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[托福阅读] 托福阅读:托福阅读真题难句解析

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
●第一段:  : V. h: d5 m( [6 m% P3 M7 F' O% j8 R0 W
  段意:本段提出了上树带界线1(timberline)的概念,并描述了树带界线1附近的植被特征。 3 B1 |2 [! }/ V  x4 P: f2 h
  难句分析: / E( v' M9 H# p5 i/ {: W8 H: o
  1.In many semiarid areas there is also a lower timberline where the forest passes into steppe or desert at its lower edge, usually because of a lack of moisture. 9 V8 k8 i) z  Z& @9 ?4 p+ L
  短语:semiarid areas:半干旱地区 , _+ Z* J: o2 G/ W: c/ G
  pass into:传递到,延伸到 考试用书
6 r5 z: k, P1 R$ H# d, p  分句:at its lower edge:its指代“a lower timberline”,lower edge即指该树带界线的下限
% [' r) ]: ?1 e' x. l  释义:在许多半干旱地区有一种较低的树带界线1,该线以内由于缺乏水分森林变为荒原或沙漠。 7 E) t1 o( ~7 o
5 D% v9 ~8 W2 f+ V8 r& f  段意:本段讲述了树带界线1在各自然带高度的不同以及其树木组成。 & f/ p+ Z: m, F- ~# b
- |% e) I  w* O* r% U3 \# P  1.It ranges from sea level in the Polar Regions to 4,500 meters in the dry subtropics and 3,500-4,500 meters in the moist tropics.
3 R9 \5 c8 m0 I  短语:Polar Regions:极地地区 ! q! Q3 ?+ n' }& l7 L
* ]# `( x4 U/ z5 {  j( J7 n  2.Timberline trees are normally evergreens, suggesting that these have some advantage over deciduous trees (those that lose their leaves) in the extreme environments of the upper timberline.
1 Y- \% j" V1 D4 ~; d  短语:have advantage over:与…相比更具优势 ; j6 r. J: K6 x# s7 u( Q
  释义:树带界线1的树木通常是常青的,这表明在上树带界线1处极其恶劣的环境下,常青树比落叶树更有优势。 1 a3 Y2 z! D5 S
2 ~  S2 Q* G7 m& W0 ^  段意:本段指出中高纬地区上树带界线1的树木会因为长在山脊之上而扭曲变形,而低纬地区的树带界线1的树木长在山谷中,接着文章解释了其原因。
, U( `: Y" Y" Q+ M" d/ O) k1 x  难句分析: 3 }% }, G, T5 Y- G: _! M' a9 A
  1.This is particularly true for trees in the middle and upper latitudes, which tend to attain greater heights on ridges, whereas in the tropics the trees reach their greater heights in the valleys.
. n- k$ d* u% }1 J9 e  短语:middle and upper latitudes:中高纬度地区
6 T+ C$ f  C4 [7 W) ?5 }* ?  O  reach greater heights:长得更高
8 H( P( Q9 y9 Z" A* P* r# S0 X+ s2 }  释义:这用来形容中高纬度地区的树木最贴切,那里的树木在山脊上长得更高;而在热带地区树木在山谷中长得更高。 * b" P; p; X, I+ Q4 g+ Z( Y( _
  2.As the snow is deeper and lasts longer in the valleys, trees tend to attain greater heights on the ridges, even though they are more exposed to high-velocity winds and poor, thin soils there.   G; M8 U( T5 j# U: E( v0 y3 w
  短语:be exposed to:暴露在…之中
3 p( N9 U* p2 f/ }  释义:(在中高纬地区)由于雪在山谷中更深并且持续时间更长,树木倾向于在山脊处长得更高,即便在那里它们要承受高风速和更加贫瘠的土壤。
' K0 \7 ?( x# {5 U' l; f  3.In the tropics, the valleys appear to be more favorable because they are less prone to dry out, they have less frost, and they have deeper soils.
