles. One of the worst is where the Mississippi River (4)drains into the Gulf of Mexico, and dumps fertilizer (5)runoff from the Midwest.
9 z8 Z: p  D, C- n , D5 E0 X! [/ Q6 F/ R- V% z" b
  Oh,no.Is there anything we can do? We can reduce nitrogen emissions from cars and factories, and implement better sewage treatment. We can plant new forest and grasslands to (6)soak up extra nitrogen and keep it out of the water. And we can develop alternative energy sources(替代能源) that aren’t based on burning fossil fuels(化石燃料).
/ Z$ q; J7 u, q
, Y4 z- Y( P7 G; z/ \* A4 M5 M  译文:3 w* W% }& f8 ^# l/ p& `: p

8 t8 z# U9 J, y- `  如果我们需要一个理由一起进行环保行动,那么这个理由就是联合国最近的发布的一个报告警告说海洋死区的数量在不断增多,面积在不断增大。, q% F# f9 |" {7 l  K7 @
5 i0 l% {! E! W! @
6 Y/ w7 ^1 B6 H. K/ Z1 ?
3 v' X& k& J0 S! E" s5 l8 g, P  尽管鱼可以游走避免窒息,但是那些缓慢移动和底栖的生物,列如:龙虾,蛤蚌,和牡蛎却不行。或许海洋是一个广阔的地方,但是目前已知的海洋死区已有146个,其中一些跨度数万平方英里。最严重的地方之一是密西西比河流入墨西哥湾的地方,这里倾倒着从中西部流失过来的肥料。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:40 | 显示全部楼层


; b  c  K; W, d5 H- f  i+ R) s7 Z  Notes:& \" i/ j* Y' o( ~6 s( A

1 `' r" u4 @6 h% v* U5 c& h# s6 |  (1)deplete [di'pli:t] vt.耗尽,用尽;使衰竭,使空虚# @4 K& C6 z7 G5 @4 o
' ~- g7 p* C$ N. S1 \, i0 m
  The fire had depleted the game in the forest.
8 Q- D: I* @. r# P. n8 q
3 ~8 h3 [# A( x1 H" _' s8 e2 z  那场大火使森林里的鸟兽濒临绝迹。
& h+ n- v, s: I- Q7 N. e5 a4 v
5 w8 k# C0 H1 A  (2)suffocation [,sʌfə'keiʃən] n.窒息;闷死# o$ p5 h0 N& j( l
" i% D$ e  ^+ `/ @
  A target that makes her save is immune to suffocation from that elemental for 24 hours.6 R- _; N  S% i6 C+ l

; h2 \) a! g6 y. J  豁免成功的目标在24小时内免疫这个火元素造成的窒息效果。
1 D# N; G  ~. x0 D
! B' v4 _! ^; Y4 a0 F: Q/ K* S  (3)bottom-dwelling 底栖生物
' f9 K* G% ]) w7 \# h / u* N1 |  ~/ c* a  C2 F( D
  marine eellike mostly bottom-dwelling fishes of northern seas.. u3 K6 S' O! v" @. j6 r7 j1 _

, M4 A2 }& c/ j/ w* g  北部海洋中大多数底栖的似鳗海鱼。
1 x" Z: k; B' X$ O
* d. Q8 s- Q6 q/ [) ?  (4)drain into 流入,排入,泄入, u' o7 W) @* P  W* ^1 z( m
. d! q+ d7 P/ l5 g
  The river drains into the sea.
% T5 T: C4 b; ^0 [- {3 H
3 Y' C: ~9 G) Q- ]+ q  河流向大海。
0 N6 n; o% b% P. j* T* x7 A* E7 B3 @ , @' S; e( U. J7 Z' X: G' y% }
  (5)runoff  n.径流;决赛;流走的东西 adj.决胜的
+ T+ H7 O1 Y7 R8 H8 O! v
& \# F) @) y- `; v  So, it is practical to use the sequential clustering and Markov model to forecast the river runoff.
" J3 O9 V7 R* D' S; E$ R" g' N
4 [5 T+ p9 g4 f, k  这说明运用马尔可夫模型进行河径流量的丰枯状态预报是有效可行的。: {( N+ W6 g( N! h5 k. v
9 r% O& X# u7 m6 e% y" ~  Z
  (6)soak up v.吸收
, F: u9 }$ c7 G- [. t# c . D) j0 R2 ?& [: J0 C
  Soak the spilt tea up with a cloth./ [0 M' O, v( o( `
5 Z2 W' o  q. f$ _+ u! C
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