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[托福语法] 托福PPTest2语法题笔记篇(二)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  41. In a barter economy, a person having something to trade must make contact with another person ________ and has something acceptable to offer in exchange.
: l) l8 x3 W  y, WA. and who wants it  % m8 D3 y3 C. x" \
B. wants it  7 m/ T8 l$ [6 v! l* z) k
C. who wants it  
/ t# P0 d; w0 }; A+ uD. who does it want  
  r$ M5 X) L. H/ y9 P' }* [* h/ p4 q# ?- E
* O  c* G4 s( j# W( o分析及考点:定语从句。A中and多余。B缺连接词。D词序颠倒。  
1 m" L4 H. R, ^& n: `参考译文:在易物交换的体系中,有东西想做交易的人必须跟另一个想要这东西并能在交易中提供可接受物品的人接触。  
1 S0 ?& n4 b  U
3 m& S" h4 m3 }; C" g  T: c42. The chief justice of the United States is the country’s _________ and is appointed by the President with the approval of the Senate.  
+ d% Q  N, ~% Y2 \7 ]* B' m" gA. judicial officer highest  # M4 Z# k6 V8 j4 V6 G! F9 ^
B. officer judicial highest  
0 P) r) `0 H0 n1 ^) TC. officer highest judicial  7 O0 F9 @# ?" x* x6 P$ k
D. highest judicial officer  
; q: V1 I. {8 I
" t0 ?+ ~4 d" p! v1 S答案:D  % _8 t/ R  @7 D' G% |7 c, m+ Q" i
分析及考点:形容词顺序的考察。因为中心词是officer,所以ABC都错。  & p6 L' a: L' L; A1 }4 l
; a4 U9 _/ D! c) u6 O# t
: y" |& }" n: w% M7 x2 x9 L. p" [43. Including land and water, the state of Alaska ________ an area of 1,530,700 square kilometers, equal to about one-sixth of the size of the United States.  ; L* C" h+ g9 S5 S7 G$ `
A. having  
3 V' C6 \' R- y0 u1 O, TB. where there is  ! [5 g9 p' w0 h
C. which is  
% @2 x  R; `$ ^8 x" Z# ND. has  " v7 w5 B" E6 z; e$ |
+ {, o9 m3 U4 {9 C
$ O: R, l; L9 Z* l: m, u分析及考点:句子缺谓语。不构成从句。  
: a5 {1 ~7 ^: I! p# L2 b参考译文:包括土地和水域,阿拉斯加州有1530700平方公里面积,相当于1/6美国的大小。  
' g2 G& @: ^/ t3 ?: S; I: Z
! U( E# Y/ A# r+ [3 r44. _________ until the twelfth century that the magnetic compass was used for navigation.  
+ I  P# A; Y9 d  U  |A. Its not being  3 ~9 P7 ?, Q0 S: {) P
B. It was not  
6 |- }, U: z$ C# ?% OC. Not  / R& l8 w2 g7 ]4 F$ n: c% s
D. Was not  $ E' U& t; t- U5 t7 y- ?! O  L

0 C0 Q3 v  [% N# U答案:B  
* W: Q* k2 x  [, z分析及考点:强调句型。It was … that …  
6 A0 F% t+ Y3 [% K1 G参考译文:直到20世纪,磁性指南针才被用于航行。  
/ m/ n( ]; @1 }. G* j- ?$ k% M5 \+ i5 P, P! W' w1 d
45. Although she wrote only two short novels and 19 stories during her brief career, Flannery O’Connor made _________ to United States fiction.  ) ~  S+ z8 |& F. B% [" d; ]1 X
A. a contribution is important  0 ^# B7 [2 s9 n6 _4 `9 t  T
B. an important contribution  # ]( o, x4 F! I
C. a contribution and important  , ?& _9 l# O* o, s
D. is an important contribution  
8 p% ^' ?: i! w8 V) p$ R) {3 H( o
  J( K+ b/ _6 m% l7 M9 M! [答案:B  
! T4 H* V8 O* ^+ S  A8 C6 T) C分析及考点:动词make的用法,make 直接加宾语。  
- h7 m+ q" ]! k5 y; |3 F参考译文:尽管Flannery O’Connor在她短暂的职业生涯中只写了2部短篇小说和19个故事,但她对美国的小说作出了重要的贡献。  1 ]8 ]; h6 Z/ O