: Y( @- q, b. g* a; U5 S' {  短语:be prone to:倾向于…
; n) T8 Z9 z8 e: b% I" P' A$ o  释义:在热带地区,山谷则更适合树木生长,因为它们不容易干燥,并且有较少冰霜和较丰厚的土壤。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:40 | 显示全部楼层


0 [$ m  T/ }) ^4 O  段意:本段讲述了一些导致上树带界线1以内树木停止生长的环境因素,包括雪量,风速,紫外线,放牧和温度等。
. g/ ]) f0 ]& h8 R' t' @8 S2 g5 T  难句分析: * A8 G- J0 @8 }' o6 q# M5 i) @
  1.Late-lying snow reduces the effective growing season to the point where seedlings cannot establish themselves. 9 V$ C* Z8 v$ v8 n8 _9 B0 Q
  短语:Late-lying snow:久积不化的雪
0 {& Q. p5 ~# @: p  分句:where seedlings cannot establish themselves修饰point,establish意为“幼苗扎根生长” : v6 ~* a, R5 c! X( h
6 w8 y$ P" d7 J! U% a- }  2.Wind velocity also increases with altitude and may cause serious stress for trees, as is made evident by the deformed shapes at high altitudes. $ [6 t, K0 y1 r, b
  短语:is made evident:被证明… 5 v: p) e/ e+ G7 F& ^
  主干:Wind velocity also increases…and may cause stress…,as is made evident by… , ]7 L8 u# i( d$ D' n; V  [
  释义:风速随着海拔升高而提升,并可能给树造成严重的压力,高海拔地区树木的变形已经证明了这一点。 中华考试网
) w) M2 X$ i3 L  3.Some scientists have proposed that the presence of increasing levels of ultraviolet light with elevation may play a role, while browsing and grazing animals like the ibex may be another contributing factor.
1 g- [6 E2 C: w. S$ [$ A. C  短语:increasing levels of ultraviolet light with elevation:指随海拔升高而加强的紫外线强度
8 j+ S9 R! y7 c! {( }  释义:一些科学家提出,随海拔升高而加强的紫外线强度可能是原因之一,而放养动物如野山羊等也可能是一个原因。 " P) d% N% u5 y$ K& M) q/ ~
  4.Probably the most important environmental factor is temperature, for if the growing season is too short and temperatures are too low, tree shoots and buds cannot mature sufficiently to survive the winter months. 2 @. N! a  T8 Y3 I
9 T9 y7 c6 ~7 y! t4 b: G3 d. O3 u  释义:也许最为重要的环境因素是气温,因为如果生长季节过短且气温过低,树苗和花蕾便不能足够成熟,也就不能抵过冬天。
3 O# D; Q# w8 Y, U  ●第五段:
3 B! e3 ]5 H6 {) J2 V, v  ]  N, x  b  段意:本段描述了树带界线1以上的苔原环境。 ) F" N! C$ k# e) w
  难句分析: 5 Q7 `% h! l9 V0 @
  1.Immediately adjacent to the timberline, the tundra consists of a fairly complete cover of low-lying shrubs, herbs, and grasses, while higher up the number and diversity of species decrease until there is much bare ground with occasional mosses and lichens and some prostrate cushion plants.
5 [1 `! D0 e9 R  短语:adjacent to:临近…
) f% F% H5 k8 ~  a fairly complete cover of:完全由…组成的覆盖物
, a' C6 U. `. [! \  prostrate cushion plants:伏地状垫状植物 6 ~4 k4 i3 ^6 h9 ~; Y. Y
  主干:the tundra consists of…,while the number and diversity of species decrease until… 3 q' y) j0 l% N9 h' @" E
9 e6 d& G7 M* w1 p; {) T7 V  ●第六段:
6 y2 ^4 ]3 M2 B3 N. F+ z  段意:本段讲述了苔原地区植物的低矮生长形态(low growth form)如何为植物带来好处。 6 X  K% |% E2 p$ B
  难句分析:   L3 a* r  `3 j  {
  1.This enables them to avoid the worst rigors of high winds and permits them to make use of the higher temperatures immediately adjacent to the ground surface. 5 `5 A7 k8 Z) A+ C3 N) c
  短语:the worst rigors of high winds:高处风的严酷打击 中华考试网(www.Examw。com)- u/ e6 h" f6 [
  分句:immediately adjacent to the ground surface修饰higher temperatures,指地表附近的相对较高的温度
8 U/ B: ~  e+ f/ `  主干:This enables them to avoid…and permits them to make use of… 6 \; V1 R+ I5 p3 C: Y
  V# e  V% r) U9 o' \: `- c  2.In an area where low temperatures are limiting to life, the importance of the additional heat near the surface is crucial. . E9 M% I0 W. G' P
  短语:where low temperatures are limiting to life:在那些迫近生命极线1的低温环境中,limiting此处可理解为“接近生命极线1的”
/ s) J! M  o) a& w# f  释义:在那些迫近生命极限的低温环境中,贴近地表的额外热量是至关重要的。
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