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[托福语法] 托福辅导:托福语法题笔记2(六)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
121. Importance as foods, carbohydrates supply energy and are used to make fats.
- F1 J7 P' X5 J) I/ L答案:A
) Q* C9 q/ z$ X  M: P8 @( L" r分析及考点:词性误用。应该改成important.形容词引导的状语从句省略结构。; t/ G+ }; [' }/ y9 [* t
参考译文:跟食物一样重要,碳水化合物提供能量,并用来产生脂肪。# b% F+ T. Y7 U, \6 m' K
pumpkin补充: 大概是翻译成: 作为一种重要的食物, 碳水化合物提供能量,并用来产生脂肪
- y3 N6 R- G  S& T122. Because banana plants yield only one bunch of fruit, each plant is cut down after produces bananas.! |2 d* h5 H, u
+ Q6 L( q5 x  t0 o0 U- Z分析及考点:动词形式误用。介词后面应跟动名词。所以改成producing- U: _: D% @! A) q+ c3 J
: j/ ~9 b- g* e- {" R" x* G123. Flash photography is widely used for taking pictures when the natural light is insufficient, such as outdoors at night and indoors most of time.5 a! K5 p$ b# H* i* G0 `
答案:D( M( f" m/ n* a1 C4 a2 Q. F. e  o
分析及考点:冠词的用法。在表述很多时候的意思时,应为most of the time1 m4 @& e& @+ M+ T+ B: i! D3 R
4 L3 G+ C9 }. {( D' I/ C; O124. The specific purpose served by a storage dam will influence its design and determined the amount of reservoir storage needed.- R0 G1 a0 Z: u) u4 k& q  s1 i
答案:C& r5 W  g& k. S8 {4 c1 j7 m" G- c5 h
# K1 ]3 f  Z, h  |/ w; G: r# e! J参考译文:水库水坝的特殊服务目的会影响它自身的设计,和决定蓄水池储存需要的量。
+ M% v9 d$ V, x1 \$ i4 Z125. In 1889 Jane Addams founded Hull House, an institution in Chicago where she and other socially reformers lived and worked to improve urban living conditions.
) `0 e! y: ?6 |答案:C7 X# c7 i0 W3 Z6 D4 R
. j% q4 u/ Z5 l* W; U& R参考译文:1889年Jane Addams建立了Hull House,一个在芝加哥的机构,在那里她和其他社会改革运动者生活和工作,以提高城市生活条件。
0 ?/ }8 x8 C, E7 d! W3 {) l! x126. Early United States revolutionaries shaped an orderly processes by which frontier territories would move from colonial status to statehood.' C( a( F1 Q7 r% @4 m. R
答案:A, F/ c7 n  |0 E; a" t  X
分析及考点:单复数混用。前面有单数标志词an,所以processes改成process1 |0 a2 M" p6 Y- j# v6 m
; q2 R- J4 X, e) c8 m127. In music, cacophony is discordant sounds, false harmony, or noisily and inharmonious combinations of sounds.8 H. {$ ^& e$ M0 Z8 z
1 i, e7 R& v7 [$ Z) j4 D& q分析及考点:词性误用。修饰名词用形容词。And连接对称结构,所以改成noisy.- i0 d+ R$ D; x8 \# G+ k$ s5 l
5 Y& ^8 e" o; ~2 w' y) P128. Small to medium-sized marsh birds similar in body shape by cranes, rails are found throughout the world, except in the polar regions.5 Q6 m9 G5 n; w/ N; L$ [% n0 N6 m
, l8 q; C7 e, S6 e  g( o* L) M( I" J9 p分析及考点:固定搭配,介词误用。Similar后面跟to连用,所以把by改成to8 Q$ N& j. W$ R. z( e8 j$ ^
3 P& n' `# k3 x129. The completion of the first transcontinental railroad in 1869 gave California its first direct rail connection with a rest of the United States.. P; X5 a! |0 k' q
答案:D# K8 j& L5 d8 c3 ?2 g0 h! l
分析及考点:冠词误用。表示……的剩余部分,固定表述为the rest of; }0 }! e: I1 W/ ^
; K; f% {4 G% U+ p130. Whilhelmina Cole Holladay she was the founder and first president of the National Museum of Women in the Arts in Washington, DC.
4 B" U" I/ l# V; l9 R- a答案:A
% C2 {+ Q9 |& K) d8 F' P分析及考点:主语重复。已经有确切主语Whilhelmina Cole Holladay,代词she就多余了,去掉既可。# ]7 N2 u8 R. [. g
参考译文:Whilhelmina Cole Holladay是位于华盛顿的女性国家博物馆的创建者和第一任馆长。

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