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[托福阅读] 托福阅读材料:奥巴马在《美国残疾人法》周年日纪念演讲1

发表于 2012-8-14 23:21:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
托福阅读材料:奥巴马在《美国残疾人法》周年日纪念演讲: ]; T& ?" _3 a: a5 N+ Y5 q8 i
美国残疾人法案(英语:Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990)是由美国国会在1990年7月通过的一项法案,经由老布什总统签署生效。2008年小布什总统又签署了残疾人法案修正案,这些修正案在2009 年1月1日生效。它规定了残疾人所应享有的权利,特别是就业方面不应受到歧视。残疾人法案修正案还明确规定了主要生活行为与实质限制等词汇的含义。
1 V2 Y6 A+ Z2 R& U! I% y  Anniversary of Americans with Disabilities Act( C; s! E- {9 ^
( A. y1 Y6 n4 q1 ~9 F  By the President of the United State of America7 J* @6 `) _* P
  美利坚合众国总统+ r, Q; f2 N" g! T
  A Proclamation
7 V) i6 Z( f1 W6 S+ D2 k) ]2 F; S  公告' k0 b8 h9 ?7 C* n( a  A' E# d
  July 26, 2012  k# b/ R: H7 F' Y: z8 A- M
  2012年7月26日转自:考试网 - [Examw.Com]+ A% p3 {; v- s0 ?. @1 o. ]
  Since our earliest days, America has measured its progress not only by the growth of our borders and the breadth of our economy, but also by how far we reach toward fully realizing the fundamental rights, protections, and freedoms afforded to each of us by our Nation's founding documents. For generations, many Americans with disabilities lived as second-class citizens who were denied those most basic opportunities. Not content to accept the world as it was, they marched and organized and testified, coupling quiet acts of persistence and perseverance with vocal acts of advocacy. And step by step, progress was won. Protections were put into law. And a wave of change swept across our country, tearing down the barriers that kept persons with disabilities from securing their fullest measure of happiness.' g8 w/ b* ~, n! M' ?# ~, P0 Z
  从建国以来,在衡量自己取得的进步时,美国不仅依据边界的开拓和经济的广度,还审视我们在何种程度上实现了立国文件赋予我们每个人的基本权利以及各项保护与自由。在很长时间里,一代接一代的美国残疾人过着二等公民的日子,被剥夺了这些最基本的机会。由于不愿接受这个世界的现状,他们走上街头、组织起来、公开作证; 他们有时默默努力,锲而不舍,有时大声疾呼,争取权利。他们渐渐地赢得了进步。各项保护内容被纳入法律之中。改革的浪潮席卷美国,摧毁了各种使残疾人无法充分享受幸福的障碍。

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