2 `% J6 `# N- h. P6 i) i46. The New York City Ballet has been _________ of United States classical ballet companies since its inception in 1946.  
' D4 M- R2 u( L  A( ^6 g2 XA. the consistently creative most  & O2 r6 u; j0 q$ p' r- m9 g
B. consistently creative the most  2 \. d4 F. q4 X' W1 v4 O8 B% H- ~
C. most creative the consistently  - V' w. b' N1 r2 E1 ^
D. the most consistently creative  4 j; ~1 Q7 t2 w: |  I! ~6 X: q

. E) J. K+ I7 h- w9 d6 ?答案:D  
9 m8 {* k2 T. m分析及考点:形容词词序问题。中心词是creative。  
4 T8 f1 `( `$ A! w$ g  D6 O参考译文:纽约城市芭蕾是从1946年芭蕾起始后的美国传统芭蕾舞公司中最一贯的继承芭蕾舞艺术的。  
  J  y3 [6 g/ r  }4 F, k
' d7 h) U. j, t. \47. When condensation occurs close to the ground, _________ results in fog or dew.  - b( |+ I5 K- o+ K" H( p7 M+ b0 ^& R
A. or  
1 _. {9 H9 I$ z+ i- [. UB. the  8 O% a. f$ g+ R% U$ N. J4 g7 C
C. it  * z2 u9 G$ b! w3 E" {6 x  P4 X
D. then  
/ Q1 z  K6 _6 T$ x/ f! k- Q# h  }/ P$ H! _2 I: C
" c6 w$ ~% n6 t2 W分析及考点:主句缺主语  & F! h3 `  T7 q& p  N
& G, F) w' \& w) O7 d
+ N( F9 O$ t; Z! T, l48. Desktop publishing systems are capable of _________ camera-ready pages made up of text and graphics, with text set in different typefaces and sizes.  8 X7 Y" v- e! {+ M
A. when producing  # b2 J% y- V1 e9 D% z% T
B. produce  - @- |1 q$ H7 X
C. to produce  
3 ]- {$ L0 ?5 k7 }4 TD. producing  5 k7 a5 n' j' d* k6 q

5 q; A1 [. T# ?. k1 o: N答案:D  0 R; {2 r' U* p2 B1 n
分析及考点:介词后面跟动名词。be capable of doing sth也是固定搭配。  
7 x4 y( v4 L6 F, D. g参考译文:桌面印刷系统能够生产出由文本和图形混合在一起的现成的照相机成像相片,文本还可以设置不同的字体和大小。  3 s7 |' X' b4 {
' j3 C- y% ~" |! U3 ?
49. The femur is the _________ in the body.  - G7 N* `4 d2 b6 F; w, C0 D7 L
A. bone is the largest and longest  
# N/ l2 G, L: U8 RB. largest and the longest bone that    ^. V# }- [1 K8 b; ^# x
C. largest and longest bone  * B7 h, B6 n' Y3 n
D. bone largest and longest and  7 s- M0 i7 K2 s, p+ }9 x% C8 s% @

+ i- p9 ~0 h% t6 g/ C答案:C  * N4 }1 k; X8 o. ?7 z
7 p# _9 Z6 o( F" A) X参考译文:大腿骨是身体中最大和最长的骨头。  8 c) H& q- O7 g3 O$ Q
0 q( d! B$ Q/ ~" |0 a5 i3 B
50. Spurred by the phenomenal growth of the city of Chicago after the Civil War, Illinois became ________.  
; w/ o1 c0 X: G. JA. that a major industrial state  0 F% v1 u# K8 q" Q7 ?. |; C
B. to a major industrial state  
' B  c; i$ K: P, W  {' ]5 UC. a major industrial state  0 Y+ I& m. e& \
D. to be a major industrial state  
$ F4 Y; H8 h7 w- m8 r- {1 w, l7 X2 @* n
答案:C  0 f& U6 i4 Z4 {: e
分析及考点:及物动词become的用法,直接加名词宾语。  2 |9 l7 c+ [5 K# D  s4 z

