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[托福阅读] 2012托福考试复习:双语阅读篇十

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
AT THE new Museum of Liverpool (above), a sleek limestone affair of Danish design, the city’s Chinese community, which began with an influx of sailors at the start of the 19th century, gets an exhibit to itself. The emphasis seems a little odd, until you consider the city’s regeneration strategy, which rests on a characteristically 21st-century mix of the local and the global. The aim is to use Liverpool’s storied past to attract investment from around the world—and from China in particular.
$ P: `1 s, y% u, E( c8 S【翻译参考】 # G4 C6 p0 Q+ v0 e% }4 @, c8 H6 _
4 F" `) i% X6 D" b+ h/ X! M+ r0 }4 Q: a/ d2 @5 e; Z" d/ C( h( C
' l" u. I1 ?. _1 a3 e, X2 z1 be through tough times 经历艰苦岁月
" ^2 H+ U2 q7 L$ [3 \& |8 a! l1 ?: B3 D2 the economic woes 经济困境
) q% M6 T) ]" ^) o" u# d* f+ F, e3 the lean years 艰苦岁月 * o& O0 c* h) i$ J: y. Z
4 Utopia 乌托邦
" e: @9 A; Z$ O! p: \5 reinforce one’s links to 加强与某事某人的联系
7 V$ ]) S. y. _4 F2 Q) K4 Y6 Legend has it that...这个是经常会碰到的句型 , k3 v4 {& }% [
7 注意一下在本文出现的几个re-为前缀的词
' p$ L& S& \$ g比如 regeneration, replace, reopen, revamp 5 U9 S" L2 a9 E; l+ m6 E9 N
其实背单词的一个诀窍之一就是记各种词缀了╮(╯▽╰)╭ 8 Z: Z) l" P4 T. O5 \6 V

5 T: E6 f$ Y; {* h" @2 q3 m【summary】 1 y- G. T* p6 G) C' b2 S
A city’s bid to revive its fortunes through the local and the global. , @$ X* e, L% G+ c% z' _

5 g' J/ ^" ^) B) v# Z1 g: p, YLiverpool has been through tough times. Once an imperial entrepôt, the city built its wealth on the exchange of slaves, cotton and commodities. But the end of empire, the rise of air travel and the advent of shipping containers slashed maritime employment after the 1960s. Manufacturing failed to compensate for the losses, even if a cultural efflorescence led by the Beatles accompanied the economic woes.   
( z  M! ~7 y4 O6 g1 FMany problems persist. A city that held 856,000 people in 1931 now houses just over half that number. In the suburb of Anfield, home to Liverpool Football Club, an aborted regeneration scheme has bequeathed row after blighted row of boarded-up houses; gardens are overgrown with weeds and poppies sprout on street corners. The proportion of people on state benefits is twice the national average, as is the proportion of Liverpudlians who lack formal qualifications. Health is poor and life expectancy is low. Only two-thirds of residents work—41% of them in the public sector, which puts the city at especial risk in an era of government austerity.

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