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[托福阅读] 托福阅读材料:男举首金 叶诗文再破奥运纪录夺冠

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
托福阅读材料:男举首金 叶诗文再破奥运纪录夺冠
9 |( |. K9 u1 P! v# o Chinese teenager Ye Shiwen won her second gold medal of London 2012 with victory in the 200m individual medley.& p& v: R7 Z! @. Y6 W
  中国小将叶诗文在女子200米个人混合泳比赛中夺得了她在伦敦奥运会上的第二枚金牌。; W% ]: J* v0 m
  Ye produced a [w]stunning[/w] freestyle leg to shave 0.18 seconds off the Olympic record she set in Monday's semi-final.' X3 \- ^. M/ W5 Y* m/ @( K
4 ?7 F8 L  [7 {9 s  China's Lin Qingfeng won gold in the men's 69kg weightlifting category at London 2012 in his first senior appearance at world level.
7 U; D9 }% B& s. N) `6 `  r2 J  中国队的林青峰在男子举重69公斤级的比赛中获得金牌,这也是他在世界大赛中的第一次亮相。
; Q: d4 }3 [( Z5 k  The 23-year-old finished 11kg clear of the competition after his clean and jerk lift gave him a total of 344kg.4 H; d+ b. Q; _; X4 o; J% p5 @
  这位23岁的小将抓举和挺举总成绩高达344公斤,领先第二名11公斤。8 o+ [# b( h7 q  l- o+ [
  China's Sheng Lei won gold in the men's individual foil by defeating Egypt's Alaaeldin Abouelkassem; z3 k7 M/ u7 D
  15-13 at ExCeL. 中国击剑队的雷声在男子花剑个人赛决赛中以15比13击败埃及选手阿波尔卡塞姆夺冠。! h2 p9 t& p7 k5 v" G( H
  Sheng had to fight all the way against a determined Abouelkassem, who takes silver to become the first African fencer ever to win an Olympic medal.# X9 d; ?5 D' I
. Z+ [- @% l$ P; k6 f  Michael Phelps won a record 19th Olympic medal as the United States took 4x200m freestyle relay gold.
7 A- |8 P" L7 N
! m9 U! _% O! ^0 O6 Z- Y  迈克尔·菲尔普斯凭借美国队获得的4x200m自由泳接力比赛的金牌,创造了个人获得19枚奥运会奖牌的新纪录。

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:40 | 显示全部楼层

托福阅读材料:男举首金 叶诗文再破奥运纪录夺冠

</p>  The Americans had a lead of four seconds going into the last leg of the 4x200m freestyle relay - mainly thanks to Lochte's fast start.) M$ c! k4 I. T
4 w: K+ u8 ]; I! D3 {0 e" f  They eventually finished 3.07secs ahead of France, with China a further 3.53secs back in the bronze medal position.
' p$ Y+ s  e. r8 h, p9 y" E  法国队落后美国队3.07秒获得银牌,中国队落后美国队3.53秒获得铜牌。
' F8 u" V+ t# d/ g- S% R  F  Chinese pair Chen Ruolin and Hao Wang collected gold in the synchronised diving 10m platform final, Mexico took silver and Canada the bronze.
& a0 l2 t" @8 x7 P0 R( U  中国跳水组合陈若琳和汪皓在女子跳水双人十米台比赛中获得金牌,一对墨西哥组合获得银牌,加拿大组合获得铜牌。
- U; {$ y: A+ l) X( P  The British pair, European Champions Tonia Couch and Sarah Barrown finishing fifth.0 Y0 s3 p- t7 ^- A3 `& M
  英国派出的欧锦赛冠军组合最终名列第五。# l8 ^2 \! f6 a. ~" F1 N9 M  s
  Slovenia's Urska Zolnir beat China's Xu Lili to take gold in the women's -63kg final.Zonir, 30, is the first judoka outside of France or Japan to win the Olympic women's half-middleweight title.% {* c5 L0 e6 q* h! s
  斯洛文尼亚柔道选手佐尼尔在女子柔道63公斤级决赛中击败了中国选手徐丽丽获得金牌。她成为奥运史上首位非法国与日本籍的中量级女子柔道冠军。4 r+ S9 k/ `' j$ ]; ]6 h- z7 C
  In taking silver, Xu becomes the first Chinese judoka to win a medal at London 2012., Q1 y& L' S2 w* u; u  }
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