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[托福语法] 托福考试词汇研究-Unit5

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
  Unit 5  bathos n.比小法;平凡而陈腐风格 [ depth]
" u$ n: r+ U+ p9 B! T, z9 I  baton n.警棒;指挥棒;接力棒 [baston bastum stick]2 ~! i4 c8 a* k+ l5 A5 D
  bats a.神经不正常的;怪异的 [phr. (have) bats in the belfry: BAT]$ d( r: e6 u/ N
  batten v.长肥 [batna get better bati advantage]
+ V$ ]/ R" T( c  batter v.n.以物易物;交换
/ L7 _9 N$ w0 c/ G% s  battery n.殴打 [batterie batre, battre strike battuere]
! ~% Z, z1 D0 t+ ^  battlement n.城墙牒口 [battlemented 有城垛的]
; c* U+ J' t! V0 V5 B! u: z  bauble n.美丽而无价值的装饰物 [  babel child's toy]
/ p4 X9 y  F- ?% _0 k# j  bawd n.淫话;鸨母;妓女 [  baudetrot, baudestroyt procuress bawdy 淫秽的]& g+ E% j% j. q: \" w) k+ u8 W5 Y
  bawl v.n.大叫;叫卖;叫骂 [med  baulare bark, Icel baula]# O1 @$ |, T2 V9 k5 a  u7 g
  bayou n.海湾;支流;河口 [Amer.  Choctau bayuk]
! P% y9 Z$ i" X. u; q  bazaar n.市场;杂货市集;义卖 [Pers bazar, prob through Turk and It]$ W% X2 ]2 p$ o; y( s2 n0 S
  beacon n.v.信号塔;警告;照明引导 [  beacn ]
2 L4 Y& [. r  v  beam n.v.杆;光线;放射;微笑 [  beam tree ]4 X$ L8 l* Q  e! [* `  k
  beat n.a.脉博;独家报导;疲倦的 [  beatan ]. H% v" A9 h* h  ^
  beatific a.祝福的 [  beatifique or  beatificus beatus blessed]5 I, P1 N' f9 }! p- j
  beatitude n.至上的幸福;至福 [  beatitude or   beatitudo beatus blessed]& l9 @* c( `4 O8 n4 Y
  beaver n.海狸;礼帽;下巴胡子 [work like a beaver勤奋地工作 eager beaver 勤奋的人]
( f5 i+ u3 y+ m  bedeck v.装饰 [ (~ oneself)打扮,修饰(用)装饰(with);甲板]7 D0 ~" L3 V2 Q. H* y
  bedizen v.俗丽地穿著或装饰 [BE-+obs dizen deck out]
. T# u* [; H& l6 O3 i6 j  bedlam n.疯狂行为;精神病院 [hospital of St Mary of Bethlehem in London]4 t3 F3 O' H  y2 n1 s9 W
  bedraggle v.全身湿透;把衣服拖脏 [(在泥中等)拖而弄脏;拖曳;下摆拖地]
0 S6 N8 W$ n. s. \7 k  beefy a.健壮的;结实的 [BEEF 牛肉;(人的)肌肉;身体的胖瘦,体重]
: e7 Y6 b& l  _  beet n.甜菜 [ bete  beta, perh of Celt orig]) k3 O% [; C( d4 t
  beetle n.甲虫;木槌+ g3 w# b1 u6 U9 E
  befall v.发生;产生;降临 [ feallan FALL) Evil befell him. 灾难临到他头上]
& _/ E+ G# D+ _; v' v2 \  beget v.引起;产生 [ begietan, formed as = procreate生育,生殖;产生]
4 _; o% _! D7 Z  begrudge v.羡慕;嫉妒 [GRUDGE]+ g* k: L- ^: Y  R. I' u9 ?