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 楼主| 发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:40 | 显示全部楼层


</p>  51. _________ from the Caribbean islands explored the area now known as Texas and New Mexico as early as the sixteenth century.
; d4 c" d3 h5 M: `1 kA. Spaniards who  ) f1 i2 Q* q2 s
B. As Spaniards  & o2 n) {. f4 P+ R; A% o0 O
C. When Spaniards  ! y! c5 B2 h5 X
D. Spaniards  
8 p* @! G) h+ C9 h5 y0 I% N2 v) {3 J# ~, Y- N; H& ^
' D; R* D* T5 ~! r  M分析及考点:主句句子缺主语。  
1 \) v6 ?5 _! ?- }$ \: B" Z参考译文:来自加勒比海群岛的西班牙人早在16世纪就开始开发现在众所周知的德州和新墨西哥州。  
4 K2 }; S; ~9 a* m
1 c; t. h# I0 u% F! S9 x$ M3 v3 A52. If volcanoes erupt explosively and cast fluid lava high into the air, _________, dispersed by the wind, gives rise to particles of various sizes.7 m4 h' n) s" X3 a
A. the lava  / Q2 n7 X, p  O: Z8 L
B. and lava  . d  ~, B! M; `
C. when lava  
; ]& Q) U! t+ E, s" b8 N% hD. which lava is  ( L# {* S8 B* i; c7 s

2 i, _0 H" j! u* R" x答案:A  
! G" k9 ]3 w' W/ b  O- z& l9 R分析及考点:整个句子缺主语。  ( H8 [3 L5 Q1 c
7 G% U4 E- A3 C
. N; A) u; V" P) J) A53. North America displays more ________ than any other continent except Asia; only a true tropical environment is absent.0 o! y2 `& h6 ^& ]
A. vary climate  ; e8 n* o' |6 E3 D& e
B. climate varied  3 p9 a& X8 T6 _
C. climatically varied  
; C6 T% z1 @* f* h+ L! QD. climatic variation  
& ~- o, ~  n4 S0 l5 b
  [  e+ {# @' A" B. D) e2 A7 I9 E( d答案:D  . ?% i9 F6 w& e: E: x7 F; D) u
0 z+ q/ e7 h# Z; ^; C参考译文:北美比除了亚洲以外的其他大陆显示出更多的气候多样性,只缺了真正的热带环境。  
9 t8 B5 k/ `% m' G$ a0 G" _  G) R7 z/ b* b) K
54. Neurobiologists believe _________ endorphins and other neurochemicals may control our hunger for certain kinds of foods.
: F$ V6 ]0 I% [$ x/ T  V7 ]A. whose  
/ k4 g5 E( e% mB. that if  
6 G) t( N1 b0 T5 GC. that  
# r3 d: w9 J% oD. of those  
* _  `5 n1 ~1 l0 l% n" Z; s" k, x4 x5 |1 Y, T7 Q0 Y
答案:C  & C; W/ S# x! E5 ^2 d, u9 ^
3 F- i. s$ u4 @" V参考译文:神经生物学家认为,endorphins和其他神经化学物资控制着我们对某些种类食物的欲望。3 v! z% p6 _* H+ J

, R# C2 q& ?3 s& p- _% n55. A feature of Carlsbad Caverns in New Mexico is the nightly emergence, except during the winter hibernation period, of _________.
7 W' ^& f! b" J. EA. several bats million  
9 I) m% Q' j* x5 O/ p3 kB. bats million several  
( r) C. [* `. r% Q4 C9 U- z9 lC. several million bats  5 n! e0 [  S6 I& J' ]
D. million several bats  ( x8 |! `6 T; P

