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[托福语法] 托福考试辅导:语法讲解(12)

发表于 2012-8-14 23:32:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
第二节 比较级( U. J1 Z0 n! Q1 O' F$ g  H/ y
英文中形容词在进行比较时需变为比较级,主要有两种形式:! }; b# k7 Q8 z) h/ X5 N- k* g
在词尾加-er (单音节形容词),如:fast-faster, large-larger, busy-busier, big-bigger等;
# _0 J; r" h0 |' z或在词前加more (多音节形容词),如:more useful, more complex等
2 a) p' Z! ]- I4 d/ u少数词比较级形式特殊,如:good(well)-better, bad(ill)-worse, many(much)-more, little-less, far-farther(更远的)/further(更进一步的),
6 v. f( p! B0 z" D; s! ?7 N6 e5 K& q- Z
考点一 含有标志词than
" b2 y' S+ |7 x. [' N1.最常见的比较级句式是由连词than引导比较的对象,
" ]6 e) K2 U3 e7 E5 x0 d" \- K; i如:It takes less time to go there by air than by train.
& M+ f' U' }6 Z+ U   She possesses more books than I do.+ \7 q) t. H% i& y0 Y8 N
   He is more intelligent than I expected.; o% b! b4 y6 |$ a5 \* p
0 Q! x$ [5 T- _" X' H1 E空后含有than的, 通常空格处需要填比较级,
4 ~% c! v" h& D- E1 [* D# D  [1 z空格前含有比较级的,通常空格处需要填than引导的从句。
' G0 [5 x2 A& u- Q1 E9 M例题:' u$ ~7 [# m4 b8 O( h/ i$ T
4 Z, _' |& E1 Y& ?% J# V+ i6 d  Maine has ---- weather than most of the other states in the continental United States.( W9 h4 c3 A: B, Q  i" x" Y
  (A) coolest
( j3 f7 Z7 J4 n9 ]0 B  a  (B) the coolest
4 t* d$ e" G7 |( i7 J  (C) cooler
! T, G+ c! q: u' y  (D) the cooler
; @2 l5 L& p' [) U4 k$ l6 A* G答案:A
, d1 a3 C6 _# I2 p& u& q7 J( |解释:标志词than意味着应用比较级,A, B可先排除;D多the; 只有A正确
9 w, m- r  {. n# F(2)
; n2 l0 L3 a* P# [2 y2 I! c  Pennsylvania has the most institutions of higher learning than any other state has.* C8 o( i: |. j4 h; w) V
3 E  b% a' G) m. z解释:标志词than表明此句应用比较级,而不是最高级
6 ~5 n: Y% k$ ]3 s' T% i2.为避免重复,than之后的从句中有些成分可以省略,只把相比的部分突出出来:3 B+ @2 i5 y1 C; [1 M
情况1: 用指示代词that, those来代替省略的部分,
/ U, k; W/ C1 ]4 [* n; i如:The population of China is much larger than that of Great Britain.
4 G) K" @  ]" u   (that 指代the population): X& T6 P7 A0 |9 Q, Q1 f, @
   His designs won more acclaim than those of his fellow colleagues.: m1 x2 t- D* _8 [/ w! K# Q- T, p1 p0 k
   (those 指代 designs) 6 U/ v" J7 q( h+ v2 `+ `& w: {& `
情况2: 在省略的过程中,若than之后从句的谓语部分相同, 比较的是主语部分, 那么谓语部分通常用助动词do来代替, 并且习惯上将从句主语和助动词倒装 (do + 主语). W' y: B  Y- @) K% ]9 b
  如:The actors usually capture greater attention than do the playwrights who may ( p! @" ^7 a4 b" S! F
    probably contribute more to the success of a play.
7 W) a$ H; V8 m4 w7 y9 m" ?例题:
* n* L, f, z$ n$ Q$ pMammals have a larger, more well-developed brain ---- other animals.
1 x4 I* s  o+ ?# {% B1 e (A) than do5 F$ B" e6 j5 N1 X) A2 K
(B) that are having
; n8 S: O3 x) i0 ` (C) which have+ f! G! g. u6 w8 P+ N% ~
(D) that do 6 o' n/ k" o' p8 Y7 E3 m6 D3 h
- w1 y" K, J( P9 B" d; o& \解释:空格前出现了形容词比较级,空格后是比较对象,应由than连接,选项中只有A符合条件,其中由助动词do引起了一个小倒装

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