  beguile v.欺骗;诱骗 [guile to deceive beguiling欺骗的;消遣的]
, k! W1 Y: v" N3 ]: I  behold v.看;(命令式)看呀 [haldan hold) lo and ~ 你瞧瞧 beholder n.目睹者]
$ ?- t- Q# V7 h, J0 p/ K7 O4 S" J  beholden a.蒙恩的;负有义务的 [pp.(obs except in this use)of ())BEHOLD看; 看呀, =bound]
& b2 m. V2 l9 m, i8 w  behoove v.理应;有益于 [HOOVE(兽医)鼓胀症 hoover 用吸尘器扫除]: A4 P$ _- z& u4 ~
  belabor v.重打;辱骂
+ v, K' [  D/ |  belated a.误期的 [pp. of obs belate delay(BE-, LATE)]/ U  t! k* o* |( _
  beleaguer v.围攻 [camp round (BE-, leger a camp) beleaguered 面临很多困难]& l) Q6 e6 Q) p  Y+ Y
  belie v.掩饰 [ beleogan(leogan LIE)]! X9 k1 y, Y# ~: `$ R+ x) M
  belittle v.轻视; d; E: U* ~5 l8 e* l$ T5 M
  belle n.美女;绝世美女 [ bella fem. of bellus beautiful]
" R" V2 ~! \9 Q% k1 e, _  bellicose a.好战的;好争吵的 [bellicosus bellum war]- z; y! d4 n( I4 P
  belligerent a.交战的 [belligerare wage war bellum war+gerere wage]/ G1 Z+ H6 J* ^- z. K$ [
  bellow v.吼叫声;咆哮 [ perh. rel. to BELL]+ x  ?% [/ Z7 A0 l8 K9 i0 j+ |
  belly n.腹;胃;食欲;鼓胀 [belig (orig. = bag) ]
+ J- z1 u# a1 Y  belongings n.pl.财产;附属物;家眷
& \- g6 h/ }+ m# _3 M5 m# X3 k" z" @  bemoan v.悲叹 [牢骚,悲叹,哀悼]6 K  P& q" @& q$ C: Q) k
  benediction n.祝福;恩赐 [benedictio -onis benedicere -dict- bless]
& [, I8 `: c+ h  e, a  O  benefactor n.施主;捐助人. O& J  V) i$ O( h
  beneficial a.有益的;有利的;慈善的 [BENEFICE 圣俸(在英国国教为vicar或rector之收入)]9 l/ F* I6 N1 P  E5 o, J; j! M2 o
  beneficiary n.受益人 [ beneficiarius(BENEFICE)]
6 y0 o3 r* v4 g$ K  benevolent a.慈善的;和蔼可亲的 [ bene volens -entis well wishing* ~  U: u' G5 O% w6 C
& C* p7 l: [2 z1 q( Z! L3 l  z  benighted a.蒙昧的;被黑暗笼罩的 [obs benight 使陷入黑暗;使愚昧;使无知]* W3 ~% x- D$ E& f
  benign a.亲切的;良好的 [ benigne bene well genus born benignity亲切,仁慈]
9 ~" w; ~6 t( u  benison n.祝福 [ benein  benedictio -onis]
% F: l. I$ A  w4 w, H6 P/ c0 D  benumb v.使麻痹;使昏迷不醒 [ niman take]& [' b- K! z3 G/ z" u
  bequeath v.遗赠;留传 [ becwethan(cwethan say: cf QUOTH)bequest遗赠;遗产]
# Z$ Y" v0 N3 u  @9 {& o+ P  bequest n.遗赠;遗赠物 [quiste -cwiss, cwide saying]
: s: Z( E+ P, a# A  berate v.痛骂 [BE-+RATE严斥,斥责,骂 严斥(人),谩骂(at)]- ]. D% k; E: `+ e# p( Q
  bereave v.夺取 [ bereafian(REAVE掠夺;劫夺;窃夺]! [% O0 i4 O. t9 A: e9 a' S
  bereft a.被剥夺的 [pp. of BEREAVE]
$ ~) K( [6 H, J: n% g* ]/ `  berserk a.疯狂的 [bern- BEAR+serkr coat; go ~ 发狂send a person ~ 使人狂暴]
5 O4 ]# D( X' i9 x/ [5 p  berth n.v.睡床;停泊处;停泊 [BEAR 开花;结实("搬运")生儿女;具有,带有]
& N8 Y2 D7 T8 [5 Q  beseech v.恳求;哀恳 [secan SEEK]
