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[托福阅读] 2011年托福阅读资料:Matching Tempos

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
托福阅读的关键是在于多看多练,为了帮助广大考生更好的复习,小编为大家整理提供托福阅读材料:Matching Tempos以供各位考生复习参考,生活中有很多事情需要大家细心观察和发现,阅读文章不仅可以锻炼能力还能了解各方面的知识。在托福阅读练习中大家要多找些托福文章练习,小编也会经常找些文章让大家参考的,下面开始今天的托福阅读吧。   科学研究发现,人会根据听到的语速无意识的进行模仿。今天的新托福阅读特训资料就来讨论这个现象。
. D& m3 m( ?; d2 w. O$ z+ m- z* K0 S  Research shows that people change the speed at which they speak to more closely match speech they have just heard. They don’t imitate each other exactly, but they get sort of pulled in one direction or another, depending on whether a person speaks slowly or quickly.
0 e2 s$ B5 j* i* K7 ^0 \  Scientists say that while it makes sense that musicians adapt their tempos, being that they are trained to do so, it’s not clear why speakers do it. After all, we don’t have to speak at the same tempo in order to understand each other.: x) U% J- M1 l4 R, @: e
  What’s more is that when asked to repeat a sentence they heard from a recording, the subjects in this research inserted pauses in the same places where the recording they heard inserted pauses. They did this without being directed to mimictempo or pauses., q8 S% l; B# i- u6 ?. c2 U% `% P
  In order to better understand these findings and to test them out in real interactions, scientists intend to study unscripted, casual conversation.; r9 j7 a* z' g  m, L

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