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[托福阅读] 托福阅读:基因改良(2)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
托福阅读:基因改良(2)" l% t2 V- |# D
  阅读部分需要提取的观点是:9 h9 ?/ _9 C( c1 y
  - Main point: 基因改良树木优点很多1 E5 W% E7 ^/ D5 z. d
  - Sub point 1: 可以抵御病虫害
2 U( [, a$ c/ }% c1 t  - Sub point 2: 可以提高农民的收入* j9 E, A' e, l* f
  - Sub point 3: 可以保护天然森林7 I, R* i( R" Z/ y! v- `
) i' N) |1 G3 n1 g( P2 `  Sure, there is benefit to planting genetically modified trees, but are these trees really as great as they first sound? When you examine the subjects closely, there are some serious problems and causes associated with the using of genetic modified trees.7 h- \& J: o* V; U9 ?0 o
1 x# l, J$ P# I8 `* G  First, genetically modified trees may be resistant to one particular condition, but it doesn’t necessarily ensure their survival. You see: a typical non-modified tree population is genetically diverse. That means that for most threatening conditions, for climate, insects, and pests, whatever, there will be at least some individual trees of any given species tree that are resistant. So, even if the most of one kind of tree were killed, those few resistant ones will survive and ensure the survival of that species of tree. But, genetically modified trees are genetically much more uniform, so if there is supposed to an environmental challenge they have not been designed for, they will all die. So, if the climate changes or new pest engages in, the genetically modified trees will likely be completely wagged out.外语学习网
  v' y2 p( i- D0 k: c) \3 E 首先,基因改良树木可能对某种特定问题有抵抗力,但是这却不足以保证它们的生存。你看,非基因改良的树木种群是具有基因多样性的。这就意味着无论何种树木,即便是在遭遇极端气候灾害或者虫害的情况下,都至少有部分个体对灾害有抵抗能力。所以,即便种群中的大多数都死亡了,那么少数有抵抗力的存活下来也能保证这个种群的延续。但是对于基因改良树木基因是一直的,所以当他们受到他们基因设计里不能低于的环境挑战时,他们会全部死亡。所以,当气候发生变化或者有新的害虫出现,那么基因改良树木就将全部死亡。" Y* {9 _' l& r* ~9 W3 ]
  That is the second point. There are hidden causes associated with the growing genetically modified trees. You see, the company that genetically modified tree can charge tree farmers much more for its seeds than unmodified tree seeds would cost. Also, after you’ve grown the tree, you can not just collect the seeds and plant the new tree for free. By law, you have to pay the company every time you plant.
( k* X* i/ _! G7 }  R  现在说第二点。在基因改良树木的生长过程中伴随着一些隐含问题。你看,公司都是以高于天然种子很多的价格向农民出售基因改良树木种子的。同时,你现在不能再每年收获之后收集种子,然后来年免费再种了。因为根据法律规定,你每年都必须向种子公司支付费用。" `8 Q- A/ l% M: h8 A  N3 c# B
  And finally, genetically modified trees might actually cause even more damage to the local wild trees. You see, genetically modified trees often grow more aggressively than natural trees do. And genetically modified trees are typically planted among natural trees. As a result, the genetically modified trees out compete the native trees for resources: sunlight, soil nutrition and water. Eventually, crowd out the nature trees.
8 J0 V7 `! e& m7 f! \- z9 q. s  最后,基因改良树木可能会对本土野生树木造成更多的损害。你看,基因改良树木相对于天然树木生长的更为迅猛。而且,基因改良树木一般来说跟天然树木是共同生长的。那么结果就是,基因改良树木会抢占天然树木的资源,诸如阳光、土壤和水等。慢慢地,基因改良树木就会挤走天然树木。' }! {( E. i1 |  {/ t
" w7 O; ?6 [" `$ j# ~  Main point: 优点之中都存在问题
3 f& b1 d8 s, x! T5 H0 K, N  Sub point one: 如果遇到不能抵御的病虫害,可能会全部死亡; [) c- f5 H  a$ F9 v4 c
  Sub point two: 会增加农民的成本,因为种子公司有权每年收费
9 Q2 j: v! ]5 o1 p4 h  Sub point three: 会损害天然森林,因为会争夺自然资源

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