% x" m# `) P% T! b  beset v.包围 [ besettan]
  D; G. Q/ P% N  besiege v.围 [assiege by substitution of asegier]( L; e2 I3 k# U  Q( a0 `
  besmear v.涂;搽脏 [SMEAR)]
2 V  }" G9 T2 F) i  besmirch v.污;糟蹋 [BE-+ SMIRCH 弄脏;玷污;污点]
6 R9 |5 {6 x# g# h( V: K  besom n.扫把 [besema]$ w, ^3 E0 r' a1 y! G, K
  bespeak v.指出 [ bisprecan(SPEAK)]
4 B- A6 j% D. z  bestial a.残忍的;野蛮的 [bestialis bestia beast]
1 g' Z% m& {* t7 U' [( U0 y  bestow v.赠与;利用 [stow a place]1 S8 J* B2 }" ?2 I0 _
  bestride v.跨骑 [ bestridan]
/ b( e( e& v* ?: t; T1 \2 o) H" B  betimes ad.早;及时;不久;有时 [betime(BY, TIME)]- u4 H6 _" \) |, X: g
  betoken v.表示 [OE(tacnian signify: TOKEN记号;证据(of);纪念品]' J& w# @6 ^2 r$ w. b* |
  betray v.背叛;出卖;泄露 [tray, tradere hand over]
2 e& O' M! f7 P; d& d- e2 X  betroth v.订婚 [trouthe, TRUTH, later assim to TROTH真实,誓言;婚约]
* ?, d/ J! J2 X  d& n- G  beverage n.饮料 [ bevrage,  bibere drink]
7 F) B- K, d2 C( Z2 m. Y# b6 R; L  bevy n.一群鸟;一群人
$ e: f* z. V. }' A0 a$ ^1 D  beware v.注意;小心;警戒 [Beware of pickpockets. 谨防扒手 WARE小心;器具;货物]. L+ @( W) j4 B6 ?" X
  bewilder v.使为难,使不知所措 [wilder lose one's way]
# O4 s" y6 N2 y  bewitch v.迷惑;陶醉 [wiccian enchant wicca WITCH 女巫;迷人的女人;狐狸精]$ b, i5 V8 f% }! y
  bias n.n.斜线;成见,心里的倾向
0 u& G" m7 W4 M/ E/ z  bibliography n.文献学;参考书目 [bibliographie modL bibliographia (BIBLE,-GRAPHY)]: S& u* H* Y2 ^% U+ f% B0 A  t) k
  bibliophile n.珍爱藏书者;藏书家 [ bibliophile(BIBLIO-, -PHILE)]
% a( Z3 G+ E  W3 r' C9 [  bibulous a.好饮水的;吸水的 [  bibulus freely drinking bibere drink]
2 L; G% `) ]/ v( p2 J' \  bicameral a.两院制的 [camera chamber]
1 |0 ^" I6 o  {8 Y  bicker v.n.插嘴;潺潺流;闪烁 [ biker, beker]2 Y9 f1 Q. A+ s% I0 {" L
  bide v.居住;留;等待;忍受 [bidan ~one's time 等待机会]7 v1 J3 m* {9 w* T
  biennial a.两年一次的 [ biennis(annus year)]
2 y8 p9 Y! C1 `( @/ p4 Z  bifurcate a.分为两部分 [medL bifurcare bifurcus two-forked(furca fork)]! w6 k4 j1 V& b) G
  bigotry n.顽固 [BIGOT 顽固者,乖僻的人]
+ V; N3 t4 V" @  bilateral a.两边的;左右对称的
4 S8 m% T& i' q  Y) h( r, h8 K  bile n.胆汁;不开心;脾气 [bilis biliary 胆汁的;输送胆汁的]6 M: N5 X$ ^  W/ T
  bilge n.船底;船底的污垢 [prob var of BULGE("袋")鼓起,凸出]- n0 U" E9 S6 L4 o3 A
  bilingual a.能说两种语言的 [ bilinguis(lingua tongue)]
  j' v' B& n$ {+ A$ z  bilious a.患胆病的;坏脾气的 [ biliosus bilis bile]
+ l6 R) J- D' ^3 T: Z3 C( p) [  bilk v.欺骗;挫折;使人失望 [perh = BALK: (17thc) = spoil one's opponent's score]
0 m, f* H2 K3 L9 w# m6 |/ D# M* E( d  billingsgate n.下流话
