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[托福阅读] 托福阅读:快乐的人更有魅力

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
快乐的生活是令人人都向往的,快乐的伴侣也是如此。下面的新托福考试阅读练习材料会告诉我们,快乐的人为何更能吸引异性。# Y+ M5 H' r' j* M  ], z5 Y% p
Singles who have trouble finding a date may be suffering from unresolved grief, which can block love, a US author suggests.
' u4 i6 R( ^: _- n) Y美国一名作家称求偶受挫的单身人士可能苦闷忧虑、难以释怀,而这些情愫会让爱情避而远之。中华考试网
+ `2 X; A! w, ?3 _- W2 h; ~Aurora Winter, author of From Heartbreak to Happiness, says loneliness, disappointment and anger are all symptoms of grief and studies show most people suffer from unresolved grief., b) A. m6 C1 M$ q5 N
《从心碎到幸福》的作者欧若拉 文特称孤独、失望和愤懑都是苦闷心情的典型症状,而研究表明大部分人都有难以释怀的经历。中华考试网
* U1 w. C6 N) V8 P“Divorce, death and disappointments can all hurt your chances of finding love -- without you knowing it. Unresolved grief blocks love. I can tell you from personal experience that no one wants to compete with a ghost,” Winter, who founded the Grief Coach Academy after the sudden death of her husband at age 33, says in a statement. “People who have lost a spouse to death frequently yearn for their late husband or wife.”中华考试网(www.Examw。com)9 U( I, Q0 D( o) b* [. n0 }* g9 z
+ N8 y: r6 _  Z, n, J4 |. P$ [3 eIt‘s a very small step between resenting one’s former partner and being bitter at the opposite sex in general -- including your date -- but to find love, it is absolutely essential that people heal unresolved grief from prior relationships, Winter advises.
1 R3 F" D7 ~/ x+ p* B1 H3 q& F7 f: j* n2 k人们总是易于因对前任心怀怨恨而在异性面前惆怅或刻薄,甚至约会时也这样。然而文特建议,要找到爱情,就得对过去的感情完全释怀。2 |& Q  v8 ?; S" n6 ~5 j. P( A
“The most attractive people are genuinely happy,”Aurora says in a statement. “People want to be around happy people. Happy people get the best dates, the best jobs and the best opportunities.”
8 a0 v. A# T# A7 l7 T, K/ ?/ [7 \9 G“Happiness is feeling good about the present and optimistic about the future,”Aurora says.
! [* S+ Z8 V, O& S她在声明中称:“异性最青睐的就是真正快乐的人,喜欢和他们相处。开心的人总能找到最好的伴侣、工作和最佳的机会。快乐就是真正享受现在,乐观对待未来。”

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