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[托福阅读] 新托福考试阅读练习:如何在冬天快乐起床

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
 在冬天的早晨,尤其是还没有暖气的早晨起床上班对很多人来说是件非常痛苦的事,怎样准时且心情愉悦地离开温暖的被窝呢?大家可以试试以下方法:  % B, g( n: _, `/ E* k8 @
  The slower you build up energy in the morning, the more painful waking up will be. What's better, spending thirty minutes wrestling with the snooze button followed by an hour ramp up to normal mental functioning or quickly starting the day with energy?) S/ k5 e" S) \4 d$ m
, a- q) O+ f6 w) r2 B+ `4 _
  Here are a few things to reduce the transition period from being asleep to becoming fully alert. Not only does speeding up this wake-up process save time, it makes waking up less of a struggle.
7 {/ c8 B* j% `. g
  u" I$ G6 j; N+ @! z5 A  1. Light; `* A; O5 a$ N6 N; C

% E$ l3 s4 u* Z' _. e  Your body's natural clock is tuned to the amount of light. Turn on all the lights in your room right after waking up. Getting bright lights can help trick your body into thinking it is time to get out of bed.8 h5 ?4 i  N  s6 L! y

% p% i) {! }3 b: b3 R  2. Exercise
! B/ E0 H7 A; E5 v. l2 R" G
; e( ^& G* h2 R- T4 l" o- J  Put something physical right at the start of your morning. In the summer, I did a quick morning run and found it helpful in shaking off any sleepiness. Considering the outside temperature hovers around -30 C, I've stuck to doing a few pushups in my room. The exercise gets your heart pumping and snaps you out of a groggy state., ^9 b2 h4 M) r& U( K2 P

! n8 U, K1 J3 l( S  3. The 10-Minute Rule
% u0 Y$ E8 D! Q$ n9 f 6 \# I& y$ v6 [& A7 c* o2 F
  If you want to stick with a consistent wake-up time, practice the ten-minute rule. This means you commit to staying awake for at least the next ten minutes. Once you get over that initial period, the temptation to go back to bed is usually gone.
- U% D# D  b( A, z, ]0 e 4 u; a8 r( e* T" I) m! V
  4. Active Work
0 i2 _. a4 H/ W3 P) C9 N9 w 1 A7 r2 {- x* v2 Z
  Start your day with work that actively uses your mind. Creative activities like writing, drawing, programming or designing work better than passive activities like reading. By focusing your mind early you can stay focused and brush off any unwanted drowsiness.; a2 b* ?! R6 T. }1 ?( C, {+ k" Q4 I: k
6 e: t% j( B7 W; Q5 M8 b3 k4 ~" m7 c
  5. Don't Skip Breakfast
/ Z% d: d0 B) E0 R( @. I8 B - x$ j+ g: J4 i
  Wake up early enough to get something to eat. Skipping meals throw your metabolism out of balance, causing you to gain fat and lose energy. Skipping breakfast also means your blood sugar will be low in the morning and energy levels down.
+ i2 e" c9 `6 C' l$ x1 k 5 s- g: ~. P3 F' B. k1 `* Y
  6. Commit to a Sleep: X- w$ k! s* o6 d4 {) d6 W# L

- s, ~1 r9 I& Q  Schedule The obvious solution to combat sleepiness is to get more rest at night. Carrying a sleep debt throughout the week with the hopes of paying it off on the weekend is a bad strategy. Instead, compress your work into the morning hours so you can get the 6-8 hours you need each night.

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