  L4 c, G% b$ O; R% _  bin n.储藏箱;收入收藏室 [ bin(n), binne]
! n+ Y. _8 q0 f8 `3 O; q  binary a.二进位的;二元的 [ binarius bini two together]
  \2 F/ x0 ^& _9 G  binge n.狂闹 [prob orig dial, = soak浸泡(在液体中)吸收,浴于(阳光)中]1 L: S/ G/ p& g0 h2 [! a/ z
  bionomics n.生态学 [BIO- after ECONOMICS]
8 W" |2 t9 ]- x5 ^  biopsy n.活体检查法 [biopsie bios life+opsis sight, after necropsy验尸]
( C1 d5 E4 o* c1 m9 w" z  biosphere n.生物圈 [BIO-, SPHERE(。"球")球;天体;(活动、知识等)范围,领域]
* t# `0 T* L. y5 |( }% g  biped n.两足动物 [ bipes -edis(pes pedis foot)]; S5 ]1 I' c" Z, p6 A$ l* F
  bisect v.分为两断;(数)平分 [secare sect- cut]
0 y6 g1 K1 [- [% z5 m  bison n.北美野牛;欧洲野牛 [同aurochs)]$ |6 F( y: i' i: m3 K2 `
  bit n.片刻;小钱币;十二分半 [~s of glass玻璃碎片a ~ of hope一点希望on the bit使马快奔]1 o2 ?4 d' E  F: l
  bitch n.母狗;妓女;婊子
' |4 I. Q9 |4 i1 i* N8 [; U  bivouac n.v.野营;露营地 [prob. Swiss Beiwacht additional guard at night]
& v- Y7 }0 h2 v+ e  bizarre a.古怪的 [ handsome, brave,Port bizarro Basque bizarrabeard]0 S% W  F, `' m$ q: |0 B5 o
  blab v.多嘴的人
: M! [8 J- Z; q5 o# K  blackmail n.勒索 [BLACKmail rent,  malm l agreement]  ~, g( V' G! `" ]
  blade n.叶;刃;扁平的部份;荡子
8 m7 @/ N+ c2 T/ M- e9 H  blanch v.使变白 [blanchir blanc white, BLANK空白的;空虚的;完全的]
: A4 b8 E3 Z1 ^3 I# p3 P& D6 T  bland a.温柔的;殷勤的 [ blandus soft, smooth]
' T7 W0 u9 ?; c  t  d0 d' ~& e6 {  blandish v.逢迎 [ blandus soft, smooth. blandishment n.奉承,逢迎 Despite his~s, the young lady rejected his] [companionship.]% B# t4 M1 b7 Y/ {" q
  blare v.响声 [ blaren, bleren, imit]1 t* R6 I9 @# c+ F
  blarney n.恭维话 [Blarney, an Irish castle near Cork with a stone said to
- r0 Y3 h$ b4 T1 |1 `$ k  confer a cajoling tongue on whoever kisses it]
8 T7 G* l" q/ v% G$ r/ Z  blase a.厌烦于享乐或人生的
, D, ?8 |8 ], L  blasphemy n.骂神;冒渎;不敬;咒骂 [blasfemie blasphemia slander,
* w3 H) G9 v0 ^) S( _& Z' v& c  blasphemy blasphemous 不敬神的 blaspheme 亵渎];[ 说不恭敬的话$ P9 Y; W3 R# t/ d: K$ o
  blatant a.喧哗的;炫耀的 [a word used by Spenser(1596), perh after Sc blatand =bleating bleat 咩地叫;抱怨地说]
$ o- |, x5 D$ ]1 O' W0 l. o  blazon v.宣布;用纹章装饰 [ blason shield;verb also BLAZE 传播;火焰;烈火地狱]/ ^. r, _) m) {. u* d8 [5 p
  bleach v.n.漂白 [bleachers 露天座位]' u2 o. c3 w2 L3 q! g9 H9 A
  bleak a.寒冷的;荒凉的 [ bleikja, OHG bleicha]* U. z! _5 t) A
  bleed v.流血;流出树液;榨钱 [ bledan ]
; P" F+ P5 b- E; M. Z7 w  blemish n.v.伤;污点;缺点;损伤 [ ble(s)mir(-ISH)make pale, prob of Gmc orig]