1 F# C" v4 `) I; Q* I" t答案:C  
& q% J# V9 k1 G$ k分析及考点:词序和词义。中心词是bats。  
% p1 g% \8 t, e5 Z- i8 R0 @参考译文:新墨西哥州的Carlsbad大洞穴的一个特色就是每夜出现的几百万只蝙蝠。  * a* _, k6 Y3 O
* U4 P) k1 j- }, Q$ h: k
56. _________ 639 named muscles in the human anatomy.  
3 E" l- O) k" L) GA. As are  
; a" L' h5 n$ q4 j, ?& M5 sB. There are  
( \0 g2 ^: ^5 A% vC. Of the  7 x* V9 @. X. d+ A+ v$ V3 S
D. That are  
2 }6 K* G: d8 t) @8 p( ]
' H: D* P" w  a答案:B  
0 b/ @2 i5 n3 ~分析及考点:there be句型。句子缺主谓。表示有的意思用there are。
; A6 j; u7 [4 p/ q; S  B/ k- A2 c" b参考译文:在人体解剖学中有639块命了名的肌肉。  ! n- }* ~/ f3 k% K0 O
- r' K/ ~+ E4 y+ l6 t7 F
57. _________, or striated, muscles are subject to the will and control of the body and are attached to the skeleton by tendons.  7 ?% r1 C9 R! `8 \
A. The voluntary are  
. t0 F5 x0 g. i( l  PB. There are voluntary  2 J0 c! m% e8 M* |7 n* j( X5 Z" l
C. That the voluntary  
) ~/ `$ k$ [" D* V# |D. The voluntary  
' F" Z- x9 y2 B* _) h+ {9 m
) B3 y0 n* C  e+ A' p答案:D  * j. e, d& t. M  ]+ d
  H0 `8 z/ r% q参考译文:主官性或者条纹状肌肉可以受意志和身体的控制所支配,它们通过肌腱跟骨骼相连。
- \7 h+ F6 a) ?& N& e- q+ P
5 m9 d3 V' c) L* R" p* w. R58. Orchestra conductor Michael Morgan became interested in classical music as a high school student when _________ rehearsals of the National Symphony in Washington, D.C.
) G* J/ ?- _4 T; `A. beginning his attending  
& i3 P. u2 B- P3 zB. did he begin attending  4 s' I! c8 Z& J* O2 P; q
C. he began attending  " e9 O: h, O5 j0 }
D. began attending his  
7 b) u; u; }" {( I& y& \# u5 }4 y  a3 l5 M& l2 y+ y( w6 X
: a& r3 B5 W: e/ s3 z4 }5 ~分析及考点:定语从句中,要求主谓完整,词序正常。  
& M' w8 O' k( J- i; H参考译文:当管弦乐队指挥Michael Morgan还是高中学生的时候,在华盛顿排练民族交响乐的时候开始对传统音乐感兴趣了。  $ [6 N1 z7 D! {9 j. ~% @5 S6 K1 |# f& r3 \

. M2 D, z$ V7 K2 y6 ]59. Virtually the same array of mammals _________ in the hills surrounding Los Angeles today occupied this area in the late Pleistocene era.+ {: P% W/ z2 ~* H$ _
A. that they live  & s6 a5 j6 }+ V6 ?$ V4 C
B. lives  
1 s4 K" a, \- z& |: bC. that lives  8 m, v* u% }$ h4 U$ p9 d
D. that living  . C+ l$ R# i$ _4 \3 r
+ q. D# d: w* `* ~0 P
& P' W5 q5 [% \  c# T' T& T! [分析及考点:主句谓语动词是occupied,所以是定语从句应用。  * ^% n5 D4 k: s# l7 z
参考译文:事实上,现在生活在洛山基周围山上的同样系列的哺乳动物在更新纪的后期占据着这个区域。) ]8 e; o4 F+ H# [) S

- j% a# M6 i% G9 J60. Wood has been the _________ for furniture since antiquity. 7 M) d) _3 F# a/ A0 v/ D: x
A. commonly most material used  . ]% x6 |" M8 M; y) g8 _
B. used material commonly most  + d% _' m* a! i
C. commonly material used most  % ]/ x3 m- t6 \
D. most commonly used material  
6 E6 d5 t' w! i* K  M+ _- P8 j* s, n2 |! [7 L3 D
答案:D  0 g; ^( g- B3 {! X9 X# F
分析及考点:词序问题。Material是中心词。  8 D8 f$ U! ^9 g0 W3 ]2 {& h5 Z; C
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