1 }- r+ |# d0 W& K3 k9 v( z# _  blench v.退缩;变白;使变白 [ blencan]0 J, y0 Z' I8 m5 j5 n& \
  blend v.混杂;混合[~ mayonnaise with other ingredients把蛋黄酱与其他材料混合 The colors of the rainbow~ into one anothe]r虹的色彩交融调和; \; `; ~/ Q8 t
  bless v.神圣化;祈福 [bloedsian, blod blood(hence mark with blood,consecrate)]
! N2 a8 n7 R* u  blight n.v.障害;阴影;枯凋;挫折 [blighted毁灭的;受虫害的]
) _( N3 L+ {+ @9 \! r1 r  blink v.闪烁 [partly var of blenk = BLENCH, partly blinken shine]7 h! G  p) M& m
  bliss n.极乐;极大幸福;喜悦 [ bliths, bliss blithiz BLITHE: sense infl. byBLESS]  a4 P* K: h! v, P
  blithe a.快乐的;无忧无虑的: @' {0 p9 R' b+ `- L
  blitz n.v.闪击战;以闪击战攻击 [abbr of BLITZKRIEG(德语)= blitz]
% N6 E3 t3 F3 I  blizzard n.大风雪;突发事件 [US 'violent blow'(1829), 'snowstorm'(1859)]
7 s6 ]8 P/ m  Y  bloat v.n.熏制;膨胀;自负 [obs. bloat swollen, soft and wet, perh.  blautrsoaked, flabby]
  p# l3 n7 `# \8 _1 A  bloated a.发胀的;傲慢的 [a ~ face 浮肿的脸 ~ with (from) overeating 因吃得太多而浮胖 a ~( d) `8 h% o' b% D& A" \( J1 K% v
  politician 自大的政客 He is ~ with] [pride 他狂妄自大]; i* [9 \2 D% C& ^
  blockade n.v.封锁;堵塞;堵塞 [BLOCK+-ADE, prob after ambuscade= ambush]
7 F% [( n0 G5 D* @2 w  blond a.金发男人 [blondus, blundus yellow, perh. of Gmc orig.]
" a( M; L. n; Q' A! I6 `2 B  bloom n.花,开花;鲜美;红润 [ bloma]
. Q6 n/ Q6 u! [" I6 T' ?* x7 w: `  blossom n.花;群花;开花期,花季 [ blostm(a) prob. formed as BLOOM]
* y1 ~! ]1 _5 q2 ^  blot n.v.污痕;弱点;抹脏;吸干 [Scand.: blettr spot, stain]
" P+ J# L7 L: H- a7 l' F1 M3 z  blotch n.v.污点;斑点;弄脏 [17th plotch and BLOT(墨水)污渍 blotchy满是疙瘩的]
5 Q/ o; e5 {% i" B. r; k  bloted a.肿胀的/ e9 U! M' }" H) w
  blotto a.烂醉的 [20th  perh BLOT]
3 R; C7 E" m, H$ O: x/ e  blouse n.罩衫3 O9 r; I! P% D5 Z. v) h
  blowhard n.吹牛大家
. [1 L; a. ]: |  Q  bludgeon n.v.棍棒;强迫;胁迫;恫吓 [~ a person to death 把某人打死 ~ a person into going along 强迫某人同行]
7 M+ ?) c& M7 w) H7 N) ^( i  blueprint n.蓝图;设计图
+ a, m- i' o; D$ m- T. m& G( ]  bluestocking n.女学者;醉心文学的女人 [from the (less formal) blue stockings worn byone man at a literary society meeting c.1750]
: j; O: x8 p. a* @/ c  bluff v.虚张声势
4 o7 G7 Y4 d1 t0 R- u* @  blunder v.犯错误 [ prob Scand: cf blundra shut the eyes], C" l, W/ ]9 _5 }+ @
  blunt a.钝的;粗卤的;生硬的 [blunge 混合(泥土与水等);参水拌]3 [& N3 R; k$ K
  blur v.使乌黑;变模糊 [16th c: perh rel to BLEAR花的;朦胧的,模糊不清的]
% v2 T5 U- k, K( W3 @5 W  blurt v.滑口说出 [In his anger he ~ed out the secret 他在生气之下脱口说出了秘